|Please, don't leave me too|

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Idk if I should put a warning but: Sort of panic attack (hyperventilating), some genuinely disgusting things (like some men creeping you the hell out), Reader getting sexualised against her will (?)
"No! Yuna! Yuna, Yuna, Yuna... Let me go, please please please..." (Y/n) cried. "I have to help him... Please don't," She cried out. "(Y/n)! We have to go!? Damn it?! Can't you see that you're too weak?" Yuna exclaimed her frustration. Yuna was trying to help the girl sit on the horse. She was still holding the frightened fox in her hands. She wouldn't dare let him go. Not another one. She won't let go anymore of her loved ones. And that means Jin too. "YUNA! HE NEEDS ME!" She screamed. The burning feeling was taking over her body, but nothing mattered if he was in danger. She won't let anybody die anymore. "(Y/N), CAN YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE?! YOU ARE WEAK, IF WE DON'T GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE, WE WILL DIE?! JIN WON'T GET KILLED!" She yelled. (Y/n) got quiet. "(Y/n), please..." Kaneto stared at Yuma before nodding and leaning on Kage. Yuna quickly got on him too.
"THERE! THERE ARE THE TRAITORS! GET THEM?!" The samurai yelled. "Shit!" Yuna said, before making the horse run.

Samurai were on their heel and wouldn't give up. "Yuna... I'm not feeling... Good," (Y/n) whispered. "Be strong for me. You can do that, right? If we get away from the samurai, I'll treat you," Yuna assured her. "My body... It's burning... It's like bugs crawling inside me... Yuna, I'm gonna throw up..." She said, while clinging into the fox. "COME ON, KAGE! FASTER?!" Yuna exclaimed. (Y/n) started to cry and gasp for air. Everything was a blurry mess and she started hyperventilating. "Shit, shit, shit. No, no, no. I can't lose you, (Y/n)! YOU HEAR ME (Y/N)?! DON'T LEAVE ME!" Yuna screamed. Yuna decided that the only thing she could do is pick up her bow and start shooting. She let go of the horse and quickly starred shooting at the front samurai. She realised that she should better shoot the horses.

After finally losing the samurai, they hid in a forest. Yuna stopped Kage and got off the horse. She helped the weak girl slide of the horse together with Iruki. Yuna dug into the baggage that Kage was carrying pulling out a blanket. She quickly put Kaneto on it. She was half conscious. Her eyes were open, but looked right through Yuna. Her breathing finally calmed down, but her body was warm. She didn't have any energy to struggle anymore. Iruki kneeled next to the girl, trying to make her pet him, stroking her hand with his head. Yuna removed her armor and some layers of her clothes to look if she has any injuries, but she didn't find any open, big wounds. "It has to be the poison...," She said to herself. She then stared at the girls face. Small scratched, little wounds that were healing, dirty bandage that hides a big, open wound... BIG, OPEN WOUND! Yuna gasped and reached for the bandage, before a hand gripped her wrist with all power they had. "No..." (Y/n) whines and cried. "I have too, come on, let go of me," Yuna exclaimed. "YOU WILL DIE!" She screamed. "I CAN'T LOSE YOU, I FUCKING CAN'T!" Kaneto slowly let go of Yuna and closed her eyes. Yuna started unwrapping the dirty and damaged bandage. "What did I told you? You have to change this?! It can get infected!" She exclaimed. Kaneto murmured something. There was the wound. The wound that was born by a single arrow at Komoda Beach. It never healed and always opened and bled. If the fucking arrow got any further she probably would be dead. Yuna looked at the gruesome sight. "I don't know for sure, but I think some of the poison has come into your wound. (Y/n), be honest, have you removed your bandage when we were working with the poison or when using the poison?" Yuna asked her. She groaned. "You can do it," Yuna motivated. Kaneto whispered a small yes.
Yuna stood up again to go to the bagage. She got a two small bottles and approached (Y/n) again. She kneeled beside the fox. Yuna proceed to rip some cloth of her uniform and she poured the liquid on it. "Jin said that this one should be used if the poison got into the wound," She explained. She put the cloth on her eye. (Y/n) hissed and squirmed around. Yuna then got the second bottle. "And you have to drink this, just to make sure," She opened her mouth and slowly made her drink it. Kaneto coughed. It tasted disgusting, like rotten fish.

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