Yoonkook - In Sickness and In Health

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- fluff

- sickness

Plot: Yoongi wakes up to find his husband isn't well, so he spends the day looking after him, despite how much Jungkook says he shouldn't be wasting his time.

Yoongi wakes up to a strange noise resonating throughout the apartment. At first he pays no mind to it, thinking it's just the clunking and spluttering of the air conditioner, but when it starts to get louder and more frequent, he begins to grow concerned.

"Jungkook?" he calls out for his husband, his tone laced with worry. The younger's shoes are still by the door, so he knows he hasn't gone out, and there's soon only one place left to check: the bathroom.

Sure enough, that's exactly where he is, clinging tightly to the toilet as he sits hunched over it. Yoongi watches him for a moment from the door, smiling sadly, before kneeling silently behind him and leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to his unclothed back.

"I'm here, Kookie." he whispers, making a soft hushing sound to try and calm the other male's sequence of panicked breathing and retching. "Just relax."

Having finished throwing up, Jungkook sits back and pants for air, a few tears managing to escape his eyes. The elder gives him a small smile and wipes his mouth with a tissue, hugging him from behind.

"I know, darling." he soothes. "It's not nice, is it? I know. But don't worry, because hyungie's gonna take really good care of you."

With help from his partner, the brown-haired manages to get off of the floor and wash his hands and face, the shorter's hands holding firmly onto his waist to keep his body steady and stop him from falling over.

"Come and lie down for a bit, babe." Yoongi encourages him. The younger says nothing, but gives a small nod and follows him to their room. The first thing he does is practically throw himself down onto the bed, and he clutches a pillow to his chest as he stares at the wall.

"Tonight was meant to be date night, and now I've ruined it." he mumbles.

"Stop it," scolds the ravenet, running his fingers through the taller's hair. "Yeah, you're sick, and it's unpleasant, but I promise you haven't ruined anything. We can reschedule date night, because your health comes first, okay?"


"Good boy," the elder smiles, kissing his husband on the top of the head and wrapping an arm around him. "Try to get some sleep, and hopefully you'll feel better later. I'll be right here when you wake up, and if I'm not, I won't be far away. All you have to do is yell."


A few hours later, Jungkook wakes up, dizzy and disoriented. His husband is seemingly sleeping next to him, breathing softly and slowly against his neck.

"Nice nap?"

"Mhm," hums the taller, sighing.

"Good," Yoongi sits up. "I'll go and get you something to drink, yeah?"

He gets up and leaves for about a minute, and comes back with a glass of water and a little yellow packet, both of which he puts on the nightstand. He tears open the packet and empties the white powder into the glass, then stirs it with the spoon he'd also brought in.

"This'll help you gain some of the nutrients back that you've lost," he explains. The brunet takes a few sips, grimaces at the taste, and takes a few more before setting it back down.

"You shouldn't have to do this," he says, pouting. "You've got work to do, but you're stuck looking after me."

The shorter kisses his temple. "Work can wait. In sickness and in health, remember? I'm just doing for you what you'd do for me."

It's silent for a minute or two.

"Look, I know the last thing you probably want to do is eat, but do you think you could try? For me, even if it's just a little bit?"

"Sure," Jungkook sighs.

The black-haired leaves the room again, returning with another spoon and a bowl half-filled with chicken broth. He then takes a seat on the side of the bed and smiles reassuringly, managing to feed his husband a few spoonfuls of the broth before he starts to refuse it, so puts it by his drink.

"Thank you for trying," Yoongi praises, ruffling the boy's hair and kissing the side of his face a few times. "You didn't eat much of it, but it's a start, and I'm not going to pressure you."

"Mmph," groans the other, closing his eyes.

"What's hurting, prince?"

"My head,"

"Alright, baby, I'll get you some paracetamol."

"Mm, thank you."

By the end of the day, thanks to plenty of water and rest, Jungkook's starting to feel better. He's fast asleep pretty much as soon as it starts to get dark, with his husband right beside him in case he needs anything during the night. If it weren't for Yoongi, he'd probably still be on the bathroom floor, hunched over the toilet as his stomach continued to empty itself until there was nothing left.

Thank God for Min Yoongi.

A/N: i think i'm just gonna include sickfics in this book cause i cba to put them in a separate one, so u can request either sickfics or one shots. i have some outstanding requests for sickfics somewhere so if i can find them i'll write them and put them in this book

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