Yoonjin - Sun Goes Down

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Glancing at the clock, Yoongi lets out a sigh. Just a few more minutes until he's free, until he can go home. Then again, it's not much to be happy about - it's just him and his dad in a little bungalow - but it's better than school. At least, he thinks it is for now.

He pauses as the bell rings, sounding like applause to congratulate him after the hellish day he's had, then gets up to leave the classroom. Being one of the three out gay kids at school isn't easy, especially when the other two are a couple and are treated like they're absolute royalty, or like they're the first gay couple to exist.

Something out of the corner of his eye catches his attention as he turns to leave the building, and he turns towards it. It's the school bulletin board, plastered with posters just as it is on any normal day, but there's a new one right in the middle. Deep purple in colour, embellished with silver stars, it reads: 'PROM, TONIGHT @ 8PM'.

Yoongi's initial reaction is to scoff. It's an appropriated American tradition that celebrates sexism and peddles an unrealistic portrayal of romantic love, so why would he go?

Then again, it might be a good distraction from everything that's been going on. From school, his job, and being closeted, there's a lot on his mind, so it could be a good way to put all his worries aside.

Yeah. Maybe this couldn't go so bad. What's the worst that could happen?

That night...

Clutching at his hair, Yoongi bites back a sob. Just the thought of all those couples out there, having fun and dancing together while he's all by his lonesome, makes his stomach hurt and his heart pound like crazy. Why did he even come here?

All he wanted was a distraction from everything. To be able to have fun, just for one night, without a single worry or bad thought. One night, that's all he wants. But now he's sitting alone in the bathroom, curled up on the floor in one of the stalls like the pathetic wretch he is while he sobs his little heart out.

Once his tears have stopped, he shakily pushes himself to his feet and exits the stall, standing in front of the sink. He spends a moment examining his reflection - his pale, tear-lined cheeks, bright red nose, bloodshot eyes - before he starts to wash his face, using the freezing-cold water to try and hide the evidence of his breakdown.

A sudden rush of cold air enters the room, and a creaking noise fills his ears. Looking to his left, he sees the door swinging shut, and a reflection of himself in a well-shone pair of ebony-black shoes.

"Hey, something wrong?"

Eyes drifting up, he realises it's Seokjin – the kind-hearted, baby-faced boy from his PE and science classes, and the point guard on the school's basketball team. He's one of those people who everyone likes, yet he tends to stick with his own close group of friends.

God, he must look so pathetic. Yet, he can't stop. All his emotions suddenly rush back in, the tears begin again, and he feels a strong pair of arms wrap around him. A dark, woody scent fills his nostrils.

"Talk to me, Yoongi."

"I-I can't take it..." mumbles the shorter, his salty tears wetting the other male's shirt slightly. "All I wanted was a distraction, but I can't take it anymore..."

"Yoongi," Seokjin clicks his tongue gently and begins to rub his teammate's back. "Nobody deserves to suffer in silence."

"But I do!" Yoongi sobs, taking rapid, shallow breaths. "I'm one of three out gay guys at this damn school, and the other two are treated like they're fucking royalty while I'm just ignored by everyone!"


He pulls back slightly, meeting Jin's eyes. "Wh-What?"

"You're one of four out gay guys." the elder gives him a soft smile. "I'm gay too, Yoongi. You're not alone."

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