Yoongi x Reader - It's a... Huh?

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Requested by @DawnMorningGlory

Sequel to the previous chapter


- Yoongi x Female Reader

- fluff

Plot: After nine long months of waiting, Y/N and Yoongi had their baby. Only, since Yoongi seemed to want a son, and they were given a daughter, his wife is slightly concerned. But he doesn't want to let that keep him from being a good father, so wants to put their fears to rest.



The male blinks at the sound of his name, shaking his head ever so slightly. "Hm? Sorry, I zoned out for a second there."

"Can you take Nari for a couple minutes? I need to call my parents, to sort out how it's all gonna work when they come and stay with us next month."

"Yeah, of course." Yoongi nods, leaning forward. He carefully takes the two-month-old in his arms and holds her to his chest, keeping his hand against her back to hold her there. "Go, I'll keep an eye on her."

Y/N smiles and leaves the room, shutting herself in the bedroom. Though, as she does, she can't help but sigh. Since their daughter was born, Yoongi had changed. He was more withdrawn, not as willing to share his problems and insecurities as he was before, and he'd speak with fewer words. Was he disappointed? When he found out Y/N was pregnant, he seemed to adore the idea of having a son, and the scans seemed to show they were having a boy, but apparently the scans were wrong, as they had a girl instead.

And the thing is, Yoongi isn't one to complain. If he doesn't get exactly what he wants, he won't make a fuss about it, he'll just get on with his life. And it's pretty noticeable that he's been bummed out lately.

Y/N makes the phone call. Her parents had booked time off work to spend with their daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter, and hotels were expensive, so she and Yoongi offered to have them stay for a few weeks. Now all they need to do is decide when exactly they're visiting, and how they plan on getting down to Seoul.

Once she's done, she decides it's time to talk to Yoongi about how he's feeling, because the key to a healthy relationship is communication.

"Yoongi, we need to talk."

The shorter looks at her, puzzled, yet also slightly anxious. "Is this... It's nothing bad, right?"

"No, nothing bad. Just... its's about Nari." she takes a seat beside her husband, who's still hugging their tiny daughter to his chest. "You seemed so excited to have a son, but now it's like you're disappointed."

Yoongi gives a sigh. "I'll admit, I was excited to have a little boy, but I'm not disappointed that we had a girl instead. I just... I guess I had this pre-conceived idea of what it meant to be a father, that I'd be able to do so many things with my little boy, like take him to basketball games and teach him to play, but that a little girl would be better off doing things with her mother."

It's silent for a few minutes, and he re-adjusts his grip on the baby. "But then I thought about it, and I realised I was just applying the norms of when I was a kid. Boys played sports with their fathers, and girls did things like crafts and music with their mothers. But since I did music, I thought, what's the harm in teaching things like basketball to my little girl?"

"Are you sure you're okay with it though? It's just that, especially over the past 3 or 4 weeks, it's like you sometimes haven't been here, even when you've been in the room."

Yoongi nods, giving a small smile. "While I was really looking forward to having a son, I'm not going to let personal preference get in the way of me being a good dad."

"You're sweet," Y/N compliments. "I know you're gonna be a good father. A really good one."

"My little girl deserves the world, and that's just what she'll get."

A/N: This one was fun to write; I like chapters where the characters talk about really loving their kids, even if things haven't gone quite to plan. Also, Nari is a feminine Korean name meaning 'lily flower' - I picked it since I think it's a really pretty name.

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