Taejoon - Dream Home

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"Joonie, can we go to bed? My first class is at 8 tomorrow, so I need to be up early."

Looking up from his laptop, Namjoon notices his boyfriend standing in the doorway. "Hm? Oh, yeah, in a minute."

He saves his work and shuts the device down, leaving it to charge, then gets up and takes the cushions off the couch so he can pull out the bed inside it. Being students, neither of them have much money to spare, so they're limited as to where they can live. Nothing's perfect - far from it, actually - but it's home.

Besides, their little studio apartment with the pull-out couch isn't all bad. It means they have room to dream and to fantasise about how they'd have their future home, what they'd change and what they'd keep the same. In fact, it's something they do every night; before they go to sleep, he and Taehyung share one thing each that they'd have in their dream home, and together, they've built their own little world.

Once the bed's folded out and he's put their pillows and thin duvet on it, he takes a seat on his side - the left side - while Taehyung sits on the right. The two of them strip down to their underwear and slip under the duvet, facing one another.

"Ready for our nightly tradition?"

"Always, baby." Joon smiles fondly as he rests on one folded arm. "You can go first."

"Alright, um..." Taehyung takes a moment to think, letting a smile form on his face as he comes up with something. "I'd have a dog. Preferably not too big, but I just like the idea of this little furry creature walking around the place. Getting to take it on trips, walk it, all that stuff just sounds really fun."

"It does." agrees the elder. "I have one. If we had a bigger place, I'd make sure the bathtub was a decent size. I just wanna be able to sit with you and relax after a long day - there's barely room for one person in the tub here, let alone two, and bathing together... it's kinda romantic."

"It's really romantic, hyungie." the ravenet finds himself blushing at his boyfriend, and he looks down with a stupidly-wide grin on his face. "God, I'd love to be able to do that..."

"Someday, baby, someday." Joon sighs gently, glancing at the clock. "Bedtime?"

Nodding, the shorter male lets out a yawn and lays his head on the pillow, his boyfriend doing the same as he shuffles closer to kiss him gently.


"What, baby?"

"We... We are gonna get a bigger place someday, right?"

"Of course, we are." another kiss. "I know it doesn't seem like it now, but we will. We'll graduate, get jobs, save up some money, and then we'll get a place. Somewhere nice in the suburbs, maybe."

"That sounds perfect, hyungie."

"I know." Namjoon kisses him a third time, then turns over and lets the younger's arms wrap around himself - one around his waist and one around his shoulders. He sighs happily. "Night, Tae."

"Night, Joonie."

Silence. Tae tucks his head into the blond's neck, enjoying his warmth, and shuts his eyes, but despite being tired just a moment ago, he suddenly can't get to sleep. Even after waiting a few minutes, and trying to count sheep, he's still struggling.



"I can't sleep. Can you talk to me some more about what our bigger place will be like?"

The taller lays a hand over his own. "I see us having a sun nook in the kitchen, just above the island, so we can enjoy the natural light while we eat. I see a vast backyard full of gorgeous green grass, with plenty of room for our kids and our dog to run around and play in. I see... a permanent bed in our own room, plenty of windows so we can wake up to the sunlight, and an ensuite bathroom."

He pauses, noticing how Taehyung's now leaving gentle kisses across his shoulders and how he occasionally nibbles at the skin.

"I see a walk-in closet, big enough for all our stuff and more..." he swallows a moan, "a bathroom with a tub that fits two people, a separate shower... A bedroom for each of our kids, plus a spare one for guests, and..."

Another pause. He's kissing him harder now, making little noises that he thinks Joon can't hear, and his grip on the male is subconsciously tightening. The blond leans back slightly, touching his lips to his boyfriend's temple.

"Tell me what else you see, Joonie." Tae mumbles, a slight hint of a smirk toying at his lips as he pulls back, their foreheads and noses coming to rest against one another.

"I see a big sectional in the living room, one where we can get the whole family on it at once, and I see..." Namjoon's eyes meet the younger's, which are hooded and lust-filled, "you fucking me right now, and us possibly breaking this bed as it happens."

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