OT7 - Scavenger Hunt

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Sighing to himself, Jimin lets his eyelids flutter open and stares up at the ceiling. After a moment of stillness, he starts to pout. The bed's empty. He fell asleep happy, having Jungkook and Seokjin either side of him, holding him close, playing with his hair, talking fondly to him, but now there's nobody.

Now he thinks about it, he can't hear the usual things he hears in the mornings - namely Namjoon shrieking at the top of his lungs in the shower, Jungkook whining as someone (probably Taehyung) tries to wake him up, and the irritated complaints of Yoongi as he tries to fix whatever Namjoon's managed to break. What's happening?

Sure, it's his birthday, but that doesn't normally stop them. Everything's the same, and the only general difference is that they pay a little more attention to him. So now that they've all disappeared, he's a little suspicious.

Rubbing his eyes, he sits up and looks around the room, gaze falling on the little sheet of paper on his nightstand. He picks it up, unfolds it, and begins to read it:

'Happy birthday Jimin! We're making this interesting this year - you have to find us to see us. To start, take the little chain on the other side of this note and go down to your car. There, you'll find another note that'll tell you where to go. Good luck!'

A warm feeling settles in his chest. The fact that they'd put so much effort into this really means a lot to him, and makes him feel incredibly loved and valuable. So, not wanting to waste time, he throws some clothes on and grabs his keys, giddy with excitement as he makes his way down to his car.

It doesn't take super eyesight to see the small object that's been taped to his steering wheel, along with another note. Sitting in the driver's seat, he takes the little silver charm and holds it closer, seeing that it's a chick.

"Cute." he smiles to himself and carefully attaches the little charm to his chain, then picks up the next note.

'Was that difficult? Thought not. Next, go to Jungkook's apartment. There's a key under the mat - use it to go inside, and your next note is under the vase on the coffee table. Don't forget to lock the door again and put the key back when you leave!'

Starting to figure this whole thing out, he makes his way out to his car and gets into it, driving down to Itaewon and parking outside the apartment complex. He quickly jogs up the stairs until he reaches his bandmate's door, taking the key from under the mat and doing just as the note told him. Under the vase, he finds not only another slip of paper, but a little bunny charm.

One by one, Jimin makes his way through town, following the instructions on the notes he finds in each location. The third one sends him to an artisan chocolate shop, giving him a squirrel charm. The fourth takes him to the park and gives him a hamster. The fifth, a koala in a café. Six is a cat, found at a nearby farmer's market. Seventh, a florist, where he gets a tiger cub. A final note takes him to their company building, up to the fifth floor, right to the end of a corridor he hasn't been down yet.

'Knock once'

He does as the piece of paper on the door says. It opens, revealing darkness. He steps inside and closes it behind him, which is when the whole room lights up.

"Happy birthday, Jimin!" the six voices of his bandmates shout in unison. They're all standing in the middle of the room, Taehyung and Hoseok holding a cake between them, and wearing party hats. The room's been decorated too - there are balloons and streamers everywhere, a banner hung from the ceiling, and a white cloth-covered table that holds a whole spread of Jimin's favourite foods.

"C'mon, blow the candles out." his fellow '95-liner grins, holding the cake closer to him so he can blow them out. Once he has, the other five erupt into applause.

"How's the necklace looking?" questions the leader. Jimin pulls the top of his shirt down slightly, proudly displaying his completed piece of jewellery as tears form in his eyes. The former smiles and pulls him into a hug, rubbing his back. "C'mon, baby boy, don't cry."

"I love you guys so much." Jimin sniffles, rubbing his eyes as the others surround him, trapping him in a warm embrace. "Th-This has been the best birthday I've ever had. Thank you."

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