|A Real Samurai|

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(E/c) = Eye color
(H/c) = Hair color

"Uncle, who are these people?" A voice asked. The Lord turned around. "Ah, Jin there you are. Well this is an old friend of mine, Hitori Kaneto. He will be making new bows and weapons for us." The boy came a little bit forward and looked at the man called Hitori. His eyes then shifted to the little girl, who looked a couple years younger than him. She had beautiful (H/c) hair. "Who is she?" He asked without really any emotion. "This is my daughter, (Y/n) Kaneto," Hitori explained. The girl shyly bowed to the young boy.
She then looked up and took a good look at him. His is hair was kinda short, but it seemed like he was growing it out. He wasn't that long, they were the same height she thought. She then saw a tiny smile on his face. "Jin, Could you maybe show (Y/n) around? She wants to be a samurai one day so maybe she can learn from you a little bit," Lord Shimura asked. "Yes uncle." The girl looked at the boy and then her father. He softly pushed her forward towards the boy. "Follow me," Jin said, taking her hand. And the two kids took off. "They grow up so fast," Lord Shimura said. "Yes, they do..."

"Sooo... How old are you?" The young Sakai asked. "I'm seven... What about you?" She asked. "Ten..." And an awkward silence took over... Again. "Well, here we are. Here is where the samurai train," Jin pointed at a group of men. The girl looked up with big eyes.
She couldn't believe her eyes. Samurai... Everywhere. The girl started to smile from excitement. Jin looked at the girl and saw her excitement. It looked like she saw God themselves! "If you want... I can introduce you to some samurai and maybe show you some weapons?" He proposed. The girl quickly turned around to face the young Sakai again. "YES! I mean... yes please!" The girl bowed so deeply, that her legs almost gave up on her.
She heard a light chuckle. "No need to be so formal. We're the same. We are kids and... We both want to become real Samurai!" Jin exclaimed. The girl stood straight and looked at the boy. There he stood, with a big smile. She quickly smiled too. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

The two began to approach the samurai.
The little Kaneto started to get nervous. What if she messed up?! Or said something wrong?! Or worse... Embarrassed herself like she always does... The thoughts took over her until she heard a voice. "(Y/n), these are the samurai, everyone this is (Y/n). She is the daughter of the new smith and bowyer!" Jin yelled. The samurai looked at her and she looked back at them. In her eyes they looked like animals, ready to eat her like a prey but actually... "Aww she's so cute!" One of the samurai said, while pulling her cheek. "Look at her, so small!" Another one said. The animals actually turned out to be BIG softies.
They started to mess with her hair. The little girl giggled and the whole group started to melt. But someone had enough of this.
The samurai where pushed away by no other than... Jin Sakai himself! "Ok ok that's enough. Her hair looks like a mess now... Anyway! (Y/n) also wants to be a samurai when she grows up just like me!" He stood proudly and pointed to himself with his thumb.
The girl smiled at the action and then looked at the large group of men.
She was shocked. The happy men, now looked like someone insulted them and their family.

Jin noticed the silence and looked up. "What's the matter? Isn't it cool that a girl wants to be-" The boy was cut off. "You clearly don't understand what you're getting yourself into, are you?" One of the older samurai mocked. The girl was scared. "W-What what do you mean?!" She asked. "This is no funny business Missy, this is a man's job. You do understand that you're basically going to be a killer?! You're life will be in danger 24/7?!" One of then exclaimed. The girl tried to sound confident. "Of Of course I know! But I want to protect our home!" The men sighed. "Look, you will never be a samurai. You don't know what it takes to be a real samurai and you will never know. Now go away, we have better things to do, than listen to some silly girl's dreams," They said. The girl stood there, shocked. Tears were threatening to spill. Not wanting to show how weak she truly was, she started to run away. Running to her father. "(Y/n)! WAIT-! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Jin yelled. "Lord Sakai, we're sorry, but we are trying to protect the girl. And we don't think that she could make a good samurai," They all agreed. "SHE IS YOUNG! NOBODY EVEN TRAINS HER?!" He screamed at them. "And nobody will train her," One of them scoffed. The young Lord gave up on the older men and started to chase the girl.

The girl ran around, trying to find her father. Tears were spilling out of her (E/c) eyes. The girl was lost, till she heard a familiar laugh coming out of a house. She started to run towards the house and threw the door open.
Two faces looked at her. Her father and Lord Shimura looked at her with a worried expression. The girl ran in her father's arms and hugged him like there was no tommorow. "D-Daddy, They they-" The girl was crying so hard, she couldn't finish her sentence. "Hush now baby, what happened?" He asked. "Was it Jin?" Shimura asked, ready to have a talk with the young Sakai. The girl shook her head. "Who was it?" Her father stroked her messy hair.
The girl took a deep breath and finally answered. "It were the older samurai..." She confessed. Lord Shimura looked shocked. "What did they do to you, baby?" Her father asked, assuming the worst. Before the girl could answer, someone came storming into the room. "UNCLE, I CAN'T FIND (Y/n)! THE SAMURAI, THEY-" Jin shifted his eyes towards the old Kaneto and saw the girl in his arms. He sighed from relief. "Jin, what happened? What did the samurai do to her?" His uncle asked. "Well, at first they liked her. But then I said that she wanted to become a samurai. The samurai started to say that she would never make a good samurai and she ran away," He told them. The Lord sighed.
Hitori looked at Shimura and asked: "Why would they do something like that?!" "They want to protect her from the dangers. You see, we never really had a samurai who's a girl..." Shimura explained. Hitori sighed and looked at his daughter. He smiled, as he saw her peacefully sleeping in his arms.
The man stood up. "Well Shimura, you'll see. My daughter will become one of the best samurai you ever known. Tomorrow, we can handle the rest of our business, but for now goodbye," Hitori said. The man bowed to the two and took his leave.

"Uncle, will she come back?" Jin asked. "We will see Jin... But if she does, promise me that you'll look after her."

"I promise, uncle"

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