|Jin Shimura|

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Me and Jin were swinging next to the bridge, using the destroyed parts of it. "They're literally destroying the bridge, that we are trying to fix," I said. My covered eye s started to itch really bad. I followed Jin, who was leading the way, carefully. "We can climb here," He pointed. I nodded and quickly rubbed the bandage. Jin already arrived at the top and helped me get up. "Are you okay?" He asked. "More than ok," I answered. I checked to see if the poison was still in my pocket.
We sneaked past the Mongols, towards the barrels. "Let's check these," Jin whispered. We quickly checked all the barrels to see if they were filled with liquid. "Jin! This one is-," somebody shoved me down to the ground with a hand covering my mouth. I tried to scream till I heard the voice, "Shh, its just me," Jin said. He took away his hand and pointed towards some Mongols that were patrolling the area. We waited till they went away and started to put the poison into the barrels. We then hid behind some wood that was stocked. Jin was looking at the Mongols, while I tried to stop my burning eye. The Mongols started drinking. They threw up their own blood one by one. Jin stood up and scanned the area to make sure every last of them died. He scowled at the thought of what his uncle said, but he know this was the right thing. "Shit," He opened his eyes and turned to look at the girl, aggressively rubbing her covered eye. Jin kneeled before her. "(Y/n), is everything alright?" He grabbed her hand to stop her from rubbing and scanned the bandage. Nothing was off, maybe he had to remove the bandage. He leaned it to do it, but was quickly stopped by her. "Don't," She said, "I'm okay." "You aren't," Jin said. "No, I'm fine. Serious. Let's move on. We have to find the Khan," I said. Jin hesitated before nodding and helping me to stand up.

We got closer to the main building, till I suddenly got this burning feeling in my eye. I hissed and put my hand over the bandage. Jin turned around to see what happened. He quickly approached me and held me. "(Y/n). You have to-" Before he could finish, I said, "Go, Jin. Please, just give me a second I'll join you, I promise." Jin thought about. With hesitation, he let go of me, and took off towards the main castle.

Jin entered the building, looking around to see if anybody was there. "Jin," A voice called out from the shadows. Jin scowled. "Where's the Khan?" He demanded. "He rode north. Made me stay behind the Ghosts' heads," Ryuzo said. He looked around. "Where's (Y/n)?" Ryuzo asked. "That's none of your business," Jin answered while taking out his sword. "If you want the Ghost's head, then come claim it," He added. Tension filled the room, before Ryuzo took his weapon. "No," He simply replied. Jin carefully put his sword next to him. "I could have killed you earlier. Instead, I convinced the Khan to give you a chance," Ryuzo tried to explain. "He killed Taka," Jin spat. "You slaughtered my men. I've lost everything," Ryuzo fired back. "Except you. We can defeat the Mongols together," He approached Jin. "AFTER EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE!" Jin screamed while pointing his sword at Ryuzo. "Tell the people I was your spy. Sent to gain the Khan's trust. They'll believe the Ghost," Ryuzo continued while coming closer. Jin kept walking back, sword still pointing at him. "STOP!" Jin yelled. "You were my oldest friend, Ryuzo," Jin said. He drew back his sword. "Surrender and answer for your crimes. For both our sakes," Jin added. "I can't," He said. They both took their swords.
The men started fighting. "The poison... You broke your uncle's code," Ryuzo said. "You left me no choice," Jin said. Blood covered both of their faces. The taste of blood, took over their mouths. "I'll never forgive you!" Jin exclaimed.

I slowly approached the castle. I don't know what was wrong with my eye. I just have to hold it in, and then I will treat it at the camp. Just need to calm myself down. No scratching or rubbing. I finally arrived at the top. "Hey Jin are you-" I looked at the sight before me. Ryuzo was on his knees, while Jin was sitting before him. Before Jin could stab Ryuzo in the stomach. "(Y/n)... I'm sorry... I... love you." Those were the last words of Ryuzo, before his own friend killed him. I looked how his body went limp and fell on the ground. Slowly, I approached it and stared at it with a blank look. I fell to my knees and hugged Jin. "Everything will be ok, I promise."

Me and Jin went back and saw Yuna looking around, while also having Iruki on her shoulder. The Mongols were laying on the ground, lifeless. She approached us. "Ryuzo," Jin simply said and wiped of the blood. "Good," She said and looked at me as I was rubbing my eye. Iruki jumped on my shoulder. "What is he doing here?" I asked. "I don't know. He suddenly came to me and followed me around," Yuna answered. "Yuna, can you look at her eye for me? She has been..." Jin trailed off as he felt (Y/n) pulling at his sleeve. He saw her pointing at something and looked at that way. The lord and his men looked around. The silence was filled by a man still coughing up blood. But got his throat slit by Shimura. (Y/n) averted her eyes to the ground while moving closer to Yuna. She held the fox tightly, afraid of it running away. "The Castle is yours. The Khan marches north. We can head him off," Jin said. Yuna has a strong grip at my hand. "You defied me," Lord Shimura said. "I did what I had to, for them," Jin replied. "Is this how you want to be remembered? Jin, what have I told you. Kaneto is not the girl who she used to be. She and that thief are changing you," Lord Shimura said. "LET HER OUT OF THIS!" Jin yelled. "He defended us!" Yuna yelled. "By spreading fear and chaos," Lord Shimura spat. "We are at war," Jin told him. "And you are acting like the enemy," Shimura added. "And you are acting clueless," Kaneto said. "If we didn't do this, we would have never come this far!" She exclaimed. Lord Shimura glared. "This is not our way," He turned back to Jin. "Your way can't save our people," Jin said. The lord approached his future son. "The shogun will demand a head," He whispered. "But it does not have to be yours," He grabbed Jin's shoulders. "I know she drove you to this, they both did." Jin scowled. "Uncle..." "Renounce the Ghost. Tell them it was Kaneto. You must blame her for this outrage, her and her friend," Lord Shimura demanded. The Lord let go. "Tell them... You are Jin Shimura. Loyal servant to the shogun. My heir. My son." Jin heard the girl behind him hissing, probably from her itching eye. He stood straight and looked before him, avoiding his uncle's eyes.

"I am not your son."
Hope you all have/had a great day. Probably gonna update soon. So be ready!

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