Vmin - Fight

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"You can drive me to my performance, right?"

Taehyung rolls his eyes. "You always want me to drive you. It's like I can't even say no, because I know you'll just annoy the shit out of me until I change my mind."

"Excuse me?" the elder stares at him in disbelief. "Maybe I ask you to drive because I'd like my boyfriend to be with me, instead of some random cab driver I'll have to make small talk with."

"You're so fucking controlling, Jimin."

"Says you, clingy bitch."

"You think I enjoy driving across the country to get you to your shows, when you and I both know that you have a license and you're capable of driving yourself? It's like you never consider that maybe I have something going on, but I have a fucking life too! I'm allowed to do whatever I want, whenever I want, and with whoever I want, and no one - no one - can say anything about that!"

"Tae, let's talk this out." Jimin says, with a slightly calmer tone.

"No, let's not. Let's be honest, we spend too much time together. All day, every day - that's too much. What we need now is some space and some time away from each other."

The ravenet gets up and silently makes his way to their bedroom, shutting the door behind him and locking it. And the first thing he does, after entering his little realm of isolation, is reach for the top drawer of the dresser, where he keeps all his art supplies.

He sets up the easel in the middle of the room and, taking a thin brush between his forefinger and thumb, lays out the many bottles of paint on top of the dresser so he can see them all at once.


Checking the time on his phone, Taehyung sighs. It's been three hours since he and Jimin had their little spat, and the only thing he feels is guilty. It's his fault. He's the one who started the argument. He had a bad day at work and took it out on his boyfriend. He'd actually planned on proposing at the end of the week, but now he doesn't think he can. He thinks Jimin will say no, and he doesn't blame him for that.

Sighing again, he gets up off of their bed and glances at his finished painting for a few seconds. Recently, he's been getting into something called 'paint night', where he and all his friends join a Skype call on a Friday night and create a piece of art based on a theme. And since it's not paint night, he decided to create his own theme: apology.

Even though they're both still in the apartment, he still misses Jimin. He's lonely without him. He needs him. It doesn't matter where the elder has a performance, he wants to be the one to drive him there. To encourage him on the way there, and to congratulate him on the way back. That's his job. Dancing is Jimin's passion, and the last thing Tae wants to do is to kill that passion.

Deciding it's time to talk, he opens the door, and to his surprise, Jimin's standing there with his fist raised slightly - as if he was going to knock, but then didn't. They stare at one another for a minute, before the ravenet pulls his boyfriend into a hug and starts sobbing against his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I shouldn't have yelled at you."

The shorter brings a hand up to hold onto Tae's shoulder, gripping it tightly. "I'm sorry too," he mumbles. "I shouldn't have yelled either... I was just being selfish."

"You weren't being selfish, bub, I just had a bad day and took my frustration out on you. Do you think you can forgive me?"

"Of course, TaeTae." Jimin says, as if it shouldn't have even been a question, and reaches up to wipe away the other's tears. "Of course I'll forgive you."

Within a half hour, the two are lying in bed together, Taehyung's legs wrapped tightly around his boyfriend's waist and the elder's head tucked into the former male's chest, and both holding tightly onto one another.


"Mm?" Tae hums, sighing contentedly.

"You don't have to drive me if you don't want to. I can go by myself."

"No, I'll drive. I want to." the younger kisses the top of his boyfriend's head. "You're a star, Jimin, and you're gonna shine so bright on that stage that you'll make the sun cry."

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