|As a samurai or a thief|

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I was walking and looking around the castle. It felt good to take a little break. I was wearing casual clothes and felt fresh and clean. Blossom petals were flying around me. Suddenly, I heard footsteps approach me. I turned around and saw Yuna. She smiled and I smiled back. "So, how are you doing?" She asked. "I'm doing great. I'm happy to take a small break from the action and the soreness," I answered. She laughed. "What about you?" I asked. "I was already doing great since we rescued Taka. I can't thank you and Jin enough. But, I need to find Jin, his uncle is looking for him," She said. "Why?" I asked. "The Khan took his castle," She replied. I gasped and nodded. We continued to walk, trying to find Jin.
After a while, we saw Jin, sitting in front of a small lake. We approached him, he stood up and turned to look at us. "Your uncle's looking for you. I heard the Khan took his castle," Yuna told him. "I never should have trusted Ryuzo," Jin said. "He fooled all of us, Jin. Nobody knew he was a betrayer," I said. He nodded and then turned to Yuna, "I thought you'd be gone by now." "So did I," She said. "Let's talk to my uncle. Let's see about your reward," He said. Both of them were walking away. I turned around to continue my walk till a voice called out to me, "(Y/n)? Aren't you coming with us?" Jin asked.

"Do you still want to leave Tsushima?" Jin asked Yuna. "There's nothing left for me here," She said. Ouch... What about me? She was like... A big sister to me. What am I going to do when she's gone? "I could use your help in the fight ahead," Jin said. "You have your uncle, Jin. You don't need me," She said. "I need every ally I can trust," He told her.

Jin entered the castle, while me and Yuna stayed outside. Jin walked towards his uncle. "Jin. You look well. We will defeat the Khan and the coward Ryuzo. Mount their heads on the battlements of my castle. But I can't do this without you," The Lord said. "You have me," Jin said. "I heard of your exploits, while I was imprisoned. Your methods were brutal, impulsive, without honor," Lord Shimura told him. "I did what I had to, for you," He said. "I know, Jin. And I'll be forever in your debt. But you can't continue down this path. All of Tsushima looks to us for guidance. We must save our home together. As samurai," The Lord said. "What about Yuna and (Y/n)? They saved my life and helped me free you? All Yuna wants in return is safe passage to the mainland. And (Y/n)... I think she would be honoured to be called a samurai," Jin asked. Lord Shimura looked behind him and saw the two women laughing and talking. He saw the bracelet with the Sakai Clan symbol around (Y/n)'s wrist and smiled a little. "I will grant it when the seas are clear and I will make (Y/n) a samurai. But only if they help me retake my castle," He said. "Thank you, uncle," Jin said. "We ride within an hour," The Lord said. "Yes, Lord Shimura."
"Oh, and Jin," He said. Jin turned around. "You and (Y/n) look good together," He said, smirking and walking away. "What? Uncle?" Jin stood there for some time and then turned around again.

I saw Jin approach us and waved to him. Yuna turned around, "What did he say?" Jin stood in front of us. "Lord Shimura will make (Y/n) a samurai and will grant you passage to the mainland," He said. Me and Yuna turned to look at each other and smiled widely. "After you help us retake his castle," He added. Yuna's smile was immediately gone. She sighed and kneeled down. "This isn't my fight, Jin," She said. "This is everyone's fight. Prove your worth to Lord Shimura and he will reward you. I promise," Jin told her with a stern voice. Suddenly, a voice called out, "Lord Sakai! It's time!" It was Lord Shimura. Yuna stood up and walked away. But, she stopped right beside Jin, not looking at him and said, "Typical samurai. Squeezing people for everything they're worth."
Then, she walked away.
"Yuna...," I said while reaching for her. Jin stopped me and grabbed my wrist. "Go and change into your armor," He said sternly. He let go of my wrist and I started walking away, but stopped. "You know, she's right. This isn't her fight," I said. Jin looked at me with an expression I couldn't read.

I was walking into the room where I was staying, till I heard a sound. I quickly grabbed a small knife out of my pocket and approached the moving stack of clothes. Suddenly, a fox jumped out of it and landed on me. "Iruki?! Where have you been? And here I thought you had decided to go back to the wild life," I said. I pet the fox and said, "But I need to go, retake a castle." I got into my armor and the fox jumped on my shoulder. "Are you serious coming with me? You know the rules. It it's to dangerous, you run away," I said.

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