Holiday's & Library's

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Holidays & Library's - 14

Harry POV
Olivia is currently upstairs playing with some of her new dolls which she had been given and her doll house, Taylor and I were sitting rather cuddled up on the couch in the lounge. We'd had such a good time last night even if she was out of my reach like a lighting bold this morning, I didn't understand why she had been so determined to prepare such an amazing meal for the girls so early. I also couldn't believe that Gemma had brought up going on holiday this morning, I had been planning how to tell Taylor already but I wasn't going to do it quite yet as I wanted it to be more of a romantic gesture. I'd booked a hotel in the Cayman Islands in the Caribbean for a week in a couple of weeks from now but I had wanted to make this time a particularly special time away so I had also booked a few other activities which would be nice. I had been planning to take her on a date out to dinner and tell her about the holiday then. However because of Gemma's slip up now I know that I should really tell Taylor soon otherwise she'll think I'm hiding something bad which isn't the truth at all.

"You know how Gemma mentioned about me going away earlier?" I say after a few minutes of me just twirling her hair on the end of my finger, even though she really didn't have very long hair considering it was shoulder length. It was something I had never done with Claire because it felt wrong but with Taylor it just feels right.
"Yeah, if you're going away somewhere then you don't have to feel like you have to tell you me you know. I believe you enough to trust that it's good" Taylor remarked but I just shook my head because it wasn't exactly like I could not tell her about this.
"Well that would be a little hard considering that you would need to know in order to pack and everything, you're coming with me. Baby, I've wanted a way to really have some alone time together after everything which we've been through with you looking after the company for me and Olivia and everything. I wanted a way to really be able to thank you, you and I are going to the Cayman Islands in the Caribbean for a week at the end of this month. Olivia is going to stay with Gemma rather than my parents because she wants to do that...I can hardly wait!!" I say and I swear the look of shock on Taylor's face is the best thing in the world. It was like she wasn't expecting that I was wanting to take her away like this. But there was nothing which I wanted to do more, I needed some proper adult alone time with her and there was no better place than the Caribbean to be honest.

"Really? You want to do something like that?" Taylor asked and I nodded before she leant down and kissed me tenderly. I could tell that she was rather excited about the fact that we were going away together, just like I was.
"I love you" Taylor says and I couldn't help but pull her in for another kiss because it had been a little while since she'd said that last and even though we'd only been going out for like 3 months now it still was rather special to hear her say such a thing.
"I love you too, more than you could ever imagine that I do" I say as we break apart again and I couldn't believe how much of a good kisser Taylor was and the fact that I was the only one who got to kiss her like this. Taylor literally is the best thing that's ever been mine and I don't feel like I even come close to telling her enough to be honest, not as much as I should anyway.

The next couple of days are exactly like normal: get Olivia off to school, go to work, call and check in on Taylor, go to meetings and make sure everything in the company is running smoothly now I'm back, go to physio, come home where Olivia and Taylor are waiting and do the nightly routines. It's nothing overly special but I love it all because of the things which I do and how much happier things at home are now that everything between Olivia and I are good again. Taylor has been staying over later now which she says is because she likes to be around if needed though really I know that she just likes to be here with Olivia and I. I'd been thinking about asking her to move in at one stage because she's here so often it's like she lives here anyway. But I thought about how long we've been together now and everything and then decided against it because it would seem like things are moving really fast I don't want that. I don't want things to be seen as being rushed because I don't want to lose Taylor again - ever.

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