|Taka, The Broken Blacksmith|

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"Taka's waiting for us. Let's go!" Yuna said. "Let's get the blacksmith back!" I whisper yelled, while punching the air. "Once you're done, I'll meet you at the crossroads behind the town," Kenji told us.
"We need a vantage point to scout ahead," Jin said. "This way. Remember. No alarms. We do this quietly," Jin reminded us. "Don't worry. I'm as silent as a fox," I said, while pulling my mask up to my nose. We suddenly heard Kenji yell 'invaders'. "Up here!" Yuna whisper yelled. We got on the roof of a house and looked at the area. "He's in charge," I said while pointing at a big, buff man. "A slaver," Jin said. "Bastard," Yuna said. "He's inspecting the prisoners. Like they're horses," He said. "He might lead us to Taka," Yuna said. "Follow him," Jin said. "No problem," I said. I hopped to the next roof, while following the big guy. Jin and Yuna were right beside me. I looked around to see what the Mongols were doing. Then I heard a 'Psst' sound. I looked at my right and saw Jin, waving at me to jump. I crawled to the end of the roof. Damn. That's kinda far. I stood ready to jump. "Come on, I'll catch you," Jin said. "Hey, I can jump without-" I was cut off by some Mongol talking. I quickly jumped to the next roof and was caught by Sakai. I quickly thanked him and we continued jumping.

Suddenly, the Big Guy stopped and started talking to someone. "What is problem," The big guy said. "Your blacksmith, Taka. His work is shoddy. I think he's sabotaging you," The peasant said. "I knew it! Taka's here," Yuna said. "He is only blacksmith," The Mongol said. "Oh! I'm a blacksmith, too. And I'll do much better work," The peasant said. This man is such a jerk?! "I can not feed two. I get rid of him, but be ready to prove yourself," The man spoke. "That bastard! He'll kill Taka!" Yuna exclaimed. "Not if we get to Taka first. Let's go!" I said. We followed the man, while hopping from roof to roof.

The Mongol stopped and there was Taka. "No... Please. I need to rest," Taka said softly. "It's Taka?!" Yuna exclaimed. The Mongol took out his weapon and was ready to kill Taka. "PLEASE?!" Taka yelled. But me and Yuna were quicker. We stood up at the same time and stabbed the Mongol. He turned around and I sliced his neck. He fell to the ground and Taka looked at us. "Yuna?" "Taka!" The siblings reunited and hugged each other tightly. "What did they do to you?! You're safe now," Yuna said. I wiped the blood that was on my face off. "Ugh. Disgusting," I said. "(Y/n)?!" Taka said. I looked over at him. He tried to stand up, but fell to the ground immediately. I walked towards him and crouched down. Taka immediately hugged me. "I missed you," He whispered in my ear. "I missed you too, Taka."
I heard footsteps approach us. "We need to move," Jin said. Taka let go of me and nervously said, "We can't?! They'll catch us, just like the others." "This is Lord Sakai, he'll protect us," Yuna said. Jin stepped forward and I felt Taka hold on to me while backing off. "Don't worry, he's my friend," I said. Taka looked at me and then at Jin. "I need you to trust me, Taka. I need your help," Jin spoke calmly. "I'll try, My Lord." We helped Taka up and started sneaking away.

We were sneaking around, till suddenly explosions were heard. "They found the slaver," Yuna said. "They'll kill us?! We need to hide?!" Taka said. "No. Keep moving," Jin said. I took Taka'a hand in mine and started running. "We can climb these crates," Yuna said. I let Taka go first. He helped me up and we both jumped down, while following Jin and Yuna. "Where are we going?" Taka asked. "Kenji's waiting for us at the crossroads," Jin answered. "Kenji's with you?!" Taka said confused. "If he made it out alive," Yuna added. "Horses! They're coming for us!" Taka exclaimed. "Get in the tall grass and stay down," Jin ordered. I grabbed Taka's hand and pulled him into the grass. But the man riding horses was Kenji! "It's Kenji," Yuna said. "Taka! You made it!" Kenji yelled. "Were you followed?" Jin asked. "No, but we can't go back to my place. It's crawling with Mongols," Kenji answered. "We should go," Yuna said. "We have to put some distance between us and Azamo Bay," Jin said. We got on our horses and got away.

We've been riding for a long time now. "Haven't seen a Mongol since dawn. I think we're clear," Yuna said. "We need to figure out where to go next," Jin said, in his usual deep voice. "There's a place up ahead where you can see most of Izuhara," Kenji told us. "Everyone all right?" Jin asked. I felt his gaze at me. I was tired AND hungry. I felt the bags under my eyes and the pit in my stomach. "I could use a drink. And some sleep," Yuna said. "I can help with one of those," Kenji said. I chuckled and looked at Taka. "Are you alright?" I asked him quietly and tired. "First time in days I haven't felt like I was about to die," He said. Jin nodded and looked at me. But before he could ask me, Taka cut him off. "My Lord. I am grateful. But how do you know Kenji, my sister and (Y/n)?" Taka asked. "I owe Yuna my life," Jin said. Taka laughed and said, "We have something in common." "And (Y/n) is my childhood friend and a great samurai," He said. Taka nodded and looked at me. He whispered, "I didn't know you were friends with the Lord." "Well know you know," I said while smiling.

We stopped at cliff/mountain. "They have a forge," Jin said. "One of the best on the island," Taka added. "Good place to make tools. Maybe something to get Jin and (Y/n) over the Walls of castle Kaneda. What do you say, Taka?" Yuna asked. "My Lord, I'll do anything to repay you for freeing me," He said. "Thank you, Taka, Kenji... Take Some rest. We can't stay here long," Jin said. After those words I immediately fell to the ground and fell asleep. Jin turned around and smiled.
"How are you doing?" He asked Yuna. "I have my brother back," She said sounding happy. "He's shaken up. Can you get him to Komatsu in one piece?" Jin asked. "With food and rest, he'll be fine," She said. "Your brother wasn't the only prisoner in Azamo Bay," Jin said. Yuna turned to look at him. "You're going to save them," She said. "And make their captors suffer," He said. "Good," Yuna said. She turned around to look at the sleeping girl. "Take good care of her," Yuna said. "I will. Always. Ride for Komatsu forge. We'll join you when we can," He said. "Jin, thank you," She said. He nodded.

Jin was sitting in a rock, enjoying the silence. He looked at the girl, who was still sleeping. Her soft snores filled the silence. The young Sakai approached her and sat next to her. He put her head on his lap and stroke her hair.
He almost fell asleep, till a soft voice spoke out.

"What time is it?"
We're so close to 10k reads! Thank you for everyone who votes, comments or just reads my book. I never thought that my first book would be this good! Ghost chan says thank you!?

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