OT7 - Controlled Chaos

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Sunlight streaming in through the blinds, and the gentle twittering of a robin filling the room, Namjoon lets his eyes open and gives a soft sigh of contentment. September 12th. His birthday.

Waiting to see which of the members will greet him first, he pulls himself out of bed and out into the living room - still in just his boxers - before heading to the kitchen to make himself some breakfast. He lazily throws a couple of slices of bread in the toaster, then pours himself some coffee from the freshly-made, still-steaming pot. There's only about a cup's worth missing, so he knows there's at least someone up.

Finally, he hears a little shuffling behind him, as well as a sniffle. Since the seven of them have lived together for so long, he knows it's Hoseok just from the tiny amount of noise he makes.

"Morning, Namu." chirps the elder, hugging him tightly from behind. "Happy birthday."

"Thanks." Joon smiles, letting himself be kissed on the cheek. "I'm gonna head to the studio in a little bit if you wanna come with me. Just gonna work on a few bits and pieces."

"I'm good." Hoseok shakes his head softly. "I've got a headache, so I think I'll just stay here today. Raincheck?"

"Of course. It's important you take care of yourself." says the taller, pouting sympathetically at him. "Just say when."

The silver-haired pulls away and goes towards his and Jimin's room, shutting the door once he's inside and sighing in relief.

"Did he buy it?"

"Worked like a charm." he confirms, looking to Jimin, Seokjin and Taehyung, who are sitting amongst a pile of gift wrap, wrapped and unwrapped presents and tape. "I feel kinda bad about lying to him like that though..."

"It's not like you told him you had cancer." Jimin tries to reassure him. "A headache's not that bad. Besides, it makes sure he's out and you're here to help us."

"Remind me why we're throwing him a party again? He's 27."

"Joonie-hyung's never had a birthday party before." Taehyung reminds him. "We wanna change that."

Back in the living room...

Now dressed, and having eaten and gathered everything he needs for his day at the studio, Namjoon takes his mustard-yellow Converse from the top shelf of the shoe rack and brings them over to the couch, sitting down to put them on.

"I'll see you guys later, okay?" he smiles gently, pecking Yoongi on the lips.

"Alright, Joon. Just don't stay too late."

"I won't. Promise."

The taller picks up his bike helmet and leaves, the door shutting gently behind him, before the eldest rapper turns to Jungkook, who's standing by one of the living room windows, having been trying not to seem suspicious to the leader.

"It's go-time."

That evening...

"Guys, I'm home!" Namjoon calls out, opening the door and stepping inside. He kicks off his shoes and puts them back where they were that morning, then unclips his helmet and removes it, setting it down on the coffee table. Despite it being quite early, there's no sign of anyone in the dorm. Add the fact that it's his birthday and that they celebrate every one in an almost ritualistic manner, and it's even stranger.

"Guys?" he repeats, slightly concerned. There's always the possibility that someone broke in and kidnapped every single one of them, isn't there. But then again, there'd be signs of struggle, and everything's just as it was this morning.

That being said, there's an unusual smell hanging on the air. Sharp and dark, almost smoky, yet also soft and sweet, like... like cake.

The first person he finds, after a little searching, is Seokjin, leaning with his elbows on the kitchen counter and his head buried in his hands. As he gets closer, he becomes increasingly aware of the male's quiet sniffling, and he can see tears rolling off the edges of his palms and down his wrists.

"Hyungie, what's wrong?"

The elder doesn't speak at first, before instantly turning and wrapping his arms tightly around Namjoon's body and hiding his face in the taller's chest. "I-I'm sorry..."

"What for?"

"W-We tried throwing you a birthday party, b-but then we dropped th-the cake and burnt the food, th-the decorations ripped, a-and now e-everything's ruined!"

"Hey," Joon starts to run his fingers through the other's orchid-purple hair, and makes a gentle hushing sound to try and calm him down. "Don't say that. Nothing's ruined. Where are the others?"

"Hobi's in his room, a-and the rest are out. Th-They went to find m-more stuff, b-but they said everywhere's sold out. They should be back soon."

"Do you think you and Hobi could help me with something, hyung? It'll be quicker with three pairs of hands."

Nodding, Seokjin lets his tears be wiped away by his boyfriend's thumbs. "Anything."

Half an hour later...

Sighing heavily, Jungkook reaches into his pocket for his keys, then unlocks the front door. Jimin, Yoongi and Taehyung follow behind him, all in a similar state. All the effort that went into today - buying and hanging all the decorations, sourcing expensive food and a nice cake - has just been ruined, and it's all their fault. They distracted Seokjin while he was cooking, they were being rambunctious and idiotic around the cake, they were impatient and ripped all the decorations - Namjoon's birthday is ruined because of them.

However, when they enter the dorm, it's not in the state of utter disarray they left it in. No, it's... it's clean. The torn decorations have been taken down and turned into pompoms, having been cut into strips and held together by tape, all the burnt food is gone, there's no longer cake on the kitchen floor, and the whole house smells delicately of lavender and grape. Their eldest hyung and golden dancer are nowhere to be found, but they can tell that Namjoon's home, as not only are his shoes by the door, but his bike helmet's sitting on the coffee table.

And who should appear at that moment but the latter, arms folded loosely over his chest as he leans against the doorway to Seokjin's room. His lips are turned up into a smile, dimples on display.

"I know what happened," he says calmly, "and I don't want any of you feeling guilty about it. These things happen, and there's nothing we can do about them."

"We really wanted to throw a party for you, Joon." Yoongi looks desperate and defeated. "It wasn't supposed to end up like this."

"I know. But don't worry, because everything's fixed. Decorations are done, cake's sorted, and food should be here any minute."

The peach-haired makes his way over to the four, gently kissing each of them on the cheek, then opens his arms. The others don't need to be told what to do - they all surround him, hugging him tightly.

"I don't care that stuff went wrong today." he tells them. "All I wanted - and I told Jin-hyung and Hobi the same thing - was to spend the day with you. I don't need gifts or a birthday party or anything like that, all I need to be happy is you guys."

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