|His proposal|

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I was sitting in front of his grave. I was humming his favorite song from when we were kids. I opened my eyes and stood up. Jin approached me and put a hand on my shoulder. We both bowed and little butterflies and fireflies appeared. One butterfly landed on my nose and I placed it on my finger. "Taka...," I whispered. The butterfly flew away, following the others. "We should go back to Lord Shimura's camp," Jin said. We both whistled and our horses came.

Jin looked at the girl, who's riding next to him. She wasn't holding into her horses. Instead, she was looking at her sword. The sword Taka gifted her. He suddenly remembered how before all of this, she looked mad at him for something. He shook his head. Now is not the time to ask her. "Jin...," She called out. He turned to look back at her. She didn't say anything and looked like she was hesitating to ask him something. "Why... Why haven't you... Why haven't you told me that you and Yuna were a couple?" She stared blankly at him. Jin's mouth opened but no words left his mouth. He and Yuna? Was this a joke? "What?" He asked. "I... I saw you and Yuna the other day. In the tower. In the evening or night. I don't remember. And you leaned closer and..." Well she didn't actually see them kissing but she was pretty sure he did. "(Y/n). I think there's a misunderstanding. I haven't kissed anyone. Me and Yuna were drinking and telling stories to each other. It was now her turn to be shocked. Maybe she was completely wrong? Of course she was! How dumb could she be... This was just embarrassing. She never actually saw them kiss. "I- I am so sorry!" She said, flustered. "I thought I saw you two, you know and uh," The girl was cut off by Jin's laugh. She stopped talking and laughed with him. When they both calmed down Jin said, "That's the funniest thing I ever heard this whole journey, (Y/n). Yuna is an admirable woman, but I don't have feelings for her." She nodded. Perhaps she still had a chance to confess her feelings to him.

We both arrived at Lord Shimura's camp. I finally felt a little better after... But that doesn't mean I got over it. Jin might want to fight Ryuzo alone but I will kill the Khan myself. We approached the men in front of the gate. "Who goes there?" One of them asked. "I'm Lord Sakai," Jin answered. "(Y/n) Kaneto," I said. "You must be our reinforcements," Jin added. "That's correct. I am Lord Sadamune Oga. Bannerman to the Shogun," Lord Oga introduced himself. Me and Jin bowed. "Welcome to Tsushima," We said. "Thank you, Lord Sakai, Lady Kaneto. The shogun dispatched us the moment we received your message. Your uncle just issued the order. We're to ride to battle, defeat the Khan and reclaim Castle Shimura from the Mongol invaders," He explained. "Excellent. Rally your men. We need to check on someone first," Jin said. "I'll wait for you by the northern gate, then we'll ride to meet your uncle together," Oga said. The men walked off and me and Jin decided to find Yuna.

Yuna was sitting on the ground. She looked like she was meditating or praying maybe. "It's time, Yuna. The samurai are here. Everyone's preparing for battle. Did you get some rest?" Jin asked. "I couldn't," She said. "I'm sorry," He said. I still felt guilty. "He believed in you. Now, so do the people of Yarikawa," She said and looked at both of us. I couldn't look into her eyes. I felt a hand on my chin, lifting my head up. Yuna smiled a little. "Because you stood up for them, when no one else would. They're risking their lives for the Ghosts," She said. "I would give my life for the people of Tsushima," Jin said. "And for you," I added. She chuckled. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that," Yuna said. "Take care, Yuna. We need to meet Lord Oga," Jin said. "I'll meet you on the battlefield," She said.
Jin already went outside. Just before I could follow him, Yuna grabbed my wrist. "(Y/n)... Taka wanted me to give this to you. If something had happened to him," She took out a little ring and placed it in my hand. "Taka... Taka wanted to propose to you with this," She explained. Tears started to form again. You looked closer at the ring and gasped. Your and his initials were written on the inside of the ring. "(Y/n). I know you wouldn't accept his propose. I know you have feelings for somebody else. But," Before she could finish her sentence, you placed the ring on your middle finger. You wouldn't accept to be his wife, but you would still wear it. It was the last thing that Taka had made for you. You hugged Yuna tightly. "He made it from the best metal he had. All by himself. You should have seen him struggle," You both chuckled. Yuna wiped your tears away. "Now go. This island needs you," She said. You nodded. "Oh and (Y/n)?" She called out. You turned around. "Don't forget to tell Jin about your feelings, will you?" She smirked. Was it THAT obvious?

"What took you so long?" Jin asked. "Yuna... Had one last gift for me that Taka had made," I showed him the ring. "He wanted to...," He trailed off. I nodded. "But... I have feelings for somebody else," I explained. Jin's eyes opened wider than any other time. "You do? For who?" He asked. "I'm not going to tell you!" I exclaimed. "Very well. You can have your privacy," Jin said. Without your knowledge, Jin was deep in his thoughts. Who could it be...

We arrived at the northern gate and to Lord Oga. "Lord Oga. Where's my uncle?" Jin asked. "Waiting for you. Atop the hill. Clan Oga would be honoured to escort you to his post," He said. "I'm glad for the company. We'd better not keep the Khan waiting," Jin said. "Splendid."
We got on our horses and took off with the group. "To rescue your uncle, then recruit the Yarikawa outcasts," Lord Oga started. "They may not be trained warriors, but we trust them with our life," Jin confessed. "Then I will do the same," Oga said.

We rode a little in silence before Lord Oga broke it again. "Are you two a couple?" He asked. Oh no. Not another embarrassing moment. "We aren't. But everything can change," Jin said. I turned around to face Jin. He didn't even spare me a glance. What was that supposed to mean?! "You two would make a powerful duo. Is it true that the people have a name for you? Ghosts?" Oga asked. "They needed something to believe in after the samurai were defeated," Jin explained. I actually really liked being called the ghost over being called a samurai. "Now the samurai are back. It's time we put these folktales to rest and reestablish the shogun's law," Lord Oga sounded like he was mocking them. I glared a little. There was nothing wrong with us being called the Ghosts. Me and Jin have broken so many rules. Could we still be called samurai? I didn't know if I still wanted to be that samurai. I always just wanted to be someone who protects others... And where were the reinforcements when we were dying. They didn't care for that battle at The beach. Before I could go against this Lord. "It's time we save this island and the people who call it home. Politics can wait until The Khan is dead," Jin said. It was like Jin was reading my exact thoughts. "Of course, Lord Sakai," Oga said. He probably learned his place.

We arrived at the tower where Lord Shimura was. "Your nephew has arrived!" Oga yelled. "Jin! Up here!" Shimura yelled. We got back on the ground. Jin looked back at me. "Go. He's waiting. I'll be here," I said. He nodded and climbed up the ladder.
"You've done well, Jin. We now have everyone we need to reclaim my castle," He praises Jin. "We've dealt with the Straw Hats. But Ryuzo escaped with The Khan. They wanted us to betray you," Jin confessed. "You spoke to The Khan?" The Lord asked. "We were captured," Jin explained. "If I'd know, I would have marched my entire army to save you," Lord Shimura said. "Yuna helped us escape, but her brother... He died with honor," Jin said. He had to remain calm or else his voice would break. "The Khan will pay for his sacrifice," Shimura said. "He will. Because of him, has not only Yuna but also (Y/n) suffered. He will pay for this," Jin said. "Jin. The shogun formally supports my decision to adopt you. When our island is save. You will be heir to clan Shimura. Not as a ghost. But as a samurai," Shimura explained. Jin nodded, "I won't disappoint you, uncle."

"Today, we ride into battle as Sakai and Shimura. Tomorrow, we celebrate victory. As father and son."
Before any of you comment ANYTHING. I didn't know if people in the late 13th century already started proposing with rings. Or to be more specific, Japan started to propose with rings. The only thing I could find was things about arranged marriages in the edo period. So I apologise if this isn't historically accurate.

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