|Jealousy and Food|

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We sneaked inside the Fort. Everything was going good, till some Mongols saw Jin. So we had to kill them... we finally climbed up the tower, where we could see everything. We disabled everything and then gave a signal to the Straw Hats. Jin lit up the fire of the tower and the Straw Hats started running towards the Fort. They started killing the Mongols. All of them. "This is for Komodo Beach!" Ryuzo yelled. "Kill them all!" Jin exclaimed. I shot a Mongol in the head and then quickly drew my sword as one of them wanted to sneak attack me. I was getting tired and started to move slower. I started shooting Mongols and didn't know that one of them came behind. As I heard the footsteps, I quickly turned around, but it was too late. Well, at least I died while fighting. But suddenly, a tall figure came in front of me and killed the man. "Die, you ugly bastard!" He yelled. The figure turned around and looked at me. "Are you ok, (Y/n)?" Ryuzo asked me with concern. I nodded," Thank you, Ryuzo. That could have been my death." He nodded and smiled and went back to fighting. I took a deep breath and continued fighting.
I threw my kunai at the last Mongols. "That's the last of them," Jin said. "Look around for food," Ryuzo said. Jin and I approached Ryuzo and said, "Let's get your men something to eat." Ryuzo looked around, a cold expression on his face. It kinda gave me the chills seeing him like that. With an emotionless voice he said, "Where's all the food?" "I... didn't see any at the tower," Jin said honestly. "Did you find anything?" Jin asked me and Ryuzo. I shook my head. "Just a stack of Mongol papers on a dead officer," Ryuzo said. "Let me see," Jin said approaching him. Ryuzo backed up a little, "You read Mongolian?" "If it's in Chinese, I can make out some of it," Jin answered. "Since when?" Ryuzo asked harshly. "Since I had to read Sun Tzu," He replied. "This was only a temporary depot, they're taking everything... Offshore," Jin told us. "The boats are in the bay, we'll never get out to them," Ryuzo said. "We got in here," Jin said. Me and Ryuzo both looked at Jin and said, "You're crazy." I quickly looked at Ryuzo and he at me. We gave each other a little smile, till Jin quickly got our attention back. "Let's go back," He said, while taking my hand. I stumbled a little and looked at Jin. What got him all worked up like this?

"All right men-" I have Ryuzo a glare as he said that. "- and woman. They don't know we took the fort, so they'll be waiting for reinforcements that aren't coming. Keep them busy long enough for us to steal a boat, then retreat into the forest. Look for my torch. That's your signal to attack," He said. Ryuzo got off the rock and approached us. "Let's find a way down to the beach," Jin said. "You heard Ryuzo! Let's move!" A Straw Hat exclaimed.

We arrived at the place we needed to be. "Your men should be in position," Jin said. I looked at Ryuzo and said," You can light the torch, Ryuzo." He nodded and lit it up. He whispered," Now, men..." A huge explosion was heard and Ryuzo exclaimed, "I knew they'd come through! Look at that fire!" I gave Ryuzo a smile and said while running towards the area, "You did a good job leading them." Ryuzo's eyes widened, but then he just smirked and ran behind me. Not knowing a pair of jealous eyes were staring at us. "Come on! We need to get to the boat!" Ryuzo said. The two men were already in the boat, while I was still trying to kill a Mongol who was trying to murder me. "Come on, (Y/n)!" Ryuzo yelled. I got distracted and the Mongol pushed me to the ground. Am I seriously going to die now?
The man put his sword in the air and launched it down on me, but Jin killed him before it hit me. Before I could try to stand up, Jin already picked me up and ran towards the small boat. He sat me down and Ryuzo immediately asked, "Are you okay?!" "Yes, thanks to Jin," I said while taking deep breaths.

We finally arrived at the big ship and climbed our way up. "Look around for food," Ryuzo said. We were looking for food, while Ryuzo and Jin were discussing something. "I never knew our duel bothered you so much," Jin said. "Now you do," Ryuzo said. These two are like kids... "You should have told me earlier," Sakai said. "Life took us both in different directions. Anyway, it was a long time ago," Ryuzo said. He came to my side and helped me with looking for food. I tried to lift something up, but Ryuzo had the same though, and our hands touched each other. I quickly looked up at him. He was staring back at me. I didn't know what I was feeling, but before anything could happened Jin, again, got our attention back, "Any sign of food over there?" "Ah, uh, no," I quickly replied.

We got back outside and didn't find any food. "If the food isn't here, it has to be on the other ship," Ryuzo told us. "You search here. Me and (Y/n) will take the other," Jin said. Ryuzo gave him a weird look. "I think it would be better if she stayed here, safely," He said. "I'll need help searching the ship. Who knows what's on there. Plus, she's safe with me," Jin fired back. Before any of them could say another thing, I said, "I'll go with you, Jin." Jin nodded and went to the small boat. I looked at Ryuzo and approached him, "Don't worry, Ryuzo. I can take care of myself." I gave him a small smile and he returned it with a smirk. I followed Jin back to the boat and we took off to the other ship.

We got on the other ship and searched for the foot. Jin sneak attacked some Mongols and then we saw a bear in a cage. "Bet you can't shoot that lock off from here," I told Jin. He looked at me and smirked. He got his bow out and perfectly shot the lock off. My mouth opened wide and I looked at him. "Don't be so shocked," He said. Our little moment was cut off by growling. We looked sideways and saw the bear approaching us. "It's cute-" but before I could finish that, the bear ran towards us. Jin quickly killed it and the bear was in front of me. I kneeled down and touched the bear's fur. "Poor you. I'm sorry," I whispered. We left the bear and continued our search. We got inside and Jin had found some papers. "What's that?" I asked. "War plans," He answered.

"There's still no sign of any food," I said. We searched and searched till we heard someone yelling. "JIN! (Y/N)?!" "Ryuzo?!" I exclaimed. We opened the door to the outside world and were met with an unpleasant sight. "RYUZO?!" I yelled. A Mongol was holding him and raised his weapon. I ran towards him and pierced my sword in his arm. Jin came and helped me. While he was distracting the Mongol, I quickly checked Ryuzo. "Ryuzo?" I asked. "I'm okay. Don't worry about me, sweetheart," He said, while slowly standing up, with my help. Jin already finished killing the big guy and Ryuzo said, "I would've had that Mongol if you hadn't showed up." "I know," Jin said. "Did you see how big he was? That's where all our food went," He said jokingly. I chuckled a little and took a good look at him to see if he had any big wounds. Suddenly, fire arrows were shot at our ship. The wood started catching on fire. "Bastards! They're burning our food!" Ryuzo said. "Ryuzo! We have to go! Can you two swim?" Jin asked. "Yes, I can!" I yelled, while trying to dodge the arrows. "If I have to!" Ryuzo exclaimed. Jin took my hand and ran towards the edge. I also had Ryuzo's hand in mine and pulled him with me. We got on the edge. I looked down and suddenly fear started building up in me. Jin and Ryuzo jumped and pulled me with them.

Darkness. That's what I saw.

"Wake up! (Y/n)?!"
I swear this is not a Ryuzo x reader🧍‍♀️. Anywayyy... THIS BOOK ALMOST HAS 10K READS AND I JUST WANTED TO THANK YOU ALL FOR THIS SUPPORT!!! ps what we thinking bout this jealousy building up in the bois. The bois are figtinnnnn👁👁 Ghost chan says damn🧍‍♀️

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