Cayman Islands

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Cayman Islands - 16

Harry POV
“Enjoy that sight did you? You’re never going to want to touch me again now” Taylor said once she realised that I was standing right there looking at her.
“What kind of sick freak do you think that I am? Of course I didn’t enjoy seeing how beaten you are, is that because of your ex though? Did he do that to you?” I asked trying to get her to properly talk to me but she just nodded and I could tell that something was really affecting her. 
“Things like this are things which I have to live with. Sure these scars are rather unappealing to look at but I learn to live with them! That was nearly 4 – 5 years ago now and yet I’m still tortured by it all” Taylor says as I walk over to her and try to hold her close as I can see her crumbling but she just pushes me away. 
“You don’t need to feel sorry for me like I know you do, you don’t even have to touch me because who would want to touch someone as scarred as me. I understand if you want to end it now because clearly no one would want to be with damaged goods like me” Taylor says again looking out the window from the kitchen to the garden. I can hear the pain in her voice when she talks about her past and her scars on her body, this has emotionally harmed her as well. 

“You’re wrong you know that right? Those scars are a part of you and I love you so I’ll love them too. Sure, I don’t know what happened when you got them and sure one day I hope that you will feel safe enough to tell me about it but that doesn’t change anything about the way I feel about you. I love you and I want to hold you, kiss you and touch you regardless of any of this because I love you for you, I didn’t fall in love with you for your looks, I fell in love with you for your personality” I say before pulling Taylor into my arms and holding her as she just breaks down. I will always have her back and be there by her side but I swear if I ever meet the jerk who did this to my Taylor then there is no way in hell I’m going to be as nice.

The rest of that afternoon/ evening was spent with me trying to show Taylor that I really don’t care what she looks like on the outside, I don’t care about her body or that. I was trying to show her that I am in love with her personality and everything which is her on the inside. The scars which she has on her are just a minimal part of who she is and i want her to know that if she wants to get rid of them or whatever then I’ll help her, I’ll pay for whatever she wants done because I want her to be happy if nothing else. I don’t exactly know how it would work for her to get them gone or at least faded but I was willing to pay for anything which she does want done. Taylor is all I care for (apart from Olivia of course) and I’d do anything for her if she wanted it done because I only want her to be happy.
I woke before Taylor the following morning and decided that the best way to go about showing Taylor how much I really love her would be to make her breakfast. Now when I say breakfast I really just mean toast because we all know that I can’t cook to save my life, though it was incredible that I didn’t burn the toast because I usually do. I wanted to do it to show Taylor that I really tried to make something for her breakfast, I knew that she would understand regardless because she’s that kind of person. Breakfast was a success though the success with it caused us to nearly not get out the door on time as we got a little carried away by showering together. I was rewarded for my work even when I didn’t do it to be rewarded for it, I’m completely satisfied now though. 

“I’m guessing this morning’s activities mean that we’re good now? You’re not mad at me anymore?” I asked as Taylor looked up at me from where she was lying with her head on my lap as we relaxed into our seats on the couch of my private jet. She was rather involved with something on her phone but I wasn’t exactly sure what.
“Well I would say so, thanks for this morning by the way. However I was never truly mad at you last night, I was just so sure that you were going to leave me. Those scars are just something that I don’t let anyone really know about or even show anyone because I don’t like them and I don’t want to be seen as a charity case. I was so sure that if I showed you that you would find me unattractive and leave because I mean who wouldn’t? That was kind of why I was like that yesterday, I’m sorry” Taylor says clearly feeling like she has to explain herself to me which was never the intention but it’s good to see her side of things.

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