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Heartbroken - 7
Harry POV

The car pulled up outside the house and grabbed my coat before attempting to sneak inside the house not actually knowing what might be waiting for me. I knew that as I didn’t come home Taylor would still be here to look after Olivia for me as she would always stay in the spare room whenever I had been incredibly late home in the past. I crept up the stairs and into Olivia’s room expecting that she would be peacefully asleep on the bed probably dreaming of princesses or school or whatever 5 year olds actually dream about. However she wasn’t, she wasn’t even in her room at all but it was surely too early for her to be awake at this hour really because she’s not ever been awake at 5am.

 I checked my room and she wasn’t there either or in the bathroom and the fact I couldn’t find her easily made me start to panic. I decided that I should check whether Taylor was still actually here or maybe she had taken Olivia home to her place as I had neglected them. I moved to the spare room and it melted my heart with how adorable it was to see Taylor and Olivia snuggled up in the big double bed in the spare room. I had absolutely no idea why it was that Olivia was all snuggled in with Taylor but it was such a cute sight and really showed how comfortable with Taylor Olivia is. I pulled out my phone and snapped a shot of the pair before shutting the door and trying to creep away without being noticed. I wasn’t ready to face Taylor yet and so if she didn’t know that I was back then hopefully I could put that off a little while longer.  

“So, now you finally decide to show your face” I hear Taylor speak up from behind me, I knew if she was behind me then clearly she had heard me come and check on both of them. 
“Now I know that you’re mad, you have every right to be as well but do we have to talk like this right now?” I say and I know that I’m really going to get hit if I’m not careful now. 
“Why? Have you got a headache from your hang over? Your head sore baby? Aww if I had a compassionate bone in my body then I would care. But seeing as I know why you have a sore head then you can just suck it up, maybe you should have been here in bed rather than SLEEPING WITH SOMEBODY ELSE!” She yelled, I was worried that she woke Olivia but there didn’t seem to be much movement in the room. I honestly couldn’t believe that she’d known where I was, I’d hoped that she wouldn’t before I had a chance to explain but clearly I was wrong.

“Please, just let me explain…” I tried to say though Taylor wasn’t going to have it and clearly just walked right past me down the stairs, she was clearly leaving. 
“No, Harry. I seriously thought that you were different! I thought that you were a changed man with the type of man whom you showed me you had become… I can’t do this! I know that you’ve been drinking even though you’re a recovered alcoholic simply because of the fact that I can smell it on your breath. Not to mention that from the look of you and how you didn’t come home last night, I know that you’ve been with another woman! I’m done Harry, I’m out! Tell Olivia that I’ll be there to see her on Monday” Taylor yells in my face once I follow her down the stairs. She grabs her coat and storms out of the door, I know that if I let her go then I’ll lose her and I don’t want to lose her.

“Taylor please don’t do this! Don’t do this to us! Don’t do this to Olivia!” I say flinging the door open and running out after her. I can’t afford to lose her, I love her and I don’t want to have to live without her.
“Us? What Us? YOU SLEPT WITH ANOTHER WOMAN HARRY! I can’t just welcome you back lovingly and pretend everything is alright when it’s so clearly not. I’m not going to do that and I can’t do that…Goodbye Harry” Taylor says getting into the car and slamming the car door shut before I watch her tell the driver to drive off and take her home. I walk back inside and shut the door, leaning against it once it’s shut and just placing my head in my hands. I have stuffed everything up and although I wanted her back I honestly don’t know how I’m going to get her back, I can’t live without her so I need her back. 

In Love With A Nanny (Haylor AU) (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now