Yoonjin - Cheat (part 2)

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Yoongi's POV

Bzzz-bzzz. Bzzz-bzzz. Bzzz-bzzz.

"Stop calling me." I mumble, hand trembling as I hold my phone up to my ear.

"Yoongi-hyung, it's me."

"Oh, Taehyung, great." I deadpan, rolling my eyes. "What do you want?"

"Jin's a mess without you. He won't eat, he won't leave his room, and all he does is sleep. Please, just-"

"Don't." I cut off his sentence with a sigh. "I'm not in the mood to talk to him. I just need time for myself."

"Then can I talk to you? There's just a couple things I wanna clear up."

"Leave me alone, Tae. I'll talk to Seokjin when I'm good and ready, and I'll talk to you when I'm good and ready."

I hang up without letting him speak, and throw my phone to the other side of my bed, then curl up and bury my face in his pillow, inhaling his scent. God, I miss him so much, but I'm scared of what he'll say if I try to talk to him. I'll give him some space for a while, so until then I'll just have to surround myself in his things to try and make me feel better.

"How are you doing, hyung?"

I glance over, seeing Hoseok standing in the doorway. "Go away."

"No," he walks over and takes a seat beside me. "You need someone, and as your best friend, I should be that someone."

Not willing to protest any longer, I let myself fall apart right in front of him, tears flowing steadily from my eyes as he pulls me into a hug. "I-It hurts, Hobi."

"Shh, I know it does. But you'll be okay, you just need some time apart."

5 hours later...

Seokjin's POV

Turning the key in the lock, I sigh and rest my head against the door for a second, then push it open. It's quiet. Too quiet. Suddenly, a door shuts, and I see Hoseok standing in the doorway to mine and Yoongi's room.

"Oh, it's you." he seems surprised to see me. "Hyung's asleep, so just... yeah."

"I was gonna sleep on the couch anyway," I mumble. It wasn't entirely a lie; I'd planned on waiting until Yoongi was asleep and then crawling into bed beside him, where he could do nothing but let me cuddle him.

"Alright, well I'm gonna go. It's kinda late, and I don't want Namjoon getting worried."

He gives me a brief smile and heads for the door, leaving me alone afterwards. I turn off the living room light and approach the door to our bedroom, pausing outside for a few minutes so I can listen to see if Yoongi's awake. Judging by the fact that I can't hear any crying, I guess he isn't.

I gently push open the door and slip inside, then make my way over to the bed. God, he looks so peaceful when he's sleeping, and is that my pillow? Well I can't say I blame him. He gets so attached to the people in his life, it must be hard to not be able to talk to one of the main ones. I'm such a fucking dick. Why didn't I just tell him? Well I know why I didn't, I couldn't, but there's no way he'll say yes if I ask him now.

Taking a seat on the bed, I walk two of my fingers over the back of Yoongi's hand and lie down beside him, getting so close that I can feel his slow breaths on the back of my neck. I hesitate for a few moments, before pulling his arm tightly around my body. Eventually, I manage to drift off, yet the night is filled with uneasy dreams and repeated awakenings.

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