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"OI! Wake up!"

I slowly opened my eyes and was greeted by two faces. "What... Where..." I said, while sitting up. I rubbed my eyes and felt that my bandage wasn't there. Panicking, I started saying, "Where is my bandage?! I need it?!" I felt someone grab me by my shoulder and I saw it was Jin. "You're bandage is somewhere gone in the ocean, (Y/n). Don't worry, when we arrive at the camp, we'll get you some." "No! I need it now?!", I said while covering my scar. I suddenly felt a hand on mine, removing it. I saw Ryuzo very close again. He started wrapping something around my eye. "It's not the best, but it'll cover your scar," He said. I realised it was fabric of his clothes. I kept thanking him, till he finally was able to stop me.

I rested a little bit and listened to the two discussing something. "I promised my men I'd feed them and I'm going back empty-handed", Ryuzo said, coldly. "We'll find another way," Jin said, trying to motivate him. "But how many will I lose before then?" He asked. "I found something that might help... Mongol battle plans," Jin said. "Do they show supply lines?" Ryuzo asked. "One page has a map. It's a start," Jin said. I stood up, tired from sitting, and approached the two. I looked at the map in Jin's hands. Before I could ask him if he can give it to me so I could take a better look, Ryuzo demanded, "Hand it over." "We do this together," Jin said. "You've got your own problems and I am their leader. I need this, Jin," Ryuzo exclaimed. "And I'll need you at Castle Kaneda,"Jin said. "You'll have me," He said. "Don't let them see you coming," Jin added. "Just like you," Ryuzo said back.

After the conversation, Jin was planning what he was going to do next. I approached Ryuzo who was getting ready to go back to the Straw Hats. "Good luck, Ryuzo. But you'll probably don't need it," I said, while giving him a close-eyed smile. He stood there looking at me, giving me a smile back. "Don't worry, (Y/n). Everything is going to be ok with me." I nodded and waved at him, but before he left, he approached me. The Straw Hat leaned down till he was at my height. And suddenly just like that, he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I stood there, dumbfounded with my mouth open. Ryuzo then whispered in my ear, "Don't miss me too much," And then just left. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and put my hand on the red cheek he kissed. I walked back to Jin, not knowing he saw everything. I then felt a hand remove mine from my cheek and start rubbing it. I looked up and saw Jin looking very intensely. After rubbing for a very long time he said, "I'm sorry, but it was dirty and there was blood on it."

We were going back to Taka, to ask him about the thing we needed. When we arrived, we heard screaming. Quickly, we ran towards the sound and saw some men killing people. We fought them and killed them. I looked and saw Yuna in the roof. "Yuna!" I yelled. I got in the roof and asked, "Where's Taka?!" She answered, "Hiding with what is left of Komatsu. Mongols came a few days ago. They took prisoners and killed anyone who put up a fight." I felt Jin's presence behind me and he said, "Now they're coming back to finish the job. These we're just scouts. The main force won't be far behind." "Then we have to go. Now," Yuna said. "We can hold this town," Jin said. Yuna looked confused and said, "What?" "We need Komatsu's forge and it's people. If you need to, you can leave," Jin said without any hesitation. "No. I'm tired of running," Yuna exclaimed. Before we started heading to where we needed to go, Yuna grabbed my hand. She got a bandage out of her pocket and replaced the fabric with it. I smiled and let out a smile thank you.

We got to Taka. "Takaaaa!" I yelled. "(Y/n)! Lord Sakai!" He said, happily. Taka approached me and grabbed my hands. "I prayed the gods would protect you two," He said. "I appreciate it. But we came for your help," Sakai said. "Yuna said you needed something. A new tool?" Taka said, while letting go of my hands. "To save Lord Shimura. He's held prisoner in Castle Kaneda and we need to break him out," He said. "Quietly with no one seeing,"Yuna added. I got distracted by something shuddering between Taka's stuff. I approached it and suddenly the shy but sly fox jumped on me. While the trio were talking I was trying to make Iruki stop licking me and get him off of me. "This town has a forge and you're blacksmith," Jin said. "The best," Yuna added. I was still trying to get Iruki off of me, both of us rolling on the ground. "Iruki! Get the hell away from me!" Taka said, "I might be able  to make something, but there is no time. The Mongols..." "I won't let them take Komatsu," Jin said. "We're staying," Yuna added. Finally, finally getting the fox off of me, I said, "Don't worry, Taka. We'll protect you and Komatsu!" He nodded and said, "I need my assistant Yukio... But we got separated." "Where is he?" Jin asked. "In town." "We'll find him," I said, confidently. "Yuna, be ready to fight," Jin said. "She always is," Taka said, with a smile.

After searching for a while, we finally found the house where Yukio was staying. "Yukio," Sakai asked. "Yes?" The man stuttered, probably a little bit frightened by Jin's dominant... Presence. "Taka needs help with the forge. Follow us," I said. "Wait! My wife and her sister are by the river," He said. "Lead us to them. Quickly," Jin said. I sighed. Helping people was nice, but I was kinda getting tired of not being able to do the main mission. "This way," Yukio said. "Stay close and follow my order," Jin said towards Yukio, but I felt like it was also towards me.

We got closer to the river and heard terrifying screaming. "The Mongols found them!" Yukio exclaimed. "Stay here!" Me and Jin yelled at the same time. We ran towards the river and saw some men running after the women. I threw some Kunai at them, so I would get their attention. The Mongols turned towards us. I pulled up my mask and made a fancy bow. I looked back up, "Konnichiwa! We're going to kill you right now! But thanks for visiting us!" The men ran towards me, but I quickly sliced them with my sword. Jin and I were fighting some men, but then I saw one of them heading towards the women. I ran after him and before he could hurt them, I killed him. That was the last one. Yukio approached the women, "Mutsu! My love!" "Yukio!" I smiled while looking at the cute, reunited couple. "I thought I lost you!" Mutsu said. "Are you hurt?" Yukio, worriedly, asked. "Those two... they fought like animals... or demons..." The woman said. Those words felt a sword in my heart. A demon? But I just... Jin saw my sad face and approached me. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me towards him. I blushed while he said towards the people, "We are no demons, only when we're facing Mongols." The words of Jin brought me comfort but still...

Am I really just a demon? Who fights like a beast?

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