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Mistake - 6

Taylor POV
It's been a couple of weeks now since I first went on that date with Harry, I was still on cloud 9 about everything. I wasn't exactly sure what Harry and I were in terms of our relationship, like whether we were titled as together or just a casual fling thing. We'd been on a couple more dates together to different places and we did refer to each as a date but I didn't exactly say that he was my boyfriend. We'd made some of those dates child friendly and brought Olivia along with us like the ones where we went to the National History Museum or to Central Par. Though we'd also had ones where Olivia wasn't brought along like if we went to an adult movie or out to dinner. That was mainly just because Harry 'didn't want to share' or he 'just wanted me all to himself', at least that is the reasoning which he put behind it anyway.

He surprised me at college a couple of times with lunch for both of us or some present which he had seen when we was out and about but he couldn't wait any longer to give me than like an hour or two later when he brought it to me, to actually give it to me. Although I wasn't sure whether we were exclusive or anything, I knew that I had some kind of relationship with Harry more than just professional and that was exciting. The first time I kissed him we were on a date to the National History Museum with Olivia, it was right when Olivia had run on ahead with a friend of hers whom we'd brought with us. Harry had pulled me in for a kiss once Olivia was looking at another exhibit, it had been an amazing kiss though and I couldn't wipe the smile off my face afterwards. Once we'd broken apart Harry had claimed that it was the exhibit near us of Penguins, they mate for life and that was Harry's inspiration apparently - I didn't really get it but it was a nice gesture. Since that date it had been incredibly hard to leave each other alone, every time we were together most of the time his lips were on mine or mine were on his whenever we had the chance.

"Is Daddy taking you out on Valentine's Day?" Olivia asked as we walked into the house after I'd just brought her back from dance lessons. It was Thursday and so instead of just having dance on Tuesday Olivia had started to have dance on Thursdays as well, something along the lines of she had joined a new class or something. That was what Harry had told me when he had told me that I had to take Olivia to dance on Thursdays as well as Tuesdays. Speaking of Harry, he had called me earlier saying that he would be home late tonight as he had a late meeting he just couldn't get out of. I didn't know how I was going to tell Olivia as of yet because I didn't want to have to deal with the out lash of Olivia knowing that her father had broken his promise to her.
Valentine's Day is tomorrow and I honestly wasn't sure what Harry and I were doing as we'd not really talked about it. I wasn't even sure what Valentine's Day really meant to Harry, he never spoke about it and after losing his wife I wasn't sure if he even believed in it all or not. I'd been out and bought him a gift because of Valentine's Day but I wasn't sure whether I would give it to him or not as I didn't know whether he did that kind of thing and I didn't want to make a wrong move. If he didn't really celebrate that kind of thing I would just save it away for another occasion, Harry would get the gift in one way or another.

"I don't know darling, what about you though? Is there a boy at school who is your valentine?" I asked already knowing the answer but I saw her smile.
"I'm only 5, boys are icky!" Olivia says and I couldn't hide the smile from how naïve she is. I would like to think that I was like that once but that was a very long time ago and so much had changed since then.
"Well you're nearly 6, your birthday is coming" I say and Olivia just looks up at me like I was crazy and the fact that she would be getting older is never going to change her opinion on boys.
"Still! Boys have cooties!" Olivia shrieked before I instructed her to go and change out of her dance clothes before we get started on her homework.
Olivia is an incredibly smart little girl and her knowledge even on her homework was eye opening to me. I did feel for her though because she seemed to be lonely at home when it was just her and I, I'd seen her get so happy every time Harry would come home early these past couple of weeks but with Harry not home yet she had become rather unhappy like she knew that Harry wasn't going to be here for dinner tonight. I thought Harry had changed his ways and he was really trying to make his daughter happy by coming home early but obviously I had been wrong. Olivia was most upset when her bedtime came around and Harry still wasn't home yet, he'd completely blown her off and that wasn't cool in my books even though I had known hours before now.

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