|Act II: Retake Castle Shimura|

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"So are you going to tell me how you got in Yarikawa?" Jin asked. I sighed and turned around to face him. "It's really nothing special, Jin," I answered. "Your my friend. So... Tell me," He said. "Long story short," I started but was cut off by Jin, "Tell me. Everything." I groaned. "As you know, after my father's death, I ran away. I was walking and walking not knowing what to do with my life. After days without any food, I was getting sick and weak. At the end, I fell unconscious, but when I woke up, I was in a house. Yuna's house. She introduced herself and her brother. They were so kind," I told him. He didn't say anything. "That's how I and Yuna met and how I arrived at Yarikawa," I added. He nodded, "Anything else you have to add or share?" He asked. I frowned, "I forgot about that Yarikawa stuff, Jin and I didn't think it was that important."

"Oi... (Y/n), wake up," A voice called out. "Mm, no mom. Give me 5 more minutes," I whined and shoved my hand into someone's face. I felt my hand being grabbed and pulled me up. I opened my eyes and saw Jin staring back at me. I groaned and knew we needed to head out. To retrieve his armor.

We were riding towards the village were the armor should be. We saw a woman and stopped, starting to talk to her. "My Lord! We freed a Mongol prisoner here. A warrior monk. He wants to speak with you," She said. "A warrior monk?," Jin repeated, "We'll find him."  We started searching for this Warrior Monk. We then saw a man. He was bigger and looked very strong. The man spoke with a soft voice, "Lord Sakai," He bowed, "My thanks to you and your companion," The Monk called said. "Where do you serve?" Sakai asked. "Cedar Temple. Our warrior monks rode south to fight the Mongols after we heard about Komoda. But our journey ended here," He told us, with sadness. "I'm sorry," Me and Jin both said. "What happened?" Jin asked. "We were ambushed and taken captive. Shoved into a covered pit. No food, no water. It was so dark, I couldn't see my hands in front of my face. I think they took Jogon out first. We heard struggling and shouting, then shouts turned into screams. We could smell... Burning. But, we refused to submit. There were only 3 of us left when they took my brother, Enjo," He said. "Enjo? The Guardian?" Sakai asked him. The Monk nodded his head. "I'm sorry he's gone," I said. "He was a great warrior," Jin said. "An even better brother," He added. "What's your name?" I asked. "Norio," He said.

We walked towards a hole in the ground. "This is where they held us," Norio told us. "That hole would barely fit 6 men," Jin said. "I promise it holds double that," The monk said. "Walk with us, Norio. I want to show you something," Jin said. We followed Jin and stopped at a cliff where the ocean was visible. Boats were seen everywhere on the water. "There must be thousands of invaders," Norio exclaimed. "Now that Lord Shimura is free, he can lead us to victory. I hope you'll join our fight," Jin said. Norio turned his whole body to us. "The Monks of Cedar Temple can help. They're all within a day's ride. Support them and we'll sweep the Mongols back into the ocean," He said. "We will avenge your brother, Norio," Jin told him. "All the monks who died here," I added. "I don't seek revenge. But I will fight for peace," He said calmly.

"So, shall we go to your home village now?" I asked. Jin nodded. We were riding and Jin started a conversation. "Have you ever been to Omi Village, (Y/n)?" He asked. I nodded my head, "Yes, but I am still excited to see how it looks," I smiled. We were sharing some old memories together and told some stories to each other. I laughed and looked at Jin. I took a good look at him. He looked even better like this. I realised I was staring and immediately looked somewhere else. But I couldn't ignore this fuzzy, warm feeling inside of me whenever I looked at him.

We finally arrived at Omi Village. It was a nice looking village. We approached Jin's house. "No sign of Mongols," He said and opened the door. We stepped inside and I looked around. "Where is it?" Jin asked, while staring at the place where it should be. I walked over to Jin and asked, "What's wrong?" He explained that the armor wasn't there where it should've been. Suddenly, I hear small and soft footsteps behind me. I put my hand on my sword. Suddenly, a voice said, "How dare you?!" And we saw an old woman. I quickly let go of my sword and looked at Jin. "Oh!" The lady gasped. "Young master! I feared you were dead," She cried out and fell to the ground. I recognised the woman as Yuriko. When me and Jin used to play together, she would always make us little snacks after. Me and Jin got in our knees. "I came as soon as I could. It's good to see you, Yuriko," He said. She looked up, her gaze shifted to me. Her eyes went small, like she was trying to remember my face. "Yuriko, this is (Y/n)," Jin said. I waved. Her eyes went wide and she started crying again. Little Kaneto, I thought you were dead. What happened to your eye. My poor little girl..." She said. I explained everything. My eye, my disappearance. She then looked at both of us. "You look tired. Are you hungry?" She asked. "Not now. Thank you. The Khan's army must have marched past here. Have you had any trouble?" Jin asked her. She scoffed and stood up slowly, "A few bandits nothing I can't take care of." Me and Jin repeated her actions. "I've come for my father's...," Jin stopped. "My armor," He corrected himself. "You refused too wear it at Komoda beach," She said. "A lot has changed since then," He said while glancing to me. "I hid it somewhere safe," She told us. "Come this way."

"What about Lord Shimura?" Yuriko asked. "Alive. The Mongols captured him at Komoda. But we freed him," Jin answered. She sighed out of relief, "Others survived. And they're helping you?" She asked. "A few," Jin said. "But they're really good help. We have Lady Masako!" I exclaimed. "Good, she's been fighting alongside the boys since she was knee high," She happily told us. Me and Jin laughed.  "You'll have to tell me more about that someday," The young Sakai said. "But it's just the three of you?" Yuriko asked again. "No, of course not. We also have Sensei Ishikawa!" I said. "I haven't seen him in years. Does he still act like he's the only one who knows how to do things?" She asked. I needed to hold in my laugh for that one. "Half the time he's right, but his aim is unmatched," Jin said giving me a sharp look. I wiped my tears away from holding in my laugh and we continued talking.

We then met a man named Taichi. "Lord Sakai! You're back!" He exclaimed. "I wish I could stay. But I hear you're taking good care of Yuriko," Jin said. The man let out a small laugh, "You've got that backwards, My Lord." "Taichi, help me get the Sakai armor," Yuriko said. "Go, I should pay my respects," He said to them. The two walked away and I looked at him. "I'll be waiting here, you can go," I told him. He nodded and started walking away. I sat on the ground. Jin looked back at me and saw me catch two flower petals - one red, the other one white - that where flying in the air. Just like the ones at this father's grave, He thought.

Jin sat down on the flower petals and put his sword in front of him. "Light for my father. We used to meditate here. Now I am alone."
Jin sat there for some time and then he decided it was time. Time to retrieve his armor.

I was still sitting there, waiting for Jin. Maybe, I should also go and visit my mom's grave, I thought and frowned. I slowly stood up and made my way. It was a long time ago since I last visited her. I remember seeing Jin here for the first time. I finally found a little grave with my mom's name on it. I just stared at it. A bunch of birds started gathering around the grave. Dad always said that mom was watching through the sky and the birds' eyes. That she was perhaps maybe one of them and that she always was with me. I felt a presence and looked over to see Jin walking towards me. He stood next to me and looked at the grave in front of me. The birds were now gone. He looked back again at me with those eyes. Eyes that knew I was hiding pain. He then grabbed me gently and held me. I started crying. Jin felt the wet tears fall in him. He was done grieving and crying over the deaths of his parents, but she clearly wasn't. She never took time for that.
I grabbed him harder and felt his arms tightening around me. He then felt how I stopped and heard my heavy breathing.
Jin softly pushed me away from his chest to look at my face. I started wiping my tears, but Jin beat me to it and did it for me. "Thank you, Jin."

Me and Jin entered the house were the armor was. I closed the door, turned around and saw it. A black armor with the Sakai Clan symbol on it. Jin walked towards it and reached out his hand. The mask fell and made me & Jin flinch. He kneeled and slowly grabbed it. Jin saw his father reaching out to him, calling out for help. He then felt a hand on his shoulder. I smiled at him and he stood up. Jin put on the mask and opened his eyes. "Woah... You look great," I said.

"So, leader, what's the first thing on our list?" I asked. Jin rolled his eyes and said, "First we are going to need reinforcements," He said.

"Also... Don't call me leader. Let's go."
IT IS TIME FOR MY THANK YOUS AGAIN. THANK YOU ALL FOR 16k+ READS ( WE ARE ALREADY NEARING 17k!) AND 700+ VOTES. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!! (Btw this is not proofread so if there're mistakes, I'm sorry)

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