Namjin/Yoonmin - Laptop

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I don't ship yoonmin romantically and this wasn't requested by anyone but you'll see why I made it yoonmin as well as namjin


- no warnings

Plot: Brothers can be the best of friends sometimes, but certain situations can pit them against one another. Then again, there's always the one who doesn't mind, since the relationship between siblings is more important than any material item.


Threading his fingers through his hair, Namjoon sighs and slumps back against the couch. He's been hunched over a textbook for the past half hour, trying to absorb the information he needs for his upcoming teachers' exam, but nothing's going in.

"U-Um, Dad?"

He looks up, immediately frowning at the sight of his tear-eyed son standing beside him. The boy glances at the textbook on the table, a guilty look spreading across his face. "S-Sorry, I didn't r-realise you were busy..."

"No, no, don't worry about it." Joon reassures, gesturing for the younger to sit in his lap. "What's wrong?"

"I-I..." Jimin mumbles, tears continuing to flow down his rounded cheeks, and tucks his head into his father's shoulder. The latter makes a gentle hushing sound to try and calm him down, rubbing soothing circles into his back.

"Hey, I've got you, MinMin. C'mon, tell me what happened."

"W-Well, I was playing with Tae and Jungkook, and Yoongi-hyung's laptop was on the table. I ran past... and knocked it off. Th-The screen's all c-cracked, and s-some of the keys came off..."

"Well it was an accident, right?"

The eleven-year-old nods.

Namjoon smiles warmly at him, running his fingers through the boy's hair. "Then when Yoongi comes back from his piano lesson, I want you to tell him what you did."

"B-But he'll be mad a-at me..."

"He won't, doll. Not if you tell him the truth - that it was an accident and you're really sorry. And if he does get mad, come and tell me and I'll talk to him. Also, tell him I'll pay to get it fixed."


An hour later...

Hands trembling, Jimin tries to swallow the lump in his throat as he sits in his father's lap. Seokjin's just pulled into the driveway, meaning he and Yoongi will be in any minute.

"You're okay," Joon reassures, noticing how he tenses up as the two aforementioned males enter the house and come into the living room. The first one to notice something's wrong is Seokjin, who sits beside his fiancé with an expression of perplexity.

"What's up with Minie?" he whispers aside to him.

"He accidentally broke Yoongi's laptop, so he's a bit upset." he turns back to the smaller boy in his lap. "Jimin, do you have something you need to say to your brother?"

"U-Um... Yoongi-hyung, I was playing with Jungkook and TaeTae, a-and I kinda... knocked your laptop off the table and broke it..."

The elder's face is unreadable, and he stays silent for a few moments before speaking. "It was an accident." he says, shrugging. "No big deal."

"You're not m-mad at me?"

"Course not," Yoongi smiles, holding out a hand. "You want me to show you what I learnt in my piano lesson today?"

Their parents smile in unison as they watch the two boys disappear into Yoongi's room together, before turning to one another for a knowing glance and sharing what they like to call a 'good parenting high-five'.

"You handled that well, I'm impressed." Jin pecks his fiancé's lips. "Old Namjoon would've panicked and tried to hide it."

"He's gone now, babe." reassures the younger. "I'm a changed man."

"Well I hope the new Namjoon's still a good student," another gentle kiss, this time on the forehead, and the brunet reaches for the textbook. "C'mon, I'll help you."

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