Don't Feel Well

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Don't Feel Well - 19

Harry POV
I’m not afraid to admit that I was rather harsh on Taylor after that moment when she wouldn’t tell me about what she meant with her ‘pregnant again’ line. I was harsher on her than I ever intended to be not that I really intended to be harsh on her, though I guess that’s because she was and still is keeping something from me and won’t tell me what it is. However the past two weeks where we’ve practically avoided each other like the plague has really made me think about how much I miss her and how much I want my girlfriend back. If that means that I have to get on my hands and knees and grovel to get her back then so be it because that’s something which I will do, it’s been hell without her the past couple of weeks and I need her. I mean we’ve taken a break before but it wasn’t this bad, I mean I wasn’t seeing her every day after coming back from an amazing week away with her. The last break was less intense as this one and sure it looks bad to have been together for nearly 4 months and had a break from each other twice but I was willing to work things out now, I was willing to be a better man for her.

We’d never truly said “I’m breaking up with you” or anything like that but I was just mad at her, more so then I should have the right to be. I had been madder at her about something so small than she had was with me when I cheated on her which wasn’t right at all, I wanted to make things up to her and show her how much I need her and missed her. I needed to be like that in the hope that she’ll come back to me rather than being like “get your butt over here and be my girlfriend” because that’s selfish and I would never do that to someone who means as much to me as Taylor does.
Olivia on the other hand hadn’t been herself today either as she was awfully quiet when I got home and nothing has really changed since. She’s not normally the type of girl who hardly says 2 words to me all evening, normally I can’t get her to shut up she’s that bubbly in personality. She has the personality that the minute you walk in the door she wants to tell you everything about her day as fast as she can – not tonight. 

“What’s the matter with you, long face?” I ask as I walk into Olivia’s room to find her already changed for bed and actually in bed, she would normally try to protest about not needing to go to bed but that’s not the case tonight.
“I don’t feel good Daddy, Taylor said when you don’t feel good you should go to bed early so I’m going to be early” Olivia said and I could hear from the tone in her voice and the fact she was rather pale in the face that she really wasn’t feeling good. If she was sick tomorrow then I would have to take the day off work tomorrow to look after her.
“What’s wrong? Is it your head or your stomach?” I asked knowing that if she could narrow it down to one of these two then I could work out what was wrong with her and maybe help her.
“My Head hurts” Olivia says and I could see the tears in her eyes so clearly she was in pain. I get up off the bed and head downstairs to grab the children’s Neurofen out of the cupboard because I knew that this would take her pain away which is what I wanted to help my little girl be able to sleep. I grab it and a glass of water and take them up to Olivia so she could have the medicine and then have the water because she says the Neurofen doesn’t taste very nice at all.

“Have some of this and if you’re not feeling any better in the morning then I’m not going to make you go to school Nanny will might have to come over and look after you for a little while though as Daddy has to go out and see Taylor” I say hoping that Olivia will be okay with that. I know Olivia doesn’t get along with my mother very well at the moment considering all the times which my mother has been trying to turn her away from Taylor but I think for an hour or two she should be fine.
“Are you going to be with me the rest of the time?” Olivia asks like I’ve already said yes to her staying home tomorrow but I nod anyway because if she has to stay home then I will be with her for the rest of the time she’s at home sick. The only time I had to go out was to see Taylor because I’m not going to cancel that as Olivia’s sick, Taylor might be happy for an afternoon off.

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