Family Time (In Rehab)

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Family Time (In Rehab) - 11

Taylor POV
“Taylor, are we going to go and see daddy for my birthday?” Olivia asked as we got out the car and walked towards the entrance to the rehab centre. Harry had been here for nearly 2 weeks but he wasn’t able to come home on Olivia’s actual birthday which is why she hadn’t wanted to have a party yet. Her birthday was tomorrow and I was going to take her out for ice cream with a couple of her best friends from school but now that she wanted to see her dad on her birthday I wasn’t sure what we were going to do.
“I don’t know darling, we’ll have to ask him today” I say before we walk inside the rehab building, I had to sign us both in because when you come to a place like this you always have to sign in and sign out just so they can keep records. Harry mom had not been happy when I first started to bring Olivia here to see her father at the weekend and she wasn’t overly happy as it is now but that was life.

Harry’s mother needed to accept that I had more power with things to do with Olivia then she did because although she was Olivia’s grandmother I was down as a legal guardian on school forms and that.
“Miss, Mr Styles is in with his doctor now and won’t be done for at least half an hour. I don’t know whether you want to take a walk in the gardens and I’ll tell Mr Styles that you’re here when he’s done or if you want to go and come back” The receptionist said after I finished writing who we were coming to see. I knew that seeing as we had pretty much come from school, Olivia would be hungry and there was bound to be something for her to eat in the cafeteria.
“Just let him know that we are in the cafeteria” I say before taking Olivia’s hand and walking to the cafeteria where I had lunch with Harry today. I’d had the day off from college and wasn’t needed in the office so I had come and seen Harry at lunch time like I promised him when we were in the hospital that I would see him whenever I had a free moment.

It’s hard to believe we’ve been back together nearly a month and yet when I think about him it feels like we’ve been together for longer. It feels like we never even broke up, I like to even forget about the fact that we broke up because it’s quite clear that Harry has.  Olivia and I had grown rather close over the past couple of weeks or at least closer than we were before Harry went into rehab and I like ot think that we were really close then. She’s like an incredibly talented little girl and the things which she has been learning to do at school constantly amaze me because I never knew that things which I find rather easy now would be so hard at such a young age. However she has a particular talent with numbers and then there was also the side of her which liked to write stories as well or at least tell stories which she thought up anyway. She was very similar to how I was when I was her age when I came to think about it because I liked to write stories when I was younger as it allowed me to dream things which I would like to happen in my life. Like how I would marry a prince and live happily ever after and whilst he wasn’t exactly a true prince I did like to believe that I’ve found my happy ever after. I like to believe that although I’m only 22 I have found my forever and that’s in Harry.

“There are my two favourite people” I heard Harry call from behind me and Olivia looked up from her orange juice to see Harry and instantly got up to run into his arms.
“Daddy!” She squealed and I could tell that they were both rather happy to see each other, he stopped in his tracks and started to have a slight conversation with Olivia but I just turned my attention back to my phone where I had been waiting to get a text back from Alice telling me whether she was working tonight or not. She hadn’t been awake when I left this morning so I hadn’t been able to ask her but I wanted to know whether she was cooking tonight or whether it was only me in and so I would get something on the way home for me.
A: I’ll be out with Alex till late, you cook for yourself and I’ll talk later Alice texted me back whilst I waited for Harry and Olivia to come over and join me.

In Love With A Nanny (Haylor AU) (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now