Namseok - Teddy Bear

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Turning his phone over, Namjoon gives a little smile at the notification. He doesn't hesitate in pressing it, leaning back in his chair and sighing softly.


I made you something babe

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Now you won't be so lonely when you're working late

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Now you won't be so lonely when you're working late


Aw it's so cute

Thank you

Home soon, I promise


Ok, love you


Love you too 


Letting the front door close softly behind him, Namjoon shivers. Thankfully, the apartment's warmth greets him with welcome arms, and he's soon feeling much better. It's silent, save for the monotonous whirring of the dishwasher, so he can only assume that his husband is either asleep or hasn't realised he's home.

He finally finds him in the little home office they have, tidying up the desk and putting things back in their place. He's always admires his natural cleanliness and organizational skills, so much so that when they first started living together, he came up with a cute nickname for him.

"Hey," he whispers, hugging him tightly from behind. "How was your day, my handsome domestic god?"

"Good," replies the other, accepting a gentle peck on the lips. "You?"

"So-so," Joon gives a little smile. "But as long as I get to come home to you at the end of the day, I don't care. How's Taehyungie doing?"

"Energetic," the elder chuckles, laying a hand on his stomach. "Busy little boy, kicking all day long."

The blond does the same, so they overlap. "It'll all be worth it in a few months, won't it? We'll finally get to meet our little boy in person, be an even bigger family."

"Jimin was asking when you'd be home, by the way. Poor kid, he's been sleeping all day."

"Fever not any better then?"

"Sadly not. It's gone down by a couple degrees, but he's still really weak and pale."

"He'll be okay, he's a strong kid." Namjoon gives a little sigh and kisses his husband's neck softly. "Why don't you go and get into bed, hm? I'm just gonna go check on him, then I'll be in."

Nodding, the brunet disappears, probably to get ready for bed. Namjoon also leaves the room, approaching the single closed door in the hallway and opening it slowly. Their six-year-old son's been home from school all week with a fever, and what kind of father would he be if he didn't check on him?

He makes his way silently to the bed and kneels beside it

"My poor boy," he whispers, stroking his son's fluffy black locks as the latter sleeps peacefully. "It isn't fair, is it? You're such a good kid, and then you have to go and get sick. Daddy and I are gonna take care of you though. You'll get better."

Still lost in feverish slumber, Jimin doesn't reply. Joon gives a little smile and leans down to kiss his forehead, before leaving the room in silence so he doesn't wake him up. From there, he returns to his own bedroom, where Hoseok's already sitting beneath the covers in his pyjamas - well, his boxers and a t-shirt, which he usually wears to bed. He changes quickly into his own pyjamas - a pair of knee-length shorts and a tank top - and gets under the covers with him, smiling as he does.

"Hey," he whispers, placing a hand on the baby bump and leaning in so their noses touch. "You and these boys are the best things to ever happen to me. I'm really looking forward to this little one being born so I can be an even better father."

"Me too, Joonie." Hoseok whispers back, kissing him softly. A small yawn promptly escapes his lips, and he pulls away to cover it with his hand.

"Alright, get some rest." the younger male tells him, laying both pillows flat so they can lie down together. Their hands interlace and their faces are barely apart from one another, but they wouldn't want it any other way.

"Goodnight, sunshine." Joon pecks the tip of his husband's nose. "I love you."

"I love you too. Goodnight, Namu."

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