|Battle For Tsushima|

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Today was the day. The day that I would be a real samurai. Well, not an official samurai, BUT you get what I mean. Today I will fight for my land, our land. I put on my armor and my katana. I looked at Iruki, who had some things in his mouth. Yes, the fox was still alive, we basically grew up together.

The fox dropped the stuff that was in his mouth.

"You know Iruki, I appreciate that you bring me my stuff, but your saliva isn't very pleasing."

I smiled at the fox. If the fox was a human, he would probably roll his eyes. I picked the stuff up. It was a mask and a bracelet. The mask was just a piece of cloth, wrapped around my face. It covered everything, but not my eyes. A lot of people thought I was a thief because of it. Well, my friend gave it to me AND she is a thief. I hope she will be safe. I then picked up the bracelet and put it around my wrist.

"I can't wait to see you again, Jin."

I left the house and walked towards the small Inari Shrine. I quickly paid my respects and walked towards my horse. Suddenly, I felt something rubbing against my leg. I looked at my feet and saw Iruki.

"I'm sorry, Iruki, but you can't go with me. It's too dangerous. Don't worry, I'll be safe. If you want you can wait somewhere for me."

The fox made his sound and started to run towards the beach. I sighed and got on my horse. My horse was as dark as the shadows so I named him Kage.

"Well Kage, are you ready? Don't worry I will not ride you while fighting. Don't want to risk that..."

The horse made a happy sound and started to run towards the beach.


We were riding towards the beach. I looked at the samurai and my uncle. This is it. The Mongol empire is invading our home. They are brutal, relentless and unstoppable. There were eighty samurai. Ready to fight the Mongols, so we could slow down the invasion. Today, I would die for my people, for my land.

"There must be thousands of them..." , I said to my uncle, who was right beside me.

"We will face death... And defend our home."

There was a silence before my uncle continued talking.

"Tradition, courage... Honor. They are what makes us. We are the warriors of Tsushima... WE ARE SAMURAI!"

Everybody shouted, shouted for their land, shouted for their people.
Lord Shimura turned around to face Lord Adachi.

"Lord Adachi... Go break their spirits."

Lord Adachi nodded and took off with his horse. The wind in his back, while the night sky was watching.
Lord Adachi stopped once he arrived at the Mongol camp. Big Mongols, that looked like they would rip you head off, looked at the man.
Lord Adachi hopped of his horse and walked towards the Mongols.

"Outsiders! Send your finest warrior to face me!"

The Mongols mumbled and stepped aside. A big man started to walk towards him. He stopped in front of him.

“I am Harunobo Adachi, descendant of the legendary Yoshinobu Adachi!”

The big man just looked at him with a blank expression. He threw the cup with the red liquid, that he was holding, at the man.
Adachi looked confused at the wet liquid on his armor. One of the Mongols gave the man a long torch. He took the torch and threw it at Harunobo.

The man was on fire. He began to panic. He started to rub himself, desperately trying to stop the warmth that was spreading over his body. Shouts of pain were heard.

The Ghosts of Tsushima ||                             Jin Sakai X Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now