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Please read the author's note at the end of this chapter
I felt a wet something touch my face. I was still half asleep. "Jin... Stop it," I groaned. "I can assure you, that's not me," A deep voice said. I opened my eyes immediately and saw Iruki with that damn fox smile of his. "Come here, you damn fox!" I stood up and chased the little beast. After a while I got tired and fell down to the ground. Footsteps approached me. I looked up and saw Jin, holding my breakfast (that he made). Iruki was right in front of my face. "GOTCHA!" I grabbed the fox aggressively and started shaking it. But it only let out some happy sounds and laughed. After some breakfast, me and Jin got back on our horses with Iruki on my shoulder.

We arrived. "Go now, Iruki. It's not safe here," I told the fox. He again for the 100th time ran away to god knows where. We saw Yuna together with Taka. I jumped of my horse and almost jumped on the man. "Taka! How are you" I exclaimed. I felt Taka getting warmer, I think. "I... I am good, thank you," He said. I then gave Yuna a hug. I stood at Jin's side again, but not before glancing at him. I saw him looking... Well more like glaring at Taka. Maybe I didn't see it right.

"Why are these people outside the town walls?" Jin asked. I just noticed that there were in fact people behind them. "The Mongols have surrounded Yarikawa. No one can get in," Taka explained. I heard Jin sigh. This little side missions were probably getting to his head. "Recruiting Lord Shimura's old rivals was never going to be easy. But now...," Yuna cut him off and said, "Now they need allies, too. Think about it." Yuna was not only a very skilled thief, but she was very and I say very clever. "We help them drive off the Mongols and they help us. I'd need their world before I fight for them and we can't even get into their city," He added. Yuna looked at me and smirked. At first I didn't understand what she meant, but I quickly realised it. "Yes, we can. There's a hidden entrance!" I said. I saw Taka's face change. He touched my shoulder and said, "From when we were children. Even if it's still there, we can't reach it." I felt another hand on my other shoulder, much heavier. "It's worth a try," Jin said staring into Taka's soul. Both of them let go of my shoulders and I relaxed. "I know a place we can scout for a way around the Mongol siege," Yuna said.

"Were you here when the Yarikawa rebellion broke out?"Jin asked, looking at me, Yuna and Taka We were back on our horses, too. "No. We left years earlier. When we were children," Yuna answered. "Did your parents move you?" He asked. "Something like that," She said. We heard thunder. "That doesn't sound good," Taka said. Suddenly, we saw a group horses, probably Mongols, in front of us. "They're heading for town," Yuna said. "Let them pass," Jin said with his calm voice. As we were approaching the city closer, Taka said, "I don't want to see this." I gave him a worried look. "We've seen worse," Yuna coldly replied. "But this was home," Taka softly muttered. "I had the same fears about returning to Omi Village. But you have to face your past," Jin told him.

We finally arrived at a decent lookout spot. We got of our horses and saw the town. "Our home...," Taka said. He had the saddest face ever. I grabbed his hand to comfort him. I felt him squeeze back. "Surrounded by the enemy," Yuna added. We got closer to the end of the cliff to get a better look. "Yarikawa doesn't stand a chance," Taka said while squeezing harder into my hand. "Yuna, (Y/n), where's the hidden entrance?" Jin asked. Me and Yuna pointed at the same time towards a river. "See that river near the town walls? Get us that far and I'll do the rest," She said. Taka let go of my hand and exclaimed, "We can't sneak past an army! And even if we find an entrance, what if the Mongols see us? We'll sentence the town to death?!" Before I could answer or do something, Jin already was doing that. "Taka. I stake my life on your metalwork. Now it's your turn to trust me," Jin told him. I saw Taka's shoulders relax and he bowed a little. "Yes, My Lord."

We were scouting the area and hiding behind some rocks. "We just have to find a way through the camp," Jin said. "Once we reach the water, it should be easy to find the entrance without being spotted," Yuna explained. "That's our plan? Sneak through the biggest Mongol camp I've ever seen. Then hope the secret entrance we used as children is still there?" Taka got nervous again. "Stay close, Taka," I said. "Count on it."

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