|Your Body|

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WARNING⚠️ : Kinda descriptive(?), Gore...?, (Mention of) vomiting, OOC Taka & Yuna (you will see when), reader being depressed, mentioning of wanting to be killed. JUST PLEASE BE WARE!!
You coughed and spat the remaining blood in your mouth out. That punch hurts like a bitch. It will definitely leave a bruise on your cheek. You heard the Khan walking away after he had absolutely destroyed you. After the last words you said, he punched you straight in the jaw and continued to give you a kick in your ribs.
You opened your eyes and saw him again. His face always made you smile. Whenever you saw him, you felt safe and comforting feeling came over you. But now, just looking at those lifeless eyes staring through your soul, made you want to vomit. You gagged a little. You coughed more and saw the little droplets of blood fall on his face. You wanted to scream, but your throat was already sore and there was no screams left. As for tears? You were empty. There were no tears left to cry. You kept muttering Taka's name. You were sure you were going insane. You couldn't hear what Jin was saying to you. Soon your eyes closed again and fell asleep with a bleeding nose.

"Hey... (Y/n), wake up. Come on. Don't die on me," A voice called out. You stared into the dark abyss. Your eyes opened and before you stood Taka. "Taka...," You whispered. Your throat was still sore. Your eyes openend wide. "TAKA?!" You yelled. You ran towards and hugged him. "You're not dead," You whispered. "Silly girl... Of course I'm dead," He said. You tried to pull back from the hug, but he held you. He started to hug you so hard, it was starting to get hard to breath. "You never told me if you also loved me, (Y/n)," He said. He didn't sound like himself. It was a more sinister voice. I finally managed to push him away and fell on the ground. You groaned and opened your eyes again. Taka was on top of you. Only, it wasn't Taka... Well it was but... You screamed as you saw it was Taka's dead body. His eyes were white and the usual dark color of his iris was now a dull grey. "Would you still love a dead man, (Y/n)?" He said. You kicked him off of you. But, as you did you felt something in your hands. You looked down and saw his head again. You threw it away quickly and started vomiting. You tasted the nasty taste of vomit. Your throat was aching. You were then grabbed by the hair and pulled back. You reached for the hands that were pulling you but as you looked you saw her. Yuna. "YOU SAID YOU'LL PROTECT HIM WITH YOUR OWN DAMN LIFE! YOU LIAR!" She screamed.

"WAKE UP!" Jin shook your body. You slowly woke up. Your cheeks were wet from crying and there was dried blood everywhere on your body. "How long...," You muttered. "You were sleeping for a couple hours," Jin answered. He loosened the rope on your hands. You took one step forward, but your legs didn't work. You fell to the ground, but Jin had catches you in his arms. "Come on, (Y/n). Let's finish this off and then we can go and take long rest," Jin said. He helped you stand and you tried to walk. Your foot suddenly bumped against something. You slowly looked down. Taka's body without his head. The bloody neck. The neck. His head isn't there. You fell to your knees and started vomiting. Only now, was it not a dream. A nightmare. You coughed a little when you finished and avoided the body. Jin helped you stand up again.

"Yuna...," I whispered. "Please, (Y/n). Let's avenge Taka together, okay? Come on, you're a strong girl," He whispered while holding me in his arms. This could have been so romantic, i thought. Avenging Taka... Revenge. Anger took over me. That bitch. I'll kill him. I stood straight and looked at Jin. "Let's avenge Taka. Let's kill every Mongol on this island and kill that bitch of a Khan," I said. My throat hurts more Every time I spoke. Jin nodded and pulled me in a hug. "I'm sorry," He whispered and kissed my forehead. Jin pulled back. "We need our swords first," He said. I nodded.

We found a chest with our stuff and our armor on the ground. I gathered everything and saw the piece of cloth laying there. The gift. The gift from the thief. But most importantly, the present from Yuna, your friend. You tied the mask around your face. "Ready?" Jin asked. "Kill then all," I growled. I saw some Mongols and straw hats. Red. All I saw was red. I grabbed the Leader's shoulder and turned him around. "You deserve death," I spat as I stabbed him in his abdomen. He fell to the ground. I heard someone ran up to me. I turned around and slashed the man's head off. Is this how Jin felt that day? I made my way and continued to kill them all in brutal ways. A hand cut off, an arm, perhaps another head. I didn't matter. "THIS IS FOR TAKA!" I screamed as I killed the last one.
I was breathing very loud and heavily. I probably looked insane to any random bystander. I felt a hand on my shoulder but knew it was not the enemy.

Jin dragged me towards the gate, since I still felt sick and weak. "(Y/n)!" A voice yelled. I knew who that voice belonged to. I had to back down the urge to vomit again. I felt sick. "Yuna...," Jin muttered. "I just saw the Khan ride out with Ryuzo. But what happened? What's wrong with (Y/n)? Where's Taka? She asked. The last question made me breakdown. I fell to the ground on my knees with my hands on the ground. I kept crying. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Kill me, Yuna. You can kill me. I deserve it," I screamed. "Where is he, Jin?!" Yuna exclaimed. Jin just shook his head. Yuna already knew from the moment she saw you breaking down what happened, but she didn't want to believe it. "NO!" Yuna screamed.

Yuna ran past the two. "Yuna! Wait!" Jin yelled. He ran after her. I kept crying and crying. The guilt was eating me alive.
Yuna kept running. Please, don't let this be true, she thought. She arrived at a more open place. And there she saw him. Yuna screamed so hard, even the birds flew away from the trees. She approached his headless body and fell to her knees. She grabbed his hand and started crying. The sky was crying with her. Rain pouring out of the sky. Jin approached her. "He tried to make you proud," Jin said. "He wanted to be like the Ghost... And be with the other Ghost...," She explained. "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE MADE HIM COME!" She screamed at Jin. "I tried to stop him. (Y/n) did too. But he wanted to help," Jin's voice cracked a little. "That's Taka," She said. They suddenly heard something and Jin quickly wiped away the forming tears on his face. "We should go," He said. "I'm not leaving him," She said. She then saw a figure staggering towards the Mongols.

My tears dried again. Even if I  tried force them out, there wouldn't be any tears anymore. I should go and help Yuna, I thought. She needs comfort more than anyone. I walked slowly, making my way to her. I then heard the horn. That damn horn. I staggered and took out my sword. I felt the adrenaline rush through my veins. It felt like my legs were working again, like I wasn't weak anymore. I screamed and ran towards the enemy. I then noticed that Yuna and Jin joined me.
"That's the last of them. The Straw Hats are finished. Ryuzo's alone," Jin said. "He's still alive with the Khan," Yuna said. Even hearing 'Khan' made my blood boil. "There's nothing more we can do here," Jin said. There is. I walked towards Taka's body and looked at Yuna. "I need to bury my brother," Yuna said. "I need to bury my... Friend," I said. "I'll help," Jin added.

We buried him on top of a little hill. "I never meant for this to happen. I'm sorry," Jin apologised. "I swore I'd give him a good life. Keep him safe. This isn't your fault. It's mine," Yuna said. Sobs filled the silence as the two looked at the younger girl. She turned around to face them. "NO! IT'S NEITHER YOUR OR HIS FAULT!" She screamed. Her face was red, wet. She was sniffing so hard so the two wouldn't have to see a face filled with snot. She didn't want to look like a baby. "IT'S MINE! ALL MINE! I PROMISED TO PROTECT HIM WITH MY LIFE! I SWORE IT! BUT I BROKE THE PROMISE! INSTEAD," She paused and took a deep breath. "INSTEAD HE GOT KILLED! IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME! I WAS SUPPOSED TO DIE NOT HIM!" She screamed and hid her face in her hands. A pair of arms wrapped around her. Yuna hugged her as tightly as she could but in a good way.
The sun was falling down and the two hugged each other in the sunset. Not letting go. Like they were scared one of them would go.

"No, (Y/n). It wasn't your fault. He loved you more than anything. It's all the Khan and Ryuzo's fault."
Readers: Have a nice vacation! Take a rest you deserve it, author!🥰❤️😁
Me:... Chileeee, anyways... SO! *posts new chapter*
Readers: 🤨📸💀
No happiness today, only tears.

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