Surgery Time

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Surgery Time - 39

Taylor POV
I simply couldn't stay away from the hospital and not be there with Harry the following morning when he was waiting for his operation which would be the in the afternoon. I'd brought him a picture that Olivia had drawn at school and he was amazed at how talented she was becoming with her drawing but then again it had been over a month since he'd last been around her and I guess he really missed her. I knew from the look on his face that Harry was nervous about the surgery which was coming but then again he'd only just got out of his coma yesterday and it was his fault he rushed into this surgery today as he was the one to say yes. But then again I was nervous about it as well because of the fact of I'd only just got him back and here he was going under the knife again. I knew from the look on Harry's face that he is regretting his decision. One particular thing which Harry is clearly regretting is the fact that he has to fast before the surgery which means nothing apart from water. Harry gets particularly grumpy when he's hungry and so not only was I here on my Saturday morning to support him, I was supporting a 'grumpy harry' which I can tell you isn't my favourite that's for sure.

"Baaaaby ple-ease?" Harry whined, he was trying to get me to go down to the cafeteria and smuggle him up some food. He was apparently 'going to die of hunger' if I didn't do it and then I would 'be a murderer and go to prison' but the truth was they weren't have him fasting if he couldn't handle it, really there was nothing he could use to get me to get him food. 

"No, doctor said you can't have it so the answer is no!" I said and he started to sulk again, it was exactly like Anthony when we went grocery shopping and told him that he couldn't have the chocolate or he wouldn't eat his dinner — I'm a really hard parent when I need to be.
"Fine then! I don't love you!" He said and I just shook my head as it wasn't him talking, it was him trying to get me to get him food and telling me he doesn't love me isn't going to get him what he wants.
"I'll tell Gemma that you're making me starve when she gets here" Harry complained again and I just rolled my eyes, he was really trying to get me to do it but I wasn't going to fall for his threats which didn't mean anything anyway.
"Alright then you do that, I guess I'll leave you with your family then" I say acting like I wouldn't stick around if he tried to use his family against me. I loved messing with him as I know that he's just trying to get me to cave into doing something for him which I can't do and so it's all backfiring for on him. 

Eventually Harry settled down again and is currently passed out from all the people visiting and stuff which he's done this morning so far. The boys, Harry's Parents and Gemma all came and went during the whole morning, they were surprised that I was staying the whole time with him but I knew that if I left him before his surgery then I would look like a bad girlfriend and I wasn't that's for sure. Olivia was at Darcy's for a sleep over and my parents were going to look after Anthony for me when he was finished at his friend Thomas's place. He was too young for a sleep over just yet but he would like staying home with my parents as he loves hanging out with them. How in the world did I end up getting so attached to one person, he makes me see the world at a different angle and I really can't think of what I would do if I didn't have you with me I thought as I watched Harry sleep the time away. He would be going under the knife again to fix his back but the doctor had assured me that apart from the risk of never walking again if they can't fix the bone the nerve which is trapped, there was no serious real risks to this surgery — nothing like last time anyway. That reassurance did wonders to me though as it meant I really didn't need to get so anxious over it all, I knew that Harry would be in perfectly good hands with his medical team and everything would be just fine.

I sat out in the waiting room for the full 8 hours which was the whole length of Harry's surgery, his mother was surprised that I stayed all that time and didn't rush home to the kids once the surgery started but there was no need as they were being looked after already. She kept saying that I was a pathetic mother to Anthony and that I would never be a proper mother for Olivia but I wasn't really trying to be, I was simply trying to look after her the best I can. Her mother unfortunately isn't around anymore and so I was the closest thing she really had to a mother outside of Harry's family which was hard task to take on but I think I'm doing alright. I can only do my best and that's what I feel like I'm doing really but I wouldn't know as I never knew her mother so I have nothing to compare to. The only thing which I could compare to was Harry as a father but things were obviously going to be different when he's a man and her father whereas I'm just trying to be something like a mother but not trying to be her mother.

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