Taegi - Late

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Shivering in the broken cold, Yoongi takes his keys out of his pocket and inserts one into the front door, turning it to let himself in. After a long day in the studio, he's looking forward to getting some sleep in a nice warm bed, accompanied by his beloved boyfriend.

"You're late." says a stern voice, and he turns around to see said boyfriend sitting in the living room, arms folded. "Again."

Sighing to himself, Yoongi backs up and leaves the apartment again, the door shutting gently behind him. Taehyung doesn't move, thinking he's just trying to be his usual weird, apologetic self, but when a few minutes pass with no sign of him, a frown forms on his face. Yoongi didn't just leave, did he? He's coming back, right? This is all a joke, isn't it?

Well, if it is a joke, it certainly doesn't feel like it. Jokes are meant to be funny. This isn't funny. This hurts.

45 minutes later...

Eyes trying to force themselves closed in the dim glow of the computer screen, Yoongi blinks once, twice, and pushes his chair backwards slightly, needing to be a little further away. He rests his chin on his hand, then glances at the couch in his studio; on it is his phone, a charger, and a blanket and pillow he managed to find in the room.

Thing is, the blanket's Taehyung's. It smells like Taehyung. Feels like him too. Just that feeling of feeling safe and secure in the embrace of someone you love, but ten - no, a hundred - times more.

Fuck it. He spins the chair around and practically leaps out of it, grabbing his phone before sitting back again. Opening his texts, he pulls up Taehyung's number and spends a moment scrolling back, reading over old messages where they were so loving to each other, then scrolls down again and types out a message to him.

Yoonie :

Tae, I'm sorry

I'm just stressed with work

But I promise I'm gonna spend some more time with you, ok?

Please don't be mad at me 😢

I love you

He lets out a sigh, placing his phone down on the desk and putting his head in his hands. It buzzes a few moments later, and he picks it up again to look at it.

TaeTae 🐯:

Love you too

Yoonie :

Do you want me to come home?

Because I can

Or I can just sleep in the studio tonight

Feel like I've earned it after what I did to you

TaeTae 🐯:

No, come home

I miss you

Can't sleep without you


Yoonie :

Alright baby

I'll be home in 15

20 minutes later...

"Sorry I'm late, baby. Traffic was awful." Yoongi mumbles sheepishly, standing in the doorway to his and his boyfriend's bedroom. The latter's lying on the bed in the dark, aside from a lamp on the nightstand, and facing the wall.

Without a response, he slips into the room and quickly changes into his pyjamas, then takes a seat on the bed. He reaches across to touch his partner's shoulder, shaking him gently to get his attention. After a few seconds, Taehyung turns his head to look at him, a groggy pout on his face, then his entire body.

"I didn't mean to wake you up, buttercup." whispers the blond, stroking his lover's cheek. "You can go back to sleep."

"It's fine." mumbles the other, his voice hoarse and nearly broken, as if he's been crying. Yoongi notices, as he pouts softly at him to try and show his concern. "Wasn't sleeping anyway."

The younger's eyes open. It's only a few seconds before they're filling with tears, and he hides his face in Yoongi's chest just before a stifled sob escapes his lips.

"Polar bear, please don't cry." whispers the shorter, wrapping an arm around him and starting to rub his back. "You know I hate seeing you upset. Talk to me, tell me what's wrong, let me help you."

"I-I just missed you..." Tae whimpers gently. "You never have any time for me because you're always working, a-and it just gets really lonely when you're not here for ages."

"Aw, sweetheart, I know. But I promise, I'm gonna fix that. I emailed my boss and asked her if I could have some time off, and she said I could, so I'm gonna be here to spend some time with you for a while."

"H-How long?"

"Two weeks." the elder kisses the top of his boyfriend's head. "But I also asked if I could stop working so late sometimes. So, after my two weeks at home, I'll be coming home early three nights a week. I'm really sorry I've been neglecting you lately, baby. I'm gonna try my best to never let it happen again."

The black-haired hums softly, wiping his eyes and looking up at his boyfriend. "Will you cuddle me to sleep?"

"Of course." Yoongi smiles at him. "You comfy?"

A nod.

"Alright, baby. Just get some rest, alright? I promise, I'm not going anywhere."

"G'night, hyungie."

"Night, Tae."

The next morning...

Opening the door to his and his boyfriend's bedroom, Yoongi gives a little smile at the sight of the younger still lying in bed, fast asleep. He walks in, sets the tray he's holding on the nightstand, and then sits beside the male, leaning over to kiss his cheek.

"Baby, wake up." he whispers, gently shaking the ravenet's shoulder. "I have something for you."

Taehyung groans softly, his entire body stiff and sore, and reluctantly turns over, a groggy pout on his face and his eyes barely open, squinting at the light from the nightstand lamp. "Mm, what time is it?"

"Nearly 11." Yoongi kisses his cheek again. "Since you were tired last night, and it's your birthday, I thought it'd be nice to let you sleep in a bit. I made you breakfast too - cinnamon raisin bagels with maple butter, and fresh orange juice. Well, fresh from the carton in the refrigerator."

The pout is replaced with a soft smile, and the younger eases himself into a sitting position, propped up by two pillows, with his boyfriend's help. "You remembered."

"Of course, I remembered. How could I forget the day you got pushed out of a random vagina against your will?" the blond grins at him, reaching out to ruffle his hair gently. "I'm gonna take really good care of you for the next few days, baby. I know I haven't done enough for you lately, and I'm gonna fix that."

"Hyungie, you don't have to..."

"Well, I'm going to." he steals a kiss on the lips. "Now, you get comfy and eat, and I'm gonna go sort your presents out."

Once he's gone, Taehyung glances over at the tray and removes the lid, mouth watering instantaneously at the heavenly scent of cinnamon that drifts through the air. He smiles. The fact that Yoongi put so much thought into this, spent so long making it - perfecting it - just for him, it makes his heart pound, every possible ounce of love and affection from his boyfriend pooling in his body and making him feel lighter than air.

How did he get so lucky to have Yoongi in his life?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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