|Childhood Betrayer|

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"There's a siege weapon up ahead... Last time, they turned it on Yuna and us," Jin told Lady Masako. "This time, we'll take it," Masako said.
"We need to clear the courtyard. Quietly or head on," Jin said to me. I nodded, "You know that's my specialty." We approached the men and I waited to see what Jin would do. He ran up and challenged them. "I guess we can do it like that too," I said, while pulling up the mask. We started fighting them. Lady Masako doing the bow work and me and Jin slicing them. We were finally done. I approached one of them and ended his suffering.

We were hiding behind a rock. "Jin, (Y/n). The gate is guarded," Masako said. "Follow my lead," He said. We were fighting some Mongols again, but this time, I was fighting the big guy. This is my chance to show them what I can do. I shot an arrow to the bald guy's head and ended him by cutting his throat. Lady Masako and Jin approached me. "This would be easier if your Straw Hat friends were helping," The lady said. "Lady Masako, please, something probably happens to Ryuzo...," I said. "Ryuzo's men were starving. They may have turned against him," Jin explained. "War turns desperate men into animals," She said.

We arrived at the bridge. The bridge were Jin fell. I won't let that happen again. "This is as far as I got last time," Jin told us. "The Khan threw you off this bridge?" Yuna asked Jin. "How'd you survive?" She asked again. "I don't know...," He said. "Hold the bridge, I'll find another way over," Jin said. "I'm coming with you," I said. We started climbing and swinging from tree to tree. I was having a lot of fun. "Look Jin! I'm a uhm... Swinger?" I exclaimed. "(Y/n)! We are on a serious mission, stop it!" He whisper yelled. I stuck out my tongue. Suddenly, the little tree I was using to swing, broke. I screamed and tried to land on the next rock. But my foot slipped and I started falling down, till a hand grabbed my wrist. I opened my eyes and saw Jin. "Don't worry, (Y/n). I will not let you go."

"Catch me if you can!" Little (Y/n) yelled. "Is that a challenge Kaneto!?" The young Sakai screamed. We were laughing and screaming. The two were playing tag in the forest, of course with a few samurai in there surroundings. The two went farther and farther into the woods. "Come on, Jin! You're so slow!" She yelled. While running and looking behind she didn't see the cliff in front of her. Before she fell, she heard Jin scream her name. The girl fell and thought it was the end for her, till a small hand grabbed her wrist. She was crying and panicking. "Don't worry, (Y/n). I will not let you go!"

Jin pulled me up next to him. I was panting and catching my breath. But then I realised something. My eyes widened and I started to feel around my wrists. I sighed out of relief, when I felt the leather around my wrist. "I made the bracelet strong so it wouldn't fall," Jin said, when he realised why is started panicking. I smiled, "Yes, you did." We were climbing further up. "So... You still wear the bracelet I gave you?" He asked. "Of course, Jin. I wore it everyday."

We arrived at the camp. "Let's open the gate," I said. We sneaked past the guards and opened the door for Yuna. "There you are," She said. "Quiet. More guards ahead," Jin said. We hid behind some barrels and looked around. "What should we do now?" I asked. "We should just attack them... Kill them," Jin said. "Sounds good enough. Let's go," I told them. Jin went right into the fight, while me and Yuna were more in the background. Yuna was busy shooting from afar, while I was coming for their throats. After I killed another Mongol, I looked up. My eyes widened and I yelled, "THEY HAVE FIRE ARROWS?!" I looked around and saw a torch. I picked it up and out of anger threw it into a group of Mongols. Damn, This one is for Lord Adachi.
We finally were done and went on.
"Yuna. Hold this area. I'll find Lord Shimura. (Y/n), you come with me... For safety," Jin said.  "Good luck, Jin, (Y/n)," Yuna said. I nodded. "Jin, you can go. I'll catch up, but first I need to prepare a few things," I said. Jin nodded and squeezed through the wooden wall.

Jin saw a figure sitting. A person with a Straw Hat. Jin walked closer, confusion on his face. "Ryuzo." Ryuzo stood up and there was a long silence. "The Khan put a bounty on The Two Ghosts. Both or one of them," He said. Ryuzo looked up. "Anyone can claim it." "You wouldn't," Jin said, his voice breaking a little. "My men are starving, Jin. I don't even need to kill both of you. The prize is high for one. And here you are," Ryuzo told him. "Help me save my uncle and he will reward your me," Jin said, while getting closer to him. "He will make you samurai," He added. Ryuzo looked up, "and then he'll send us to die. Just like he did at Komoda beach." "Ryuzo-" "He is your family, Jin. I need to protect mine," Ryuzo growled and took out his sword. Jin quickly got into a fighting stance.
Ryuzo attacked first. "I'll make it quick," He said. "We were friends," Jin said. "A lifetime ago," Ryuzo added. Two kept fighting and fighting. "Stop! Before it's too late!" Jin yelled. "You have changed," Jin said. "So have you, 'Ghost'," Ryuzo got back at him. After a while, the two were getting tired and then Jin did it. Ryuzo's has fell. He was struggling to and was holding his stomach. "Enough!" Jin said. He grabbed Ryuzo's hat and said, "It's not too late. Help me save our home." "It belongs to them now," Ryuzo said. "Ryuzo," Jin said.

I was finally done with my preparations. I was actually just making extra sticky bombs for me and Jin and put some bandaids on my wounds. I started making my way to Jin and squeezed through the wooden wall. "Jin! I am done-" I said. I looked at the two. Jin and Ryuzo. I saw how Ryuzo was holding his stomach and looked in a lot of pain. "Ryuzo?!" I said. I ran up to him and kneeled down beside him. I started grabbing some bandage. "What happened!? Jin? Ryuzo? Somebody please explain to me why-" I said but was cut off by Jin. "(Y/n), don't-" "He's here. They're here! The samurai is here!" Ryuzo yelled. "What! Ryuzo why are you..." I said, trying to help him. Jin guarded us and dodged an arrow that one of the Mongols shot. Ryuzo stood up, but before he got away, he turned around and said,

"I'm sorry, (Y/n). I had to do it for my family."
Take this while I continue to study for my exams :| I loved to write this chapter! (also lets enjoy the pic of Norio, Jin and Ryuzo hanging out)

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