|Most Precious Thing|

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The girls were sitting on the ground, eating. Well, only Yuna was eating. Kaneto had been staring at the grass for an hour already, not saying a word. The birds were silent and the moon was shining on both of them. Kaneto held her shoulder, that Yuna had treated. "How's your shoulder?" Yuna asked. (Y/n) didn't look up. "Ok," She said. Yuna didn't know what to say. Their lives have been hard since the war has started. Everybody they loved died.

The next day came quickly. Yuna was still asleep, but got woken up by sounds of groaning. She opened her eyes and saw Kaneto fighting the air with her sword. She did all sorts of things. From the heavenly strike to just simple but quick attacks. After some minutes, she fell to ground, trying to catch her breath. "Are you done?" Yuna asked, cocky. (Y/n) glanced at her and wiped the sweat of her forehead. She slowly stood up and stood ready to practise again. "No," She simply said. Yuna started cooking some food for the two, while making sure (Y/n) wouldn't accidentally hurt herself. "I'm gonna kill that bastard. How dare he even call himself a samurai. I'll deliver his head to Shimura. We'll see how good the samurai now is. Catcalling, sexualising, killing the innocent. If I see him I'll," Kaneto was cut off by Yuna holding some fish.

Both of them were eating in silent. "So, what's your plan?" Yuna asked. Kaneto looked her in the eyes and tilted her head a little. "Huh?" She said confused. "Well, you've been training a lot lately. I thought you maybe had some sort of plan," Yuna explained. (Y/n) looked at her lap and sighed. "The only thing on my mind is killing that bastard. Damn it. If Jin was here we," She was cut off by Yuna grabbing her by the shoulders. "(Y/n), do you really think you need Jin that much?" She said. "What? Of course, I mean he's our leader," Kaneto said. Yuna raised her eyebrow and shook her. "What are you saying? You two are the ghosts! Nobody is a leader here?!" "Yuna, if you don't stop I'll shake you so hard, that you'll throw up," Kaneto exclaimed. Yuna let go and sighed. "(Y/n), you are one of the strongest, smartest, fastest and just one of the best people I know. Without you, we wouldn't have come this far," Yuna stood up and reached out her hand. "So, do it again. Lead the way. And let's avenge everybody we have lost!" She yelled. Kaneto stared at the hand and smirked. "Let's do this!"

The girls had been preparing every little thing day by day. Stalking their enemy to know exactly what they were doing. Kaneto had learned knew moves and helped Yuna with some fight tactics. And then, the big day came. The two were ready for their plan. Everything had to be perfect, one little mistake and it could result in their death. They were both split up. Yuna was at the right side of the camp and (Y/n) on the left. Both of them had their eye on one person: Kusanagi Kaede. Both had to keep themselves in control. One wrong move and everything could go to waste. Maybe they would loose their lives. Maybe this would be their last time. Last breath.

Kaede was enjoying his evening. Even if he didn't capture the two girls yet. He drank the alcoholic beverage and put it down with a sigh. (Y/n) Kaneto. Truly a mysterious woman. Maybe he could have her. Or keep her. He'll have to discuss this with Shimura... Actually, no. Why should he? He was a powerful man on his own. He could probably take the place of the Lord himself if he wanted to. But Kaede Kusanagi was a selfish, narcissistic man. That's why he could never be a Lord like Shimura. Kaede was in a secluded place alone. He went away from the camp for a little bit. The men were getting on his nerve. Every little mistake they made never went unnoticed. He may be a prideful man, but he wasn't dumb. "You can come out already," He spoke. Her heart skipped a beat. How did he know? Change of plans. The Ghost revealed herself. Kusanagi stood with his back to her. She didn't know if he was drunk enough to just push him with her pinky or that he was sober enough to fight her. She wouldn't just end his life like that. She wants a worthy battle. To kill the man who took something from. Something precious. And she would take the most precious thing from him. "I was thinking about you, Ghost," He told her. "I felt your presence. I smelled it," He continued. What a creep. "I'm not here to talk. I'm here to battle you. And take the most important thing from you," She said. He laughed. "I don't have anything important," He slowly turned around.

"I have nothing to lose."
I'm back... HA HA YEAH I DISAPPEARED AGAIN FUNNYY🤣🤣👍👍😱😱😱.... Anyways I have excuses 1. School(💀) 2. I had to make a costume for a con I went to 3. I went to a con💀 4. Exams are coming up


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