Again? Really?

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Again? Really? - 38

Harry POV
The minute I spotted Taylor in the doorway I couldn’t help but smile, I’d been eagerly waiting for her to get here and honestly I couldn’t believe have amazing she looked now that she was here. I could tell she was a little conflicted as to what to do from the look on her face as she stands outside my room. My parents are here in my room though I’m not listening to them at all, I’m trying to get my beautiful girlfriend to come here and let me kiss her. However I know that there are problems with her and my mother and it’s probably gotten worse over the time I wasn’t awake, I need to find out from Taylor what’s been going on if I want to help. I need to get Taylor inside the room and get my parents as well as possibly Gemma out of it so that she’ll come in and I can be with her alone.
“Right, you need to rest Harry and so we’ll leave you to it, though it’s so lovely to see you awake again” Dad said smiling and I knew that either he had seen Taylor outside or had seen me spot Taylor outside and stop paying attention. Mum was trying to protest but dad wasn’t giving her the chance to have a say in it by taking her hand and pulling her with him out the room whilst Gemma followed behind clearly getting the hint as well. I watched Gemma say something to Taylor outside and she smiled before walking into the room and standing in my doorway just watching me.

“Never in my entire life have I been so happy to see two green eyes locked with mine” Taylor said and I couldn’t help but smile, which was her sense of humour that I adored coming through.
“Come here” I say coughing a little whilst holding my hang out for Taylor to grab but she just walks from the door to the side of my room where the water was and hands me my cup again. I needed to keep my fluids up and my throat moist if I wanted to be able to talk.
“You freaked me right out Mr Styles, I thought I was never going to see you again and I was bracing myself ot have to tell Olivia that her daddy wasn’t going to be coming home” Taylor says but I don’t respond, I just pull her into me for a kiss. I’ve never wanted to kiss her as badly as I did right now and the minute which our lips collided it was like I’d died and gone to heaven with how amazing it felt.
“I’m here…and not going anywhere” I say once we pull back and I can see Taylor smile before moving round to the other side of the bed and sitting on the chair with her hand in mine. I was so happy that she was here and I was glad that she wasn’t crying when she was here as I hated her being upset.
“I was so scared, I didn’t know what I was going to do if you didn’t wake up again” Taylor said and I smiled at her, I could tell that she wasn’t sleeping as she had bags under her eyes and I couldn’t help but feel guilty because of that as it was my fault she had been so scared.
“You kept me fighting…Every time I...I heard your voice, I wanted to come back even more” I say and Taylor smiled before standing up and leaning in to kiss me again. Clearly she’d been missing my kiss as much as I missed everything that was when I was with her. 

Taylor was in my hospital room for several house, it’s rather amazing how much I’ve missed out on the past couple of weeks when I was in the coma. I think I’ve spent more time with Taylor than I had spent with my family but then again Taylor was all the family which I could ever need and we weren’t even married. I would rather spent time with her than time with my parents but that was probably because I didn’t like my mother at all right now. I have no idea how she’s been whilst I was asleep but I don’t want pressure Taylor into telling me when I knew she probably wouldn’t but I still wanted to know because if she had been causing trouble again and making Taylor’s life worse then I needed to deal with that. I was looking like if I had to deal with her being rude to Taylor then I really would have to give her that ultimatum that I threatened.
“Uh is now a good time to talk or should I come back? I was hoping to discuss your condition Mr Styles?” The doctor said as I lay looking at Taylor who was currently messing around on her phone trying to get this video she wanted to show me of Olivia and Anthony playing in the backyard the other day.
“No now is perfectly fine, what you say in front of me you can say it in front of her” I say inviting him in and Taylor puts her phone so she can pay attention to this as well.

In Love With A Nanny (Haylor AU) (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now