Plans Are Always Changing

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Plans Are Always Changing - 24

Taylor POV
Today was the day of Olivia’s kindy graduation and I honestly can’t think of another time that I’ve been as nervous about something in my life as I am currently for Olivia and her graduation. Well I guess in some ways it’s the nerves about going as Harry’s date to this thing especially as I don’t trust Harry’s mother at all. Last night Harry and I had talked everything about today through when we were snuggled up on the couch at his place after putting Olivia to bed and yet I was still anxious about everything with his mother. Olivia was so excited about the fact that I’m going to be at her graduation and that I’ll be going away with her and Harry tomorrow for the whole weekend. I just love seeing her so excited about things really, she was so excited about me and harry being there to pick her up yesterday but particularly after we told her how I would be at her graduation. That sparked an idea in her head that I needed to be introduced to every single person in her class, even though I had met nearly all of them before when I’ve been picking her up from school. But it was still rather special that she felt that it would be a good idea to introduce me around again so everyone knew who I was.

However, today was all about her and I just couldn’t wait to see her face light up when she gets her awards, she absolutely loved being the centre of attention and I know that she’ll love all the attention being on her when she gets the awards. I already have a dress picked out for the graduation and then I even have another dress picked out for the dinner which we’re all going out to in celebration of Olivia graduating kindergarten class today. Harry and I had even decided that it would be wise for me to stay over at his place tonight so that we could all leave from there tomorrow morning – Harry was a little more excited about me staying over than he was about actually going away with all his family this weekend.

“Wow, don’t you look rather lovely today! Are you sure you’re just going to the kindy graduation? I mean it’s a beautiful dress and I think lover boy is going to have a hard time actually keeping you in that dress” Alice remarked as she walked into the bathroom where I was standing fixing my dress and putting my earring’s in.
“I don’t just have to please Harry and Olivia, there are all the other parents and the rest of his family who will be there that I want to impress. I have this dress for today and then another dress for the proceedings tonight because I’ve heard it’s rather formal when his family go out like this” I say and Alice nods as she leans against the doorframe of the bathroom. Alice would be away as well this weekend as she was going away with Alex on a kind of romantic getaway. We weren’t even sure when we would see each other again this week considering that I would be away with Harry till Tuesday and Alice wasn’t sure when she got back.

“I still can’t believe that after the way which you talk about his family though mostly his mother, you’re actually going to go away with them all this weekend. Are you mental?” Alice asked to which I couldn’t help but to snicker because that was something which I had asked myself lately. But I was sure that I wasn’t mental and really I was only trying to make an effort to show Harry how much he really means to me.
“At the end of the day, I love Harry and that’s all that really matters here. I mean his mother strongly dislikes me and I don’t like her but I love the rest of his family as they are all lovely and welcoming – They’re apparently going to have my back this weekend which will be nice” I say before moving back to my bedroom to slip into my shoes and head out. Harry had said that he would come and get me but I had turned that idea down because he had enough on his plate with Olivia and getting her ready in time, he didn’t need to worry about coming to get me. I had booked a taxi to take me to the school and I knew that it would be waiting for me outside now which is why I really had to be leaving now. I didn’t want to keep the taxi waiting and I also knew that in today’s traffic getting to the school would take a while and I really couldn’t afford to be late to something like this. 

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