Come To Dinner?

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Come To Dinner? - 3

Taylor POV

“Wait, what? He asked you out? By a letter?” Alice asked as she followed me around whilst I placed all my stuff down by my bed where I would sort them out later. She was supposed to be focusing on dinner as it was her night to cook yet she was following me around.
“Yeah, that what the letter reads anyway. He says that someone like me is very special and he wants to be able to treat me like so” I say holding the letter in my hands thinking about what this all might mean. Is he asking me on a date? Is that what this is? Although is this something that he simply feels that he should do for me working for him for so long? I thought trying to decide whether this letter was actually meaning something or whether it was just something I should just sweep under the carpet and act like it’s nothing though I hope it’s not.
“But why did he put it in a letter? Is he too much of a coward to coward to actually ask you out in person?” Alice asked and I knew she was just as interested in this whole situation as I am.
“He says that he would never have guts to ask me in person so he thought the letter would be better as he’s a coward…I don’t know what to say to him though Al” I read the letter whilst I follow her to the kitchen so she can continue dinner whilst we talk.

Alice and I had been living together ever since I moved to New York, we were both college students except she was studying to be an emergency doctor and I was studying to be an interior Designer. She was like a sister to me and whenever neither of us were working (she is a waitress at a restaurant near Time Square when she wasn’t busy learning how to save lives) or studying we always made sure to do things together. We were incredibly close, it was like she was my other half; she was the one who I could confide in and ask for advice like I was now because she would always know exactly what to say or suggest.

“I think this is the real deal, he’s really asking you out like on a date. Would you want to go out on a date with him?” Alice asked and I didn’t know what to say to that as I did have feelings for Harry or at least something was drawing me to him.  I liked the thought of him actually asking me out and wanting to take me on a date because that would clearly mean that there were some mutual feelings there right? Though I didn’t want to get all my hopes up about going out to dinner with Harry because it could just be a simple friendly dinner and Olivia will be there or it could be a real date and Harry is seriously asking me out for a date.

“I don’t know, I mean I would really like to be taken on a date by him but there is a part of me that just isn’t sure whether this is a proper date or whether this is just a friendly dinner with Harry and Olivia as another way of saying thank you…I should respond to him soon though so he knows that I read the letter, I just don’t know whether I call him or tell him tomorrow when he gets home” I say kind of thinking aloud but also trying to get guidance from Alice, she just looks over to me with a look of sympathy because she could see what kind of a mess I had gotten myself into.
“I say go for it, what is the worst that could happen? You’re never going to know what this truly is unless you go out with him and give it a try” Alice said as she plated up the food, looks like we’re having pasta tonight. I generally cooked when I was round looking after Olivia, I had to get her dinner organised so that Harry and her could eat when they were both home. Because of this Alice liked to cook mostly when she was actually at home because she believed that I shouldn’t have to cook two dinners in one day when she could quite easily cook dinners for us here herself.

I’d thought about the letter and what I wanted to do all night, I couldn’t sleep so I just lay staring at the ceiling and thinking about Harry and about what this invitation could be trying to tell me or mean. He bought me flowers and gave me a $100 gift voucher for the day spa which was an incredible thank you gift but could this dinner just be another way of saying thank you? Or was it a wy of leading to something more? Harry would never think of me as anything more than just his daughter’s nanny because I’m definitely nothing special. I’m just an Interior Design student working out what she is doing with her life and nannying the child of the most influential men in the country at the moment.

In Love With A Nanny (Haylor AU) (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now