|Act III|

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"I am the Ghost. She and I. Together."
"And you will be judged for it," Lord Shimura said. Yuna dragged me to Jin. I felt weak. My whole body was burning up. Jin looked at me. "Jin... I don't... feel well," I said. "Find the Khan," Jin said to Yuna. "And take care of her for me," He added. "Jin..." Yuna hesitated while holding (Y/n) in her arms. "For Taka. For (Y/n)," He said. She still hesitated. "GO!" He exclaimed. (Y/n) held Jin's hand. "No..." She cried. Yuna dragged her. She weakly squirmed around till she just went limp, still holding the fox, that was nuzzling his face against her cheek. "JIN!"

Jin laid in that cell for days, weeks. Playing the flute, meditating, thinking and slept. It was all a routine. He even lost count of the days. Perhaps years went by? But that night changed everything. "What are you doing here?" The samurai that guarded Jin asked. "Lord Shimura asked me to deliver sake, a reward for helping retake his home," Kenji explained. Kenji? "I'm watching the prisoner," The guard said. "Hehe, he's not going anywhere. Wait too long, and your friends will drink it all," Kenji laughed. "I haven't had anything but water since we got here," He pondered. "Then YOU deserve it, my Lord!" Kenji exclaimed. The guard glared a little at Kenji before leaving. Kenji made sure that he really was gone and then turned to Jin. He opened the door and approached Jin. "Kenji. What are you doin?" Jin asked. Kenji lifted an eyebrow. "What does it look like? Let's go!" He said. "If I run, I won't be able to reunite our people against the Khan. I'll never regain my uncle's trust," Jin explained. "If you stay, hell ship you to the shogun for judgement. The orders just came through," Kenji said. "The people need you, Lord Sakai. (Y/n) needs you as well as Yuna. They have been sharing the Ghosts stories with the people and miss Kaneto has been fighting the Mongols alone," Kenji told him. "Where is she?" He asked. "Up north, tracking the Khan in the frozen waters, she has your sword. She's waiting for her partner, her other Ghost," He explained. Jin still hesitated and pondered. "Jin. She hasn't been doing well. She needs you. Now," Kenji said. Jin looked at him and sighed. "Forgive me, uncle. Find Norio, Masako and Sensei Ishikawa. Get them to Omi Village. We will open the pass for you to join us," He said. "She and Yuna are waiting for you in Kin, with your equipment. At the sacred tree," Kenji explained and bowed.

Jin jumped out the window... That's how easy it was. The rain was pouring out of the skies. "Won't reach the gate this way..." Jin said to himself. He heard how Kenji was distracting the samurai as he walked on the roofs. Jin heard some people talk about him. "How he killed them... It was not human..." The woman said. He did it all for them. He came to a wall and crouched through a hole. He finally saw his horse in the stalls. "Sora!" He exclaimed. Suddenly. "LORD SAKAI HAS ESCAPED!" A samurai yelled. "SEARCH EVERYWHERE! FIND HIM!"
Jin ran to his horse. "Easy... it's me," He said, while gently giving the white horse a rub. He jumped on it. "THERE HE IS!" One of the samurai yelled. Just before he could ride away, an arrow hit Sora. It got startled and started running. Just before he past the gate, another arrow hit Sora. "Forgive me, Sora," Jin whispered. The horse made a blood trail the whole path. "We have to reach Kin. (Y/n)'s waiting for us," He told Sora. All the way Sora kept running. But every day he got slower and slower... and slower.

Sora struggled, he fought his way to avoid death, to aid his master, his friend. But at the end, he still fell. Jin fell to his knees in front of the struggling horse. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect." He strike the horse and closed it eyes.
There's only one act left.

Kill the Khan

Jin stood up. He bowed one last time in front of his Loyal Friend's Grave. He made that grave with his own bare, naked hands. I'll never forget you. Jin ran and ran. He saw fire everywhere. "Mongols... (Y/n)!" He thought. He looked around and saw burning houses "Kenji said they were at the sacred tree... No weapons... I'll have to stay hidden," Jin said. Jin saw dead people laying around. Luckily, none of them were Yuna or (Y/n). He then found one, with blood running out of his mouth. "They... learned how to make the poison," Jin said. Suddenly, Jin felt a sharp pain, followed by some Mongols yelling. He felt the poison run through his blood as he coughed up blood. "I need to... make it... to the storm..." He said, while struggling to keep his consciousness. But he couldn't. He fell to his knees.

"KAGE! GO!" That was the last thing he heard before losing his consciousness.
Yuna was staring at Jin, looking for any movement. "Give him another warm towel and prepare another cup of medicine. I'm going outside to see if those Mongols returned," The girl ordered her and left. Yuna nodded and placed the warm towel on the young Sakai's forehead. Jin groaned and his eyes fluttered open. "Where... What happened?" He questioned. He slowly regained his vision and saw Yuna. "I wasn't sure you'd wake up," She said. "I though I wouldn't. The Mongols used my own poison on me," He said. "Me and (Y/n) have been trying to figure out how'd they get it. They must have tested it on the people of Kin. Before they burned the town. We saw families, laying in pools of blood," She said. There was a moment of silence before Yuna broke it. "Jin, (Y/n)... She hasn't been doing well. A lot happened when you were away. I... Could you please just talk to her? I've tried everything, but she... She doesn't say a word," Yuna explained. Jin raised an eyebrow and carefully stood up. "Where is she?" He asked. "Outside. She's guarding the area," She said.

Jin was walking around. Little snowflakes were falling from the sky. "Come on, (Y/n)... Where are you," He whispered to himself. Jin eventually got tired and rested against an unusually tall wooden pole. He sighed, but quickly turned around when he heard a voice. "What are you doing here? You should rest," She said. Jin looked around, trying to see where she was. He took a few steps back before looking up. On top of the pole was the girl he has been searching for. A bandage covered her eye, while a mask covered her face. She held her sword carefully in one hand. The sword her dear friend gave her. On the other hand, was a bracelet visibility, hanging from her wrist. The Sakai Clan symbol was shining.

The girl jumped down in front of him. "Didn't you hear me?" She asked, mockingly. The attitude confused him. "I...," Before he could even say a word. "I know Yuna send you here to talk to me. There's nothing wrong with me. Please leave and go back," She said. "(Y/n), what is wrong with you? What happened on the way? What happened while I was gone?" He asked. The girl clutched her sword. "What happened? You're asking me, what happened? Well Jin, I don't know, maybe you were gone for like a whole MONTH?! You don't even know what I had to do in that period, what I had EXPERIENCED! And now here you are, ready to go fight the Khan again. Seriously Jin, take a damn break," The girl said. She tried to walk away but Jin turned her around by grabbing both her shoulders. "Look at me," He said. She didn't and denied his demand. Jin gently grabbed her chin and made her look at him.

"Tell me what happened, please."
Next chapter is gonna be about the hardships that (Y/n) and Yuna have experienced while Jin was imprisoned. Thanks again for reading this book, leaving comments and voting!❤️

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