|(Almost) The whole Squad together|

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Me and Jin finally arrived at Komatsu and met up with Yuna. "You're still here?" Jin asked. "Disappointed?" Yuna asked, jokingly of course. "I thought you'd leave as soon as I got my grappling hook. Try to find a way to the mainland," Jin said. "As tempting as that sounds... You saved Taka's life. My debt's not paid until your uncle's free," Yuna told him. "I'm glad to hear it," Jin said. "And I'm also staying because of her," Yuna said, looking at me. I smiled at her and gave Jin a smug look. "You heard it, big guy. She's staying because of ME," I said. Jin tolled his eyes, while Yuna softly laughed.
"Send word to the others," Jin told Yuna. "What should I tell them?" She asked. "We're going to break into Castle Kaneda and free Lord Shimura," He said. "FINALLY?! We're going to free your uncle! Let's show them what samurai can do!" I exclaimed.

"I'm told your nephew stalks my men, tears them apart like a beast," The Khan said. "I'm certain you've done worse," The Lord said. Khotun chuckled, "You pretend we are different. But we fight for the same thing. To create a legacy that outlives us." "I won my legacy with duty and honor. Brought order to my home and justice for my people... You are nothing like me," Shimura calmly spoke. "Neither is your nephew. But his name is bound to your legacy," Khotun said. "Legacy is more than a name," The Lord told him. "Ah... True. Your family has lived here for generations. Your ancestral castle lies to the north, yes? I look forward to visiting it. While I leave you here, to starve to death. Alone. Without honor," He said.

"Where is he?" I whined. "He'll be here, don't worry," Jin said. "I'm not worrying, I'm I M P A T I E N T, Jin. We've been sitting here for hours already," I said. "Just wait a little longer, have patience and quit your whining," He said. I scoffed and started looking back at the sky. "Dammit, Ryuzo... Where are you?" Jin whispered. "Everyone's here. Should we still wait for the Straw Hats?" Yuna asked him. Jin thought about it and said, "No, we'll meet you at the farmhouse. (Y/n), let's go," Jin said. "Finally!" I stood up and ran towards Jin. "I'm ready," I said.

We were speaking with everybody that was here. "I hate sake. You know that," A voice said. I looked to see where the familiar voice was coming from and saw Taka and Kenji. "Taka, Kenji!" I exclaimed. "(Y/n) and Lord Sakai!" Kenji said. "Taka fine work on the grappling hook," Jin spoke. "I'm glad it suits you, my Lord. Yuna wanted me to stay behind, but I had to come and wish you both well," Taka said softly. "Sweet as always, aren't you, Taka?" I said, pulling his cheek. A pink blush covered Taka cheeks, "Stop... (Y/n)," I laughed. I saw Jin glaring at me. "What's your excuse, Kenji?" Jin asked. "I don't like drinking alone," Kenji blankly states. "Then sage your finest sake. If we save Lord Shimura, We'll have much to celebrate," Jin said. "Only the best for the jito," Kenji said. We said our goodbyes, till suddenly Taka grabbed my shoulders harshly. "(Y/n), promise he to be careful and not reckless, please?" He asked. I gave him a reassuring smile and placed my hand on his, "Don't worry, Taka. I will."

"Thank you for coming. Lord Shimura will be grateful," Jin said. "My family's killer can wait a few hours longer," Lady Masako said. "As can my hunt for Tomoe. Our island needs its leader restored," Sensei Ishikawa said. "With your support, the Lord will be free by sunrise," I said. "Prepare yourselves. We'll attack soon," Jin said. "Give the word, we'll be there," Sensei told us.
We walked to the center. "Everyone! It's time," Jin yelled. I stood next to Jin, while the others stood around the fire. "Today we free Lord Shimura," Jin said. "I was told we'd have Straw Hats reinforcements," Sensei spoke. "They're not here and we can't wait any longer," Jin said. "What's the plan, Lord Sakai?" Yuna asked.
"Me and (Y/n) will use our grappling hooks to infiltrate the castle. Once we silence the alarm, the rest of you can safely breach the front gate," Jin said. He then looked at me to continue telling the plan. I nodded, "The Mongols are likely holding Lord Shimura in the main keep. If they sound the alarm, they may execute him." "We storm the front gate, take them by surprise," Lady Masako said. "That sounds like suicide," Sensei said. "Only if we attack head on. We can do this if we sneak in and catch the enemy while they're sleeping," Jin said. "Like a thief," Ishikawa spat. Can this man stop, we have some saving to do. "Or a ghost," Yuna said. "Lord Shimura is counting on us," I said. "Let's head out," Jin said.

"Good speech. You're sure this will work?" Yuna asked. "Of course it will, Yuna. We got everyone here," I spoke. She nodded. We left, but not before Yuna gave me the whole be careful talk and don't hurt yourself and-
"Come one, (Y/n). Follow me," Jin said. We were climbing our way up. It kinda reminded me of how me and Jin would always play samurai and acted like the other guys.

"My Lord! I have brought you this beautiful gift!" Little Jin exclaimed. "Show me, samurai," I said. He pulled out some flowers. "These flowers, my Lord, their power is... is is bigger than that tree over there!" He yelled. "Well then, I gladly take them, samurai!" I yelled. "But... How will I gain the power of these flowers?" I asked Jin. The little boy smirked and got closer. "You need to... EAT THEM!" He yelled. "WHAT?! NO NEVER," I gave him the flowers back and started running away. "I WILL NEVER EAT THOSE FLOWERS!" I screamed. We were screaming and laughing, till somebody stopped us. "Hey! What are you two doing?!" A samurai asked us. "We are playing samurai and Lord, sir," I said. "Ah... well... But... How? You don't have two boys," The guard said. Not this again... I looked down. "But we can. She's the Lord and I'm the samurai!" Jin happily exclaimed. "Like a girl could ever be a samurai let alone a lord. Young Sakai you shouldn't think like that." The samurai was cut off. "That's enough, Asahi. Go now," Lord Shimura spoke. "Yes yes my Lord."
Shimura looked at me and smiled. "I won't tell you what I'm thinking, Young Kaneto. I know you think the same," He said. I nodded and smiled. I'll be a bigger samurai than him, than anyone else. I will protect my home. I will show them.

We were hiding and then climbed up on the roof of a house. We were searching for the alarm. "Jin... Over there," I whispered and pointed towards it. We looked at each other and nodded. I pulled up my mask and we got closer. "Better take down those guards," Jin said. "Watch me." I took out my bow and shot two of them. Then I got closer and sliced the last one's throat. I did an okay sign towards Jin and he nodded.
"Sensei, You and Kenji secure the front gate," Jin said. "Consider it done," He said. "Yuna, can you clear the path along the cliff?" I asked. "I'll handle it," She said and ran away. "Good. We'll meet up at the bridge," Jin said. "Forgetting someone?" Lady Masako asked.

"You're with us."
Hello to my new followers, commenters, voters and readers! And of course welcome back to the ones who have been here for a long time. I HAVE NOTHING TI SAY ONLY FRICK SCHOOL👍🥰

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