|Straw Hats and a Fort|

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We were riding on our horses towards the camp. On the way my good fox friend, Iruki, popped out of nowhere. He sat on my shoulder and looked at Ryuzo the whole time. "Oi, Iruki?" I asked, but the fox didn't pay any attention to me. "I meant what I said before. Help us free Lord Shimura and he'll grant you anything in his power," Jin said. "What's he got the power to give?" Ryuzo asked. Iruki looked at me and I looked at him. We both thought the same. God if these two were gonna argue. "Name your price," Jin replied. "Free sake for life," Ryuzo said. I giggled quietly and saw Ryuzo glancing back at me with a little smirk. "Is that all?" Jin said with a blank face. "A place to drink. Big enough for all my men," He said, joking again. I smiled a little at that. "Be serious, Ryuzo. I know you want to be more than a mercenary," Jin said seriously. "It's been three years, Jin. Things change," Ryuzo said. "It can't have been easy to keep the Straw Hats together after Komodo Beach. How did you do it?" Jin asked. "I convinced them nobody can save us but ourselves," He answered. "That's true," Jin said. "I used to think so. But it's starting to feel like a lie..." Ryuzo said.

We arrived to the camp, where another Straw Hat was guarding the area. "Who goes there?" The Straw Hat exclaimed. "Easy, Shinzo. It's me," Ryuzo said. We got off our horses and the Straw Hats saw us. "He's here!" "Ryuzo's back!" Iruki wrapped himself around me, trying to hide from the crowd . I-I am gonna choke- Iruki got off my shoulder and ran away to the forest. Loyal fox that you are... We walked towards the men. "I don't see any food," One of them said. "Who's the samurai?" Another asked. "Who's the lady wig the fox?" "Oi, I'm also a samurai," I exclaimed. "Men, this is my old friend, Lord Sakai and his friend (Y/n) Kaneto," Ryuzo introduced us. "Ryuzo told us that you're starving. We're here to help," Jin said to the Straw Hats. "You didn't find food?" One of them asked. "We have a plan. Raid Fort Ohira and take back the food the Mongols have stolen from our people," He said. "Raid a fort? They'll kill us?!" A Straw Hat yelled. "Give is a moment," Ryuzo quickly said.

We followed Ryuzo and arrived at a place where there were no Straw Hats. "We should have talked about your plan before telling my men," He said. "I wanted to give them hope," Jin said. "By telling them to raid a Fort and get possibly killed?" I said to Jin. He looked at me with a blank look. "That's my job," Ryuzo said. "I meant no disrespect," Jin said. "It's fine," Ryuzo said. Suddenly Ryuzo said, "If you ride with the Straw Hats, you have to look the part. I've got a spare set of armor that should fit." Oh hell no. "It better not have lice," Jin said sassily back. "Never letting me forget that, are you? Spare armor is in the chest," Ryuzo said. "I am not going to wear that," I said. "Don't worry. I don't even think we have your size," Ryuzo said while smirking. "But we do have a hat, if you want," He said. I nodded and took a Straw Hat. I followed Ryuzo to let Jin have his privacy while changing. I stood there waiting till somebody got in front of me. I tried to look up, but the big straw hat fell in front of my eyes. I felt somebody adjust it so I could see again. Suddenly, I saw Ryuzo's face really close to me. "Thank you," I said quietly. We didn't exchange any words but just kept staring. My cheeks were starting to get red from embarrassment, till a cough interrupted us. I looked sideways and saw Jin glaring at us. Ryuzo stood up and looked at him. "You're not as handsome as me, but... it's not bad," He chuckled. I took a good look at him. No matter what he wears he always looks good- I realised I was staring so I quickly looked somewhere else. "Then we have a deal?" Jin asked. "Get us that food at Fort Ohira and we'll get your uncle away from the Mongols," Ryuzo said. "Thank you, Ryuzo," He said. "Just remember who's in charge of the Straw Hats," Ryuzo said. "I would never dream of replacing you, my friend," Jin said. "Give us a head start. We'll meet you two at the old cemetery," Ryuzo told us. "See you there," Jin said. Ryuzo went away and Jin immediately looked at me. "What?" I asked. "What were you two doing when I was changing?" He asked. Oh shit. "Uh, he was adjusting the hat for me. That's all," I said, hoping he believed me and didn't think we did something else... Jin nodded. I started walking to my horse. "Oh by the way, Jin. You look good in that, maybe a new hat would look better," I said. Jin smiled and followed me.

On the way we were attacked by Mongols. The usual... "Oh look it's a fox," I pointed at the orange ball of fur. We followed it and arrived to the shrine. We did the usual and then got back on the road. We then saw The Straw Hats and approached Ryuzo. "Good. You're here... Ready to steal some food for us?" He asked. "We're always ready," I said, pulling my mask up like I always do. "Is this everyone?" Jin asked. "Just the men who can fight worth a damn. The rest are too hungry or sick," Ryuzo told us. "Let's hope we're enough to raid to Fort," Jin said. "There's a better chance chance of seeing cherry blossoms in winter than getting that food," Ryuzo said. "There's always a way," Jin said. "Preferably one that doesn't kill half my men," He said.

We were running to the Fort. A Straw Hat was telling us what he saw at the Fort. "If they call reinforcements from the bay, we'll be trapped. They'll cut us to pieces," Ryuzo said. "Find a place to watch for me," Jin said. We looked at the fort. "(Y/n), you're going to sneak into the fort with me," Jin told me.

"That's no problem for me,"
This chapter was wayyy to short. That's why I'm gonna make another one and post it today.  I'm the best writer alive I know (jk pls don't kill me) Ghost chan not out🧍‍♀️ps pls don't kill me for making Ryuzo interested in the reader 😀

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