Taekook - Sleepy Sex

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- fluffy smut (not immensely detailed)

- top Tae

- bottom Kook

Plot: It's a sunny Sunday morning, but all Taehyung and his husband want to do is stay in bed and have some time to themselves.


Sunday morning, and rays of golden sunlight stream into the apartment through the gaps in the blinds. Taehyung and Jungkook are both wide awake, but are simply staying in bed for as long as they can. Since it's the weekend, they don't have to do anything, so here they are, nestled beneath the cream-coloured sheets, sharing gentle kisses and touches as they make the most of their free time.

But within a few minutes, the younger's starting to get a little frisky, lingering with his kisses and leaving slightly more suggestive touches on his husband's body, such as using a thumb to trace circles on his inner thigh, which he knows is a particularly sensitive spot. Their eyes meet, and he moves so he's straddling the red-haired's waist, letting himself become enveloped in a slow, passionate kiss. It continues until they need to breathe, but even then, they barely pull away.

Soft, milky-white hands meet the tender touch of larger, honey-coloured ones as they move in perfect sync with one another. Taehyung flips the two of them over so he's on top and begins to leave a trail of kisses down his lover's body, taking time to cherish and appreciate every part of him. There's no rush, no fight for control, just both of them blanketed in love and adoration for one another.

The brunet can't help but smile as their lips reunite, his mind hazy with the ever-so-familiar sense of serenity he gets when he and his husband are together. The same one he felt when they first said 'I love you' to one another. The same one he felt when they first kissed. The same one he felt on their wedding day.

Over the next two or three hours, with bodies pressed together and sweat forming a thin sheen on their skin, that serenity is accompanied by fulfilment. He feels it with each and every whimper and gasp that slips past his lips. He feels it each time the elder's hips thrust gently against him, and each time Tae cups his chin to bring him into another loving kiss. He feels it as goosebumps peak against his skin, caused by the taller's whispering of soft praises against the shell of his ear. And he stills feels it when they're done, and are resting comfortably with fingers intertwined.

Rolling strands of his lover's hair between his fingers, the red-haired gives a small smile and kisses the top of his head. "Are you tired, babe?"

"Mm," the younger closes his eyes, burying his nose in Taehyung's chest and letting himself be wrapped in a blanket of lavender and chamomile. "Gonna just go to sleep for a little while..."

"Sleep well, angel."

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