|You Never Failed|

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I failed... Again.”



I saw my father crawling towards me, while I was hiding in a house.

“Jin... Help me!”

My father looked at me, with begging eyes. I... I couldn't do it, I was too scared. What if I messed up? What if I died? What if we both died?!
I hid behind the wall and saw the enemy approaching my dad. With one swift motion, the man killed my father.

There he laid. Eyes closed. Blood spreading, through the snow. White started changing into red.


I looked at my father's armor. I couldn't hold my tears and cried, while bowing for my father. Everybody left. I had no one. My mom was gone. My dad was gone. (Y/n)... My friend, who I loved with all my heart was gone. I only had my uncle.

I stood up and a woman walked in. Her name was Yuriko.

“Young master... It's time.”

“I'm coming...”

I quickly wiped my tears off my face and followed lady Yuriko.

“The whole island has come to mourn your father.”

“Can't you send them away?”

“You must face them, Jin. You are now the master of clan Sakai”


“You're not alone Jin. Your father is the wind at your back. Your mother the birds in the trees.”

“And... Uncle?”

“He will tell you, at your father's pyre.”

“Thank you, Yuriko”

I walked out of the gate and followed the path. There I saw Lady Masako and Lord Adachi.

“If you ever need guidance... Clan Adachi will help you.”

I continue following the path that led towards some stairs.
People were everywhere, bowing.
I saw Lord Ishikawa.

“Your father protected the people above all else. A true samurai.”

I climbed and finally. There he was at the top, my uncle. I looked in front of me. My eyes were red from crying.

“I couldn't save him. I was a coward.”

“Jin. You are samurai.”

I tured around to face my uncle.

“He died... Because of me.”

“Your father fell in battle saving his only son. His reward is a warrior's death. Now you... Will carry on his legacy. Your father's spirit resides within this blade.”

Uncle gave me the sword. Carefully, I took it and looked at it.

“He's always with you.”

There was a silence, till my uncle grabbed my shoulder. I looked up.

“Tommorow... You will come to my fortress as my ward. Today... Say goodbye to your father.”


I walked out of the water. Everything hurts. My legs gave out and I fell on my knees in the sand. I looked at the sea and took my sword. I took a good look.

“Father... How do I save him?”

I looked at the clan Sakai symbol and then at my bracelet to see the same symbol.

The Ghosts of Tsushima ||                             Jin Sakai X Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now