Hospital (Part 1)

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Hospital (Part 1) - 36

Taylor POV
I’d been sitting in the waiting room for about 2 hours now, Zayn had come out and sat with me for a while talking everything through and Louis came out too. Though he did look like he wasn’t doing that great and I had a feeling something had been going on in his personal life as the woman who went to see him never came back out to sit with us and Louis kind of looked like someone had killed his puppy when he was out with us and I don’t think that had to do with Harry. However both Louis and Zayn were back in their respective rooms now as they needed to rest in order to get better. In the waiting room now it was just; Niall, Harry’s parents, Gemma, Max and I. Niall had felt bad about the whole accident and so he didn’t want to leave even when Liam had offered him a lift home as he was leaving, we promised that we would ring him when we knew anything about Harry’s condition. We were yet to get someone back to my place in order to look after Olivia and Anthony but Gemma and max had both volunteered to go once we knew Harry was out of Surgery as I wouldn’t be going anywhere away from here till I had seen him that was for sure.

Sitting in this hospital waiting room, my mind kept going back to the last time I was here at the beginning of Harry and I’s relationship. Back when we had actually been on a bit of a break and Harry was in a car accident, Harry got through that with limited injuries and didn’t even need to have surgery but this time it felt different which isn’t good. The story of exactly how this really happened scared me and although I appeared brave on the outside, on the inside it was a completely different story as I was truly petrified to lose Harry. Olivia had already lost her mother and she couldn’t lose her father as well, Anthony had never really had a father and I always thought that Harry would become that which is why I don’t want him to have to lose that and start over. I could lose the guy whom I believe is my soul mate and I couldn’t put the children though all of that, they didn’t deserve to go through all of that which is why I need Harry back.

“Family of Harry Styles?” A man in blue scrubs came into the waiting room and we were all instantly on our feet, this must be Harry’s doctor and he would hopefully be able to tell us more about how he is.
“Well, he’s out of surgery now and is currently being moved to Intensive care. He’s most definitely not out of the woods yet though as he was in particularly bad shape when he came in and whilst we’ve pretty much fixed him he’s still in bit of a bad shape. He flat lined on the table a couple of times but we were able to get him back and he’s certainly a fighter considering the fact we were able to get him back and help him out, he doesn’t want this to be the end clearly. He’s in a coma now because the extent of the injuries put him there but honestly we’re not sure whether he will ever wake up. We’re hoping for the best though and hoping we got to him in time to give him the best chance to come back. Sorry but that is all I can tell you at the moment” The doctor said and it was like I had all the wind knocked out of me as I felt I couldn’t breathe. Don’t get me wrong I was relieved that he was still essentially in the land of the living but it was scary that the doctors weren’t’ even sure if he would wake up again.

“Can we see him?” Gemma asked as clearly I had no ability to form sentences ring now.
“Only immediate family at this point and sorry but I have to tell you to keep it down to only 1-2 at a time because of the fact it’s intensive care and Harry needs to rest in order for him to hopefully recover” the doctor finished and instantly Harry’s parents rushed off to go and see Harry. I knew that there would be no way in hell that I would get to see him if Harry’s mother was around – she really did hate me after all.  I just excused myself to go and get some air as I needed time and space to myself right now in order to take it all in. 

I stood directly outside of the hall that I had run into a couple of hours ago and I couldn’t believe how much my world had changed in the few hours that I had been here. I didn’t know what I was going to do if Harry doesn’t make it, he is my life support and without him I wouldn’t be able to go on. We’ve only been going out for 7 months now but they have been the best 7 months of my entire life. I know that if Harry didn’t make it then I would never see Olivia again as Harry’s mother would take her away and never let me see her again as I have no hold over her. I would be back to not truly knowing what true love is as my one true love had been taken away from me.
“Taylor! I just heart, where I he? What can I do?” I hear someone call from behind me and I turn to see Alice standing there with a worried look on her face and slightly out of breath. I had no words and she knew that so she just pulled me into a hug as she was the closest to family that I had here and I needed her right now.
“Harry was involved in the accident at the pub…he’s in a really bad state…they don’t even know if he’s ever going to wake up. I mean the doctor said he died on the table a couple of times already. I can’t lose him Alice, I can’t live without him” I say absolutely losing it and breaking down in tears for the first time tonight. I had put on such a strong face like I was fine but I think being here with Alice was my breaking point and I knew I didn’t have to be strong around her.

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