Arguments with Doctors and Mothers

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Arguments with Doctors and Mothers - 10

Harry POV
My mum had been with me here in this hospital room for nearly an hour now, the first part of her time involved conversations about how I was feeling and did I remember what happened and everything like that which was nice. However I know that she’s just waiting for the right time to bring up Taylor and I really didn’t want to have a talk with her about my girlfriend whom I know she doesn’t approve of. I also know the only reason she agreed to giving Taylor that afternoon off on the afternoon of my accident was because I had said that was what was happening.

Just the way which she spoke to Taylor when Mum and Olivia had first arrived had been the first sign to me that these two had not been getting on whilst I was out of it and I hated that. I hated the fact that my mum had been verbally attacking my girlfriend and in front of my daughter most likely to which I hadn’t been there to protect Taylor from it all. I swore to myself that from that moment where the two met in this hotel room just an hour ago, that I would never let my mother attack Taylor again. Taylor’s my girlfriend and I will always stand up for those whom I love because they are important to me. Mom needs to learn that I love Taylor and that she needs to accept Taylor into this family because she’s not going to be leaving us any time soon.

“Harry, why are you so desperate to be with Taylor again?” Mom asked as I adjusted myself so it was more comfortable regarding the fact Olivia was asleep next to me. It was about 4pm now and whilst Olivia doesn’t usually sleep in the afternoons anymore she had clearly had a few hard days with me being in here and everything so she must be exhausted.
“Well Taylor and I are back together so that statement is false. But I’m with her again because I love her, why would I want ot be with anyone else?” I say looking over to my mother once more knowing what she is trying to start with this conversation. I didn’t want to be rude to my mother but she really needs to butt out of my love life when she has her own one to worry about with dad not to mention caring for Olivia, I can handle things just fine on my own.
“She’s not right for you though, I’m sure that there is someone else out there who will be much better for you, more that Taylor ever could be. You’re a successful business man and are actually doing something with your life whilst she just looks like a lost puppy in this big old world, she doesn’t really look like she’s sure what she wants to do with her life” Mum said and I honestly could not believe what I was hearing.

Sure, Taylor isn’t like Claire but I wouldn’t want her to be. She’s more caring and sure of what she actually wants in her life than any other person who I’ve met in my whole life, she’s an incredible woman and perfect for Olivia to look up to like she does. Frankly, I honestly am not sure what I would do if I didn’t have her in my life because she’s everything to me.
“I think that it’s time you left…You’re really embarrassing yourself here and I do not want you talking like that around my daughter and about a woman whom Olivia really adores” I say hoping that Taylor would be back soon, that was if she wasn’t already around just outside the door. Mum rolled her eyes at my demand and I slowly woke Olivia up before telling her that she should go home with Nanny but I would see her later.  

I was in my hospital room by myself for about another hour before Taylor came back in with a rather large smile on which showed she was actually happy to see me. She’d brought a bag so clearly she’d been back to my place and grabbed a few things for me – so thoughtful. I was so glad that Taylor was back but I wasn’t happy to see the doctor walk in behind her, they clearly wanted to tell me something.
“Harry, baby you need to talk with the doctor. I’ve been outside just now discussing things with him and I know what he’s about to say which you won’t like to hear but just know that it’s all for the best” Taylor says as she pulls away from the kiss which she had greeted me with. I smiled at the sound of her calling me baby again though I want looking forward to hearing what the doctor wanted to discuss, especially as he had discussed it with Taylor before me. I took her hand in mine as she stood by the side of the bed, I wanted some form of comfort for whatever the doctor had to discuss with me.

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