|Ryuzo, The Straw Hat|

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"What time is it?" I asked, while rubbing my eyes and slowly getting up. "It's time for you to wake up," A deep voice said. I looked up to see Jin staring at me. I looked down and saw his lap. Again, I looked up at his face with a blank stare. I quickly stood up and started getting my stuff. "Where are Yuna, Taka and Kenji?" "They're going to a safe place. Don't worry about them," He replied. "So what are we going to do," I asked. Jin got up and walked over to me. "We're going to recruit the Straw Hat Ronin," He said, now standing in front of me. I nodded and got in my horse. "So what are we waiting for?" I said.

"The Kishi Grasslands. The straw hat mercenaries were seen in this area," Jin said. I looked around, it was really beautiful. I suddenly saw black smoke. "Jin, look!" I exclaimed. We rode to the place were the smoke was. It was just a campfire, but a dead, Mongol body was next to it. We started searching and found more bodies on the road. On the way Jin ended a suffering man's life. I looked ahead and saw something. I ran towards it. It was a straw hat! Before I could pick it up, somebody got it from me. "Iruki?!" I said. The fox approached me, climbed up my shoulder and gave me the hat. Jin was with me and looked at it. I suddenly heard somebody sneaking up to me. I turned around and saw a Mongol running towards me. But before I or Jin could save me, a man came out of nowhere and ended him. The man looked at us. "Jin? Jin Sakai," The man said. "Ryuzo," Jin said. The two approached each other. "You look like a scarecrow," He said. "You've looked better, too," The man named Ryuzo said. Suddenly both of them smiled and chuckled, punching each other's shoulders. Ryuzo looked at me and asked, "Can I have my hat?" I looked at it and quickly bowed, while stretching my arms forward. "Thank you for saving me!" I exclaimed. "Did you got yourself a wife, Jin?" Ryuzo asked. I quickly got up and said, "NO NO?! WE'RE FRIENDS?!" I gave him his head back, while blushing like crazy. "Well if you say so. If you want, I'm always-" Jin cut Ryuzo off and asked, "So you're a mercenary now?" "Professional warrior," Ryuzo replied. "Maybe you can help us. We're looking for your leader," Jin asked. "He died on Komodo beach," He answered. "You were there, too..." Jin said. "I lost a lot of friends," Ryuzo told us. "We all did," Jin answered back. "And we can avenge them if we work together. Help me save Lord Shimura." "He's alive? The Straw Hats are hurt. Starving. I can't ask them to risk their lives for one man," Ryuzo said. "Even if you can name your price?" Jin asked. Ryuzo looked more interested now. "Once we free our home, Lord Shimura will pay you. Anything you want." "My men might be interested," He said. "Your men?" Jin laughed. "I look out for them. Someone has to," He said. We suddenly heard a horn. The two quickly got their swords out. "Oi! Pretty Lady! Come here?!" Ryuzo said. I got my sword out and said, "My name is (Y/n) Kaneto and I am a samurai. Also thank you for calling me pretty," I smirked before pulling up my mask. Ryuzo looked at Jin, but he just said, "Do we have a deal?" "I'll think about," He said. The three of us got ready for a stand off. Quickly we killed the men and fought the other ones. "Get him, Iruki" I said. Iruki bit the man in his leg. The man was distracted by Iruki and I killed him. I looked behind me and saw a man approaching Ryuzo. I ran towards him and sliced him. "Thank you," Ryuzo said. "No problem."
After beating their asses, Jin said to Ryuzo, "Your form has improved." "And you managed to grow a beard," Ryuzo said back. I held in my laugh, but almost wheezed it out.

"Have you considered my offer," Jin asked. "The Straw Hats can't save your uncle. We'll be lucky if we survived a week," Ryuzo replied. "It's that bad?" He asked. "We're starving. I was out here hunting for food and I'm returning to my men empty handed," Ryuzo said. I felt a sudden weight in my shoulder. "But not alone. Take us to your camp. We'll figure something out on the road," Jin said. "Just like old times," Ryuzo said. We got on our horses and followed him. Well I have some snacks... but it's not enough to feed a whole group of men...
It was quiet so I started a conversation, "Uh, when was the last time you saw each other?" Ryuzo answered immediately, "Two summers ago. Lord Nagao's tournament." "I looked for you when the tournament ended," Jin added. "The Straw Hats saw our duel. They needed a new sword and it seemed like fun," He said. "You never visited my uncle's castle," Jin fired back. "There wasn't any work there," Ryuzo replied back. I feel like I'm not a part of this conversation...
"I would have helped you become a retrained if clan Shimura. You only had to ask," Jin said. "I made my own way," Ryuzo said. Silence took over again and there was an obvious tension between the two. I didn't know what to do, so I rode ahead next to Ryuzo. "I think it's great that you chose your own path. If this is what you like, then keep doing it," I said while smiling at him. The Straw Hat looked at me with wide eyes and then smiled. "Thank you, (Y/n). I will," He said. Me and Ryuzo talked a little more and the Straw Hat was actually very nice.

We saw a wagon and started looking in it. Maybe we could find something for the Straw Hats. "Empty," Ryuzo said. We suddenly heard a voice yell out to us, "Samurai!" I asked the man, "Was this your wagon?" "Yes, Mongols stole my horse and took my rice!" He said. "You're lucky that's all you lost," Jin said. I rolled my eyes at his comment. "Which way did they go?" Ryuzo asked. "Towards Fort Ohira," The peasant replied. "Take refuge area the golden temple and warn others to stay of these roads," Jin said. "Yes, My Lord"

"Let's keep moving, my camp is not far away from here," Ryuzo said.
I am awoken from my dead. Sorry was really busy these days. But I thought today was a good day to update (for my fellow dream SMP fans, yall know why COUGH Sapnap's birthday COUGH) so here FEAST FROM THIS CHAPTER.

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