|The head of the one who loved|

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Castle Shimura

"Your friends defeated one of my best generals. My men have started to believe they're invincible. You will prove them wrong," Khotun Khan said. "I don't care about the reward for Jin's head or (Y/n)'s head," Ryuzo said. "Have you stopped caring for your loyal Straw Hats?" The Khan asked. "Jin is the best swordsman on the island and (Y/n) is getting stronger and stronger. My men can't kill them-" Ryuzo was cut off. "There are many ways to eliminate a foe. Find another," Khotun Khan said, as it was that easy. Ryuzo thought about it. "What if... We didn't have to kill them?" Ryuzo said.

"It's done. Yarikawa will join our fight. My uncle will want to hear the good news," Jin was taking to himself. Jin had prepared himself to continue the journey and go to Lord Shimura. But he couldn't find his travel partner. He asked some people in town if they saw her, but everybody shook their head. He walked was walking passed a house and heard laughing. Jin took a look inside and saw her, sitting there with Taka. "(Y/n), I've been searching for you. It's time. Let's go," He told her. Her smile immediately disappeared when she heard that voice. She looked back at Taka and smiled. "Bye bye, Taka. I'll see you soon. Also, I'll maybe consider that offer to go with you. To the mainland," She said. Taka's face lit up. He said goodbye and the two went off.
"What offer about? To the mainland? (Y/n)? What were you two talking about?" He asked. The girl ignored him and got on her horse. Jin did the same and waited for a response. It never came. "(Y/n)? (Y/n). (Y/n) Kaneto, as the a Lord of the Sakai clan and the soon-to-be son of Lord Shimura, I demand an answer," He exclaimed. They were riding on their horses. She angrily turned around and looked him death in the eye. "Ok, LORD Sakai! Taka offered me to go to the mainland with him and I may consider it. Are you satisfied with my answer, MY LORD!?" She yelled. Jin's eyes widened. "What do you mean 'considered'? You're home is here. On Tsushima. With-" He was cut off. "With who? With who, Jin? Tell me! I don't have any family. I have nobody here! The only friend I have is a fox! A DAMN FOX!" She exclaimed. Jin felt like something struck his heart. Did he mean nothing to her? The two didn't talk anymore for the rest of the way.

We arrived at a camp that Shimura made. I didn't know why I was so mad at Jin. If he and Yuna are together I should be happy. But I can't. All those little moments we had, didn't mean anything for him. We approached Lord Shimura and Jin told him the good news. "Thanks to your efforts, we have an army to reclaim my castle," Lord Shimura said. "I told you Yuna would've come through and (Y/n) has also done a lot. Without them, we would have failed," Jin explained. I rolled my eyes. Is this his way of trying to apologise? Bragging about me? It was nice, I guess. But it didn't mean anything.
"I'm already arranging Yuna's payment. And (Y/n) will officially be a samurai in no time," Shimura said. I thanked him. "The Shogun's reinforcements will be here soon. Before they arrive, we must resolve a new problem. My scouts intercepted orders from the Khan. Addressed to Ryuzo. His mercenaries are poised to strike our flank," Shimura explained. Ryuzo... He was so nice. And flirty. But, he always seemed to care. How could he betray us like that... "Do you know where Ryuzo is now?" Jin asked. "Not far. Fort Koyasan. You do not have to face him yourself," The Lord said. "He was my friend. I will deal with him," Jin said. "Do what you must. Our forces will be ready for battle when you return," Shimura said.

"Yuna may want to join us for this," Jin said. There he goes again. I felt my blood boil, but I contained myself. Why didn't he tell me, that he and Yuna are a thing? I felt my heart break at that thought. I kept myself together and wiped to forming tears away. We approached Yuna and Taka. I smiled and waved to Taka. He did the same. I think I saw Jin tense up a little. "You're leaving?" Jin asked. "Your uncle kept his word. Our boat sails at dawn tomorrow," She explained. I saw Taka glance at me. Probably asking if I would go with them. I shrugged as a response. I was still not sure... How can Yuna just leave? Didn't she love Jin? "I need your help one last time. I found Ryuzo hiding in Fort Koyasan," Jin explained. Yuna glanced at Taka. Maybe she loved Taka more? I... I didn't understand anything. "I can't. Please understand. I spend my life working for this. Going to bed hungry, risking my neck so we'd have enough money to start a new life on the mainland. I can't give up now," She said. "I'm not asking you to. Help me defeat Ryuzo and I'll see you off myself," He said. Or maybe they were together? "This is your battle, Jin. Not mine. All I want... All we need is to start a new life," Yuna said. "I won't stop you then. Thank you, Yuna. For everything. I hope you find peace," Jin said. "You too," She told him. The rain was pouring so hard. I looked down. It didn't matter if they were together. She was like a sister to me, and now she's leaving.

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