Science Day Out

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Science Day Out - 31

Taylor POV
The moment we got home that night it was like Christmas day, I was on cloud 9 with excitement and happiness all because I would get to keep my little boy. Anthony had no idea why we were all so happy and making a really big fuss over him but he was loving the attention anyway. However I would have to say that the highlight of the whole day was when I walked into Anthony’s room at my parents place and saw Harry sitting on the side of the bed with Anthony on his lap whilst they read a book before bed. It made my heart absolutely melt with how adorable the scene was and it was nice to see that Anthony was beginning to accept Harry. I watched the two for a couple of seconds longer before quietly going back downstairs to join my parents, hopefully not ruining the moment which I’d seen playing out before me.

“So, Harry is upstairs with Anthony on his lap reading a bedtime story, it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen” I say as I join them in the lounge room and mum, dad and Austin looked over to me.
“That’s so sweet. You’re incredibly lucky to have found someone like him Tay. I’ve only seen him for a couple of days and I can already tell how in love with you he is and clearly he wants to be involved with Anthony. I don’t think there is anyone better we could want for you” Mom says and I was really touched by her statement. Clearly this was her way of saying that she approves of harry and with everything which I had been through with Harry’s mom it was really nice to hear my mom loves Harry.
“You have no idea how happy that makes me to hear you say that, after everything which his mother has done to try and push me away from Harry and Olivia, it’s lovely to hear that you are so welcoming and loving of Harry like this” I say smiling and sitting next to mom.
“as long as he makes you happy then that is the only thing which we could ever ask for and the fact he so clearly wants to be involved with Anthony makes everything even better” Dad says and I knew from that moment that he would be happy as long as I was happy and as long as any guy which I was with included Anthony into our relationship as he can’t just be pushed to the side and ignored. 

Harry came into the room shortly after we’d moved onto a conversation about something else, some TV show which Austin had been watching mainly. It was kind of a relief though as it would have been awkward for him if he’d walked in on a conversation about him. Although I knew that he probably wouldn’t have minded anyway as he’s a bit of an attention seeker himself at times really – obviously the reason Olivia is such an attention craver. I’d not stayed in the room with all of them for much longer afterwards though as I was tired from everything which had happened today. Harry stayed downstairs talking with my parents and I didn’t mind though I was a little curious about what they were talking about but I was too tired to do anything about it.
Anthony won’t have a single idea what’s going on when Harry and I take him with us to New York. He’ll gain a sister (well kind of) who I know is going to be so excited about it that it’ll be a bit scary for Anthony. However I’ll be there the whole time and I know that he’ll end up loving it and loving both Harry and Olivia I thought as I sat up in bed looking through my photo album of photos of Anthony as he’s been growing up. Either I’d taken the photos or someone else had and then been sure to give me a copy of it all. There was this photo from when he was about 18 months old, I’d come back for the summer break and taken Anthony out for ice-cream one day. The only thing which I clearly hadn’t thought about at the time was that he was going to get covered in it like most 18 month olds do when you give them ice-cream – it was chocolate to be precise. Looking back at it now though it would have to be one of my most favourite photos of him.

“What are you laughing at?” Harry asked as he walked into the room, looking rather happy with himself.
“I’m just looking at old photos of Anthony and remembering the different situations which they were taken in” I explain as Harry comes and sits next to me on the bed. I wanted to know what he was talking to my family about but I didn’t want to seem rude. Harry placed his head on my shoulder as I flicked through the next couple of pages of photos, clearly he was liking looking at them too.
“So I was thinking that we could have a day out just the 3 of us tomorrow…I wanna take you and Anthony out?” harry asked as I closed the photo album and placed it on the night stand next to the bed.
“Well that’s thoughtful of you, what is the motivation for this?” I ask wondering what has been going on in his head today that had inspired all of this.
“I just want to be able to spend proper family time with you and Anthony considering that’s really what we’re going to be like when we go back to New York and you move in with me. We’re still good about that right?” Harry asks and honestly I was happy to move in with him considering it was the first step towards marriage and that’s really the direction I’m hoping that we’re moving in.
“Yes, of course. There is nothing I would want more than to live with you and Olivia” I say hinting that it wouldn’t just be him and I living together with Anthony but it would be Olivia too.

In Love With A Nanny (Haylor AU) (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now