Eyes opening, Yoongi can't help but give a little smile. He's not normally this cheerful the moment he wakes up, but the quiet mumbling and giggling behind him says that today he should be.
"Good morning, baby." he chirps, turning over and wrapping his arms around his younger boyfriend's waist. "What are you doing?"
"Mwe pwayin', Dada!" the boy replies, grinning widely. "Pwayin' wid Tata!"
Yoongi chuckles softly and pecks his temple, ruffling his hair. Though Tata - the heart-faced alien plushie - is one of Taehyung's newest toys, it's by far his favourite. He sleeps with it (not in that way you pervert), eats with it, even tries to bathe with it sometimes (though Yoongi always manages to stop him), and he takes it everywhere he goes by tucking it into his coat pocket.
"Baby, is Tata a boy or a girl?"
"Um..." Tae places a finger on his chin, thinking. "Nuh boy, but nuh gir' eiva. Wike Junggie."
Yoongi doesn't think he could ever be more smitten. 'Junggie' refers to Jungkook, Taehyung's best friend and partner in crime, who identifies as genderqueer and uses they/them pronouns. He never thought that Little Tae would understand that, since he's only 4, but the fact that he does - and is perfectly okay with it - just makes his heart melt.
The brown-haired continues playing for a few minutes, mumbling cutely to himself, before a low grumbling sound catches his attention.
"Tummy sayin' goo' mo'nin'!" he giggles, placing a hand on his stomach. "Mwe hung'y, Dada."
"You're adorable," coos the elder, pinching his cheek. "C'mon, let's get you some breakfast. I think my baby deserves waffles today, hm?"
"Yay, waff-waffs!"
Yoongi stands and grabs himself a button-down shirt and some jeans from their closet, putting them on before he goes out to the kitchen and starts cooking, unable to help but hum joyfully to himself as he does. Taehyung's got an electric personality, so whenever he's around him, it's hard to be anything but happy. He's just dynamite.
Once he's put the batter in the waffle maker, the door to their room opens, and the younger - still dressed in his pyjamas - waddles out. Yoongi smiles and approaches him, taking his hand.
"Baby, while your breakfast cooks, do you think you could get dressed for me?"
"Good boy. Do you need me to help, or can you do it yourself?"
"Can do't 'se'f!"
He chuckles, kissing the boy's forehead. "Alright, go on."
The younger disappears into the room again, returning just as the little indicator light on the waffle maker turns green, now dressed in one of his favourite outfits.
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"Look at you, my gorgeous little boy." his caregiver grins, opening the machine and starting to dish up the food. "What drink do you want with your waffles, lovely?"
Blushing at the compliment, Tae points shyly at the carton of milk that sits on the counter. "T-T'at one..."
"Alright, sit down and I'll be done in a second."
He finishes up by adding a spoonful of yogurt to the waffles and drizzling them with blueberry syrup, then cutting them up, and then pours some of the milk into a little cup for his beloved boyfriend, before placing both in front of the latter.
"There you go, baby. Do you need me to feed you?"
"Nuh-uh, can do it!"
Somehow, he manages to eat all of his breakfast without making a mess, which is unusual. He'd normally make a mess with the first bite, but Yoongi isn't complaining. One less outfit to wash.
"Dada, mwe still hung'y..." mumbles the younger, once his caregiver has taken his plate and refilled his cup. "Can have fwuit?"
"Of course, baby. We've got apples, oranges, and some blueberries - which do you want?"
"Ooh, wan' owange!"
Yoongi grins and picks up an orange from the fruit bowl, washing it quickly under the tap before cutting it neatly into eighths and placing the pieces in a bowl. "There you go."
Unfortunately, the unexpected cleanliness doesn't last long. Within a few moments, Tae has orange juice all over his fingers, as well as a little dripping down his chin. It's so endearing how he's so happy all the time, with his bright eyes and boxy grin, that Yoongi can't help but laugh at his cuteness.
"Uh-oh, mwe mwaked mwess, Dada..."
"That's alright, bub. I'll clean it up."
Once he's finished his fruit, the boy stands up and takes his little bowl over to the sink, dropping it proudly into it. The action makes his caregiver coo softly, as well as stand behind him and hold his hands so he can wipe them - and his chin - clean with a paper towel.
"What do you wanna do now?"
"Wan' cwean wid Dada."
"Okay. Can you get the dish soap from the cabinet for me?"
The younger runs off without hesitating, returning with the bottle of green liquid and a wide grin. "He'e go, Dada!"
"Good boy. Since you've been so helpful, why don't I call Hoseok and see if he'll bring Junggie over for a playdate, hm?"