Catching Up

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Catching Up - 33

Taylor POV
I thanked Charles as I climbed out of the car and the moment I walked inside the café round from my old place, where I had agreed to meet Alice, I realised how much I had actually missed the particular aroma which the café has. I looked around and instantly spotted my favourite New York Doctor to be who was sitting looking at something on her phone, I wasn’t late exactly but she was always early so clearly she would tease me like I was going to be late. However the truth was now that I had a family things weren’t always as easy as they used to be, I mean look at all the things which I had gotten done this morning when she had probably just gotten out of bed and put clothes on before coming here – I wouldn’t change anything in my life for the world though. I’d actually really missed Alice whilst I was away and there had been so much change since I got back with moving out of the apartment and everything, we’d not really had much time to catch up on things. I was sure that she had been very busy whilst I’d been away and probably had a lot going on but now was a time where I wanted to hear all the details on everything which I had missed whilst I was away.

“It’s about time you got here, I was beginning to think that you weren’t going to make time for me now” Alice joked as she stood up and hugged me.
“I am a family woman now but I will always have time for my favourite New Yorker, Harry may try and steal me away from you but we both know that I’ll put him in his place” I joke with her and she practically passes out from laughing at my attitude towards Harry and her.
“Well if you don’t we both know that I will! I can’t believe how much I’ve missed you since you’ve been away” Alice stated as the waitress came over and we ordered our coffee’s.
“Well it’s been about 2 months now since I saw you last, I mean Harry and I have been together nearly 7 months and we’d only nearly been together for 5 when I was here last” I explain and I am honestly just as shocked about that as it would appear that Alice is.
“Well you two are doing incredibly well to still be together and making it work, sure you’ve been through the wringer a couple of times but you’re managing to make it work” Alice remarked and she was right, I mean things definitely hadn’t been easy for Harry and I but we were still together and things were really working at the moment.
“Yeah, he’s been incredible and especially during my court case. I just feel he’ll be the perfect father figure to Anthony” I say and that’s when Alice’s jaw drops. I’d mentioned Anthony in the past and told her a bit about how I had a son though she still hadn’t met him and clearly that was a bit shocking to her.
“A court case? Girl, what were you doing in court?” Alice asked and I knew that I would have to explain the whole situation and what really went down in Nashville. I mean I had kind of half-heartedly explained it before I left a few months ago but she was still left in the dark over it so I needed to go into great detail here. I took a deep breath and began to explain the whole situation of what went down when I was in Nashville. 

Alice and I had been in this café drinking our coffees for about an hour now but unfortunately it was time that we go our separate ways again. Alice had to get back to the Hospital for her placement shift and I had to get to college as I didn’t want to be late for class. Alice and I did agree to catch up again soon and we agreed we needed to double date soon as that would be great fun, we thought so anyway and I’m sure Harry would love to double date with Alice and Alex. It would be even more exciting now that Alex and Alice are engaged, they got engaged when they went away for that weekend that I left in a rush to get back to Nashville. They were going to be getting married at the beginning of next year, I was just so happy for my best friend. Clearly Alex really was her Prince charming and I liked to think that Harry was mine. I got into the car and gave the directions to Charles as to where to go for the college even though he most likely already knew from last year – it was just habit. I wonder how schools going? I hope Anthony is okay I thought as I looked out the window watching the world go by whilst Charles wound his way through the New York Streets heading to college.
H: Good luck at class baby. I’ll pick you up instead of you picking me up and then we’ll go get the kids Harry texted and I couldn’t help but smile at how cute that was, clearly he was wanting to return the favour of me dropping him off at work today but I really didn’t mind. I could so get used to life like this I thought whilst deciding if I should text Harry back or if I should of just leave him be. I mean the text wasn’t really asking for a response but I couldn’t be sure. I decided that I would leave it as I didn’t really need to text him back with nothing really to tell him, he would be with me this afternoon and if there was anything I absolutely had to tell him by then I could tell him when I see him. 

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