Maybe I Should Go

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Maybe I Should Go- 23

Taylor POV
“Hey Taylor, can we talk?” Gemma asked as she stood on my doorstep, she looked incredibly nervous and almost like she thought I was going to shut her out.  Though I would never shut someone like her out, she’s one of the only people in Harry’s close family that I know of whom actually likes me and hasn’t been pushed away by his mother – well maybe her father too but the jury was still out on that one really.
“You know that you can always talk to me…Come inside” I say standing to the side and keeping the door open so Gemma could walk in. I knew that it was mostly likely going to be a very late night now if Gemma was here and needed to talk but I don’t really mind considering it’s not like I have anything to do tomorrow.

“Can I get you anything to drink?” I asked trying to be a good host but I was so curious about what she wanted to talk about.
“No thanks, I’m fine” She says and I smile nodding before sitting down next to her on the couch, she didn’t look very happy and the fact that I knew that she was at the dinner tonight didn’t exactly comfort me either – something had obviously gone wrong or happened there if she was now in my living room.
“So…What’s up?” I say trying to start off the conversation in the hope that she’ll open up with the reason that she’s actually here.
“I just want you to know that no matter what Harry, our dad and I all have your back, we’re not going to stand for mum pushing you away like she does anymore” Gemma says and I smile because it was rather nice to know that there were people in Harry’s family other than him and Olivia that actually liked me. But it did seem a little weird to be here talking with me about all of this at 11pm at night to be completely honest.
“Thanks Gemma” I say smile as I was actually rather touched she wanted to have my back like that.
“Harry doesn’t know I’m here and well after the appearance and how cold he was to my mum it’s rather for the best that he’s not. Tay, I’ve never seen my brother so passionate about someone like he is when he talks about you. He wasn’t even as passionate about Claire as he is with you, I think you’re more important to him than his dead wife is” Gemma says and I had no words. I would never intend to be like that, especially not with his dead wife because I know how much she meant to him.
“Gemma that’s so sweet of you to say but if you’re trying to get me to come to the graduation or dinner on Friday or even go away with all of you this weekend then you’re wasting your effort as I won’t do it. I’m not going to be the reason your whole weekend is ruined because of your mother wanting to pick a fight” I say but Gemma just shakes her head like I had things completely wrong. 

“But Harry, Dad and I will all be on your side and we’ll be the first ones to stop that from happening…You’re honestly the best thing that has ever happened to Harry and I will not stand for mum pushing you away from him because she doesn’t approve. She’s being childish and I won’t let Olivia lose the closest thing she has for a mother again because she already lost her real mother and that was hard enough. Harry would really want you there at all 3 things I know it” Gemma says and I know that she’s got a point, maybe I should really go but I just don’t want to make everything so much worse for them all with their mother.
“I’ll think about it okay? I was definitely considering going to the graduation but sitting up the back out of sight then slipping out when it finishes so it’ll be like I was never there. However I’m really going to have to think about the dinner thing and going away” I say and Gemma just shakes her head before leaning forward to hug me which could only mean that she had said what she needed to and was now going.

“Yeah that would never work as you need to be there with Harry supporting Olivia and so you would be sitting with us. If we’re being honest here then I’m really looking forward to the day that I can call you my sister in law. You and Harry are perfect for each other and I can see you lasting a long while. You make my brother so happy and I love you like a sister already, now please come on Friday and you can sit with me if you would prefer” Gemma said as she grabbed her bag and I walked with her to the front door.
“Thanks Gem but I think we both know if I turned up and sat next to you than a certain brother of yours would get jealous and well we can’t have that. If I come I’ll text you and I’ll be there with Harry” I say and she smiles before wishing me a goodnight and she disappears down the stairs to get to the bottom of the apartment block. I watch her get down to her car as we’re on the second floor and then close the door and heading to the bedroom – I needed sleep now. But I would really have to think things through and maybe if I did go away this weekend then it would be the perfect time to tell Harry about Anthony as I don’t want it to be like I was always hiding something from him. 

In Love With A Nanny (Haylor AU) (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now