Accident Aftermath

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Accident Aftermath - 9

Taylor POV
I don’t think it’s possible to run any faster into an entrance of a hospital like I did to the hospital which Harry was in. I knew that I would never get the information of where they were out of Olivia and I didn’t want to talk to Harry’s mom just yet. I’d met her a couple of times when she had been round at Harry’s for dinner or something but I wasn’t in the mood to really be around her when I had clearly broken her son’s heart once and then stood him up tonight which was why he was in the hospital now.
“I’m here for Mr Harry Styles” I say at the front desk and the lady just looks at me.
“Are you family?” She asks and I have no idea what to say; I was his girlfriend but now I’m his ex trying to be his girlfriend but I also baby sit his daughter.
“Not quite but I work for his family” I say and the lady nods, I wasn’t sure whether she would send me back to the waiting room or actually take me somewhere with her to hopefully find Harry. She went and spoke to another woman and the whole time I’m trying to work out where Harry could possibly be right now on my own because this wasn’t looking good.
“If you could come with me ma’am I’ll take you to the family member’s room” The lady says and I nod, she clearly could tell that I needed to be with Harry’s family but really I just needed to be with Harry. I had made such a mistake when I put things off for so long like I did but when he had cheated on me I was really hurt.

The minute I rounded the last corner and the nurse showed me into the room Olivia was up and out of Harry’s mother’s lap and wrapped around my waist. I bent down and just hugged her close, I could tell that she was anxious over everything because she’d already lost her mom and she really didn’t want to lose her dad as he was all she had left in terms of close family.
“He’s going to be okay Livy, he’ll be here with us in no time” I pick her up and kiss her forehead before walking over to Harry’s mom. I knew that she didn’t like me but I could not care less to be honest. I’m not here for her, I’m here for Harry.
“How is he?” I asked trying to be civilised and also trying to get the information as the nurse hadn’t told me anything on the walk here and I knew that Olivia probably had no idea what was going on with Harry really.
“Why should you care? You’re practically the reason which he’s in here! You stood him up at the museum and so he went and got in a car accident. But you come running now?”  Harry’s mother says and I don’t know how to react, she’s always so bitter to me and I don’t understand why.
“I didn’t honestly mean to stand him up, I just didn’t get to read the letter which he gave me till it was too late…I tried to come to the museum but I didn’t get there in time and then I got the call he had been hurt and I rushed right here” I say trying to explain myself but not really understanding why I have to.

Harry’s mother wouldn’t tell me how Harry was and his father wasn’t here so once I had the chance and Olivia would let me go out of her sight I made my way to the nurse’s desk to get Harry’s doctor. Harry’s doctor had given it to me straight; Harry was in a bad way and the injuries had been so severe which he had needed to go into a coma for at least a week. He’d had internal bleeding, a broken leg and his kidney had to be worked on. They weren’t sure that he would survive but they knew that having his friends and family here with him would probably help and if there was anything between Harry and I then me actually being here and talking to him might help. So that’s what I had done, I’d stayed the whole night by Harry’s side when I was able to and just talked to him, apologised for everything which we’d been through and told him how I didn’t hate him anymore. I confessed everything in my heart to Harry and prayed that he would wake up, I told him that he didn’t need to worry about Olivia as I would be there for her and he didn’t need to worry about work or his company as I would work with his assistant and get what needs to be done actually done.

The week passed ever so slowly though, I had not been to any of my college classes because I couldn’t deal with that as well as looking after Olivia and trying to help with Harry’s company where I could. His assistant Marcel was rather nice and others who were under Harry had been good in trying to help me with the company but I didn’t feel like I could do much as I didn’t know what I was doing.  Every lunch hour I would spend by Harry’s side and when I picked Olivia up from school we would be there with him and Olivia would tell him all about her day. Harry’s mother was there when i wasn’t and I knew that she didn’t approve of Olivia seeing Harry like this but I didn’t care because I wasn’t going to keep her away from her father. Especially after the fact that she had lost her mother at such a young age, I didn’t want her to worry that she would lose her father too. Olivia stayed at the hospital one night with Harry and I, mainly because I was simply too tired to take her home but we left with time to get her home and ready for school before we had to actually go. I made sure to always get her to tell Harry good bye and that she loves him before we left and when it was just me I kissed his cheek mainly to let him know that I was going but I would always come back.

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