Court (Part 2)

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Court (Part 2) - 30

Taylor POV
Court had been in session now for nearly half the day now and we’d only had one 10 minute break as the judge needed to go to the bathroom. I was a little tired from it all but I knew that if I was lucky then there would be a break soon and I could get a coffee or something if this was going to take much longer. Darren had been doing an incredibly good job over protecting me with our case and he was rather sure that it was going to go our way based on the claims Jake had been making so far.  The only claims he had really made was that I was living in New York when my son was here and that I would only come home for a couple of weeks a year and see him which is neglecting him but Darren had counter claimed them both. Ben and Brit had both been up in the witness stand and successfully stopped Jake proving any neglect to Anthony by them looking after him rather than me. He’d even put Anthony’s doctor and case worker up there who had both helped me give Anthony over to Brit and Ben but still be in his life. Neither of them had proven that I had done anything to Anthony in the form of neglect because I hadn’t don’t anything wrong rather I’d done things to help my child – Jake wasn’t going to win. 

Darren was currently presenting the case of Jake being abusive and how no child should ever be put in a home with how it would be like if Anthony was given to Jake. This had brought out the pictures of the attack and the facts about the fact I nearly died on the table after already nearly dying on the carpet in my living room in my apartment in my Nashville home as Jake left me there. Darren also covered the details about how I had to learn several skills all over again but I was better now, I could hear people being disgusted in the audience and as I looked around to Harry, Brit, Ben and my parents they all looked like they were about to be sick. My parents had already seen all the injuries as they were there when I was in the hospital but none of the others had and I think this was showing Harry how far I had really come.

T: It’s okay, they look horrible but really it’s all better now I texted to Harry as the court moved on. Technically I shouldn’t have my phone out or on when I’m in court but I had to as I had to know if something happened to Anthony or I needed to get to him quickly. Jake had really done a lot of damage to me when he attacked me and if he lost his temper with my son then things would be worse and I don’t even want to think about him going through that. The judge needed time to think everything through and also needed to give everyone in the courtroom time to get over those gruesome images so he called a lunch break of an hour. That meant we had plenty of time to go and grab a coffee and probably something to eat before we had to be back and maybe I would get my son back. 

The minute I stepped foot outside the courtroom I was in Harry’s arms and he was hugging me close, clearly he had been needing one after those pictures. It had been a hard case but I could see it going my way now and I knew that with everything which Darren had been able to do everyone else could too.
“I’m never going to let that sick creep anywhere you or your son ever again!” Harry said as he kissed my head and I smiled, this was his protective side coming out obviously.
“How’s Anthony?” I asked as my mom and dad joined Harry and I after our moment.
“He’s fine, he misses you but Austin had him happily playing with Lego before we left. Austin is also going to make him a ham sandwich and take him to the park to ride his bike this afternoon. So don’t worry about him” Mom said as I hugged her and dad as to thank them for looking after Anthony this morning and for being here for me today.
“See I knew he would be fine without you and Jake can’t get to him. We’ll be back with him later and then as I told you last night we’ll take him back with us to New York” Harry explained as I had been freaking out with what was going to happen whilst I was away from my boy today. Harry’s arm is protectively round my waist and I leant into him whilst we stood talking with mom and dad.

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